
Psycho babble BS?

Not being allergic to cats. I like them for what they are, magnificent feline predators. They are also fine companion animals as pets. They enjoy it, and lots people enjoy having them. Aside from the paltry problems of unhealthy domiciles for the weird little old ladies hording them, the massive ecological gorilla with cat colonies lies within the false narratives used to justify their existence at all and communities enactment of cat protection community policies penalizing people who choose not to harbor nuisance animals or subsidize them on their private property by kitty do-gooders. Many communities now refuse to accept feral cats without exorbitant charges to spay and neuter the animals that act to restrict community access to humane community animal management. Facts ignored that predation from all subsidized cats can and do act to threaten vulnerable and endangered species because of high unnatural predator densities and spread of communicable diseases thru unvaccinated populations. It can be managed but it's not. Like everything these days, management has been highjacked by deceivers leading the deceived.​

Cats kill a few birds here and there, sure, but what they also do is create a stronger breed of bird because the birds that survive are the birds that breed. Windmills kill quite a few birds each year as well.

We harbor feral cats. We feed them, take them to the vet when they are sick, and above all, have them spayed and neutered.

If you want to fight about cats, then bring it on! I choose Warriorcat to fight my battle. Who you got?
I was reading your post yesterday Sir. Was it a coincidence that I also read about two helicopters nearly crash landing and a jet having to do a barrel-roll within the same vicinity. It was stated some sort of fireball/ wall of fire shot up from a neighborhood thousands of feet into the air. Not usually associated with paranormal fire incidents such as was reported. I hear they are still searching the area.

Just curious...
I don't think I had anything to do with that, but you never know.

Did I mention that about a month ago I noticed what appeared to be a guitar case along my back fence row? I never go to that area and didn't give it much thought beyond, meh. My wife wanted me to go see what was in it. I told her to go on out there and look if she was that concerned about it. Anyway, when I got out there to check it out, it was a compound bow with about 8 arrows with broadheads in it.

To me the story is someone stole this and was being chased with it. They took the opportunity to throw it over my fence. I'm gonna ask the sheriff tomorrow if anyone turned it in as missing.

I did not shoot down a jet with the aforementioned bow and arrow.
White privilege did me fine this weekend. Living my middle class life in my middle class home while I cooked my middle class food and enjoyed my middle class libations. Yessir! It feels good to be average. I didn't work particularly hard to get here, but I worked steady. Common word is "worked".

If you are some piece of shit do nothing who lives off the labor of others, then you have no innate right to vote. In my opinion. STFU and take what we give you to stay out of our hair and out of our way.

They aren't smart enough to not shit where they eat, but we're supposed to take their word that breonna taylor was not a drug dealer first and foremost? We're supposed to ignore that george floyd had a lethal dose of fentanyl in his system at the time of his death?

Let these idiots have their way and we'll be Venezuela within 15 years.
Naw, I believe in God.
Me too but not so convinced about the Alexithymialy thing so I'm gonna stroll into this room of excuses for confusion lightly cause I know lots of people messed up. If they're family, I tell them D things to help. I do have a hard time with relating to idiocy and I thought my heart was just too dang small, but if this personality trait dysfunction excuses that. I likely need devine help more than I thought with the messaging?
Me too but not so convinced about the Alexithymialy thing so I'm gonna stroll into this room of excuses for confusion lightly cause I know lots of people messed up. If they're family, I tell them D things to help. I do have a hard time with relating to idiocy and I thought my heart was just too dang small, but if this personality trait dysfunction excuses that. I likely need devine help more than I thought with the messaging?
So you're saying that you hate me and you think that my mind is screwed? Well that's just swell.
Good morning and happy Derby Day! For some reason it just doesn't feel the same. We placed some bets but really haven't followed the path this year. I've been to 8 Derbys. 6 in the infield, 1 in the grandstands and 1 in the Club House. It was fun when I was a younger man but I seriously doubt I'd ever go back. We try to avoid large crowds these days.
When we first got married the Director worked at the track Derby week........she would make some serious cash.....the last year she worked the Derby some bastard on millionair row walked out on a 2K+ tab.......she had to cover it.....she never went back......she ended up making about $50 bucks for 4 long days........
Me too but not so convinced about the Alexithymialy thing so I'm gonna stroll into this room of excuses for confusion lightly cause I know lots of people messed up. If they're family, I tell them D things to help. I do have a hard time with relating to idiocy and I thought my heart was just too dang small, but if this personality trait dysfunction excuses that. I likely need devine help more than I thought with the messaging?

Dang dude, (I was playing off the color thing with the squirrels.) I was slighting BLM and their ilk. An excuse for every reason (The reason is the lie but the excuse makes it all good.) BLM, Antifa, yadda yadda yadda, hate this, hate that and blame it on whitey or any reasonable facsimile thereof..(It's a lie). Global warming then Climate Change, pick a fool's subject. (It's a lie.) Steal, kill, and murder and do it for a cause and all is good, the heck with who it hurts. (That's a lie) I kind of made up a word by adding the "ly"
(Alexithymia is a broad term to describe problems with feeling emotions.) to the end and was just jerking chains... So sick of those who'd excuse away being a sorry human being. I really thought I was being obvious... I guess not.

No way you could do what they do unless they are all void of human emotion. They are animals and rabid animal's at that. Natural born Cull's.

I did all that off one beer earlier today. Dang...(again)

Edit; This world is the Devil's.
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Dang dude, (I was playing off the color thing with the squirrels.) I was slighting BLM and their ilk. An excuse for every reason (The reason is the lie but the excuse makes it all good.) BLM, Antifa, yadda yadda yadda, hate this, hate that and blame it on whitey or any reasonable facsimile thereof..(It's a lie). Global warming then Climate Change, pick a fool's subject. (It's a lie.) Steal, kill, and murder and do it for a cause and all is good, the heck with who it hurts. (That's a lie) I kind of made up a word by adding the "ly"
(Alexithymia is a broad term to describe problems with feeling emotions.) to the end and was just jerking chains... So sick of those who'd excuse away being a sorry human being. I really thought I was being obvious... I guess not.

I did all that off one beer earlier today. Dang...(again)
He wasn't shitting on you.
If I was an animal, I would want to be a hawk.

Nice choice for a spirit animal, but cats are still vermin.
If you want to fight about cats, then bring it on! I choose Warriorcat to fight my battle. Who you got?
OK, Henery you're lucky, my talons were

just sharpened by Heimerdinger, and registered as lethal weapons. For champion of the avian nation. I'll go with awf. He's not confused about the savagery. Maybe Swanee, he's plenty capable as well. Living in the alley of gators, he fears no glorified lizards and will eat their gizzards just because they taste good. Besides you'll will up a tree soon enough be on your own when warrior realizes that subsidized predators are just clumsy invasive pussies up a tree hanging on waiting another handout. He knows he was played by that adorable tailless owl eating kitten that let him feed it as a condition of surrender as it played the cuteness card with household females. Warrior a wolf spirit succumbed, now plays second fiddle to a worthless feline is telling about the vulnerability of both ape and wolf to the corrupt nature of kitty subversion.

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I don't think I had anything to do with that, but you never know.

Did I mention that about a month ago I noticed what appeared to be a guitar case along my back fence row? I never go to that area and didn't give it much thought beyond, meh. My wife wanted me to go see what was in it. I told her to go on out there and look if she was that concerned about it. Anyway, when I got out there to check it out, it was a compound bow with about 8 arrows with broadheads in it.

Now that's the good fortune I want to have this week. I am currently needing a new crossbow
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I really thought I was being obvious... I guess not.
I agree and feel much the same about this societal lunacy. Alexithymia a new term for me. Not being afraid of new, but my Greek may be wanting but it didn't take the geek in me long to determine that it was likely psycho babble bs. Still, I should strive to relate to the confusion people feel, the needs they have and not so quick to judge the insanity of those sane enough to search for truth. Your take was fine and appreciated. I might have been a bit slow. I'm still not used to the inside outside upside down paradigm.

Nice choice for a spirit animal, but cats are still vermin.

OK, Henery you're lucky, my talons were

just sharpened by Heimerdinger, and registered as lethal weapons. For champion of the avian nation. I'll go with awf. He's not confused about the savagery. Maybe Swanee, he's plenty capable as well. Living in the alley of gators, he fears no glorified lizards and will eat their gizzards just because they taste good. Besides you'll will up a tree soon enough be on your own when warrior realizes that subsidized predators are just clumsy invasive pussies up a tree hanging on waiting another handout. He knows he was played by that adorable tailless owl eating kitten that let him feed it as a condition of surrender as it played the cuteness card with household females. Warrior a wolf spirit succumbed, now plays second fiddle to a worthless feline is telling about the vulnerability of both ape and wolf to the corrupt nature of kitty subversion.

Did a kitty touch you inappropriately?
Good morning from ATX. Currently 72°F, partly cloudy and humid. Today's high could hit 92°F. Front coming in tomorrow morning.

Could not mow yesterday because grass still wet. I'll try late this afternoon or early evening.

Prop B regarding homeless camping restrictions in Austin passed. I doubt we see any immediate changes, but at least it is a start.

Monday, Monday....

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


Nice choice for a spirit animal, but cats are still vermin.

OK, Henery you're lucky, my talons were

just sharpened by Heimerdinger, and registered as lethal weapons. For champion of the avian nation. I'll go with awf. He's not confused about the savagery. Maybe Swanee, he's plenty capable as well. Living in the alley of gators, he fears no glorified lizards and will eat their gizzards just because they taste good. Besides you'll will up a tree soon enough be on your own when warrior realizes that subsidized predators are just clumsy invasive pussies up a tree hanging on waiting another handout. He knows he was played by that adorable tailless owl eating kitten that let him feed it as a condition of surrender as it played the cuteness card with household females. Warrior a wolf spirit succumbed, now plays second fiddle to a worthless feline is telling about the vulnerability of both ape and wolf to the corrupt nature of kitty subversion.


An official man-crush. While I have been known to take things down a rabbit hole in very obscure ways and relish in it, I have come to realize I can still search for the ways of a glorified "obtusian" (I made up another word.) aficionado. I have much to learn but that's okay, I still have nothing to do with a gizzard. Heck, at this point, who knows if a lizard gizzard will become palatable at some point in the future.

Oh, Have a great day but keep in mind, never forgetting; Man will fail you. God never will. God's ways are not Man's ways, for that, I am thankful.

Heck, I am going to point to a Garth Brooks song. Contemplate this situation, comparing it to life... God Bless you all... God loves you!

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White privilege did me fine this weekend. Living my middle class life in my middle class home while I cooked my middle class food and enjoyed my middle class libations. Yessir! It feels good to be average. I didn't work particularly hard to get here, but I worked steady. Common word is "worked".

If you are some piece of shit do nothing who lives off the labor of others, then you have no innate right to vote. In my opinion. STFU and take what we give you to stay out of our hair and out of our way.

They aren't smart enough to not shit where they eat, but we're supposed to take their word that breonna taylor was not a drug dealer first and foremost? We're supposed to ignore that george floyd had a lethal dose of fentanyl in his system at the time of his death?

Let these idiots have their way and we'll be Venezuela within 15 years.

Hear, hear!
Cleaned out the egg today after letting it run free yesterday. Nothing but white ash in the bottom that was easily vacuumed out. Plate setter is white again just like new. That might be my favorite part of owning an egg. Take it up to 1000° every now and then and return it to basically new condition.

I'll throw about 16 pounds of butt in there before long and freeze another batch. Just like the sausage I make, I put 20oz in a bag and freeze it. The pulled pork I had the last 2 days tasted like it just came off the cook.

Wife wants another brisket first so that will be next up. I'm going to freeze a bunch of that as well.

I've almost got a load of cherry wood cut up to make charcoal out of. I buy it on sale anytime I see it, but it's a fun little project to make my own. People have been making charcoal for thousands of years. Some traditions should be honored.

If I was an animal, I would want to be a hawk. Eagle would be OK too, but I'm not going to show off for you.
Yeah, I have always liked hawks and their predatory skills. Could help out with that feral cat problem in the afore mentioned post above. Heh, heh, heh, sorry folks who love cats, that was a joke. I have 3 of my own. One if I let him out would be dead in minutes. He has no fear of anything and would just go up to anything or anyone.
I certainly agree.

Squirrel colors. Squirrel color are result of genetic triggers that activate melanin production spread across multiple genomes of it's DNA creating a condition of continuous variation. This characteristic allows life to adapt rapid to environmental changes of plant successions to natural selection mechanisms adjusting to ever changing environmental conditions. These colors are the result of color adaptations to habitat and literally skin deep genetic adaption mechanisms. These are ecotypes. This is apparent through out the animal kingdom with agouti banding controlling the grizzled camouflage among the most common for blending into the ecotones of plant community succession. These biotic color terms are leucism, erythrism, melanism. referring to the basic shading of nature. This occurs can occur very rapidly in the fire climax biotic communities. The black phase squirrels are an evolutionary adaptation to the darker forest (Older habitats) utilizing a combination of wider bands adaptations of the agouti hair and semi-dominant nature of the black genome spread across the multiple genomes permit the continuous variation characteristic that allows range of colors.

Below is an simplied explanation with this being spread across more genomes.
aa aa aa for black
AA AA AA for white
Aa Aa Aa shades of gray
AA Aa aa shades of gray
These color pairing mechanisms are common in genes across the animal kingdom, fish, reptile/birds and mammals.




That’s what i thought.
White privilege did me fine this weekend. Living my middle class life in my middle class home while I cooked my middle class food and enjoyed my middle class libations. Yessir! It feels good to be average. I didn't work particularly hard to get here, but I worked steady. Common word is "worked".

If you are some piece of shit do nothing who lives off the labor of others, then you have no innate right to vote. In my opinion. STFU and take what we give you to stay out of our hair and out of our way.

They aren't smart enough to not shit where they eat, but we're supposed to take their word that breonna taylor was not a drug dealer first and foremost? We're supposed to ignore that george floyd had a lethal dose of fentanyl in his system at the time of his death?

Let these idiots have their way and we'll be Venezuela within 15 years.
I am there with you in that mind set. I am in the "If you don't work, you don't eat" crowd. Sure, there are some who actually can't work but these are not the ones I am talking about.

Me and my wife both were brought up very poor and have worked our way to middle middle class. Even with my retirement being less than what I was making we are still doing good (comparatively) which is why I am such a staunch advocate for less government (less taxes) and more of the people being in charge of our own destiny.
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Me too but not so convinced about the Alexithymialy thing so I'm gonna stroll into this room of excuses for confusion lightly cause I know lots of people messed up. If they're family, I tell them D things to help. I do have a hard time with relating to idiocy and I thought my heart was just too dang small, but if this personality trait dysfunction excuses that. I likely need devine help more than I thought with the messaging?
Good Monday morning

We are getting closer to warm weather. Currently it is 72° and winds are from the South SE at 6 mph with gusts to 15. By 3:00 PM it will hit 88° with full sun and humidity 55%. Our winds will pick up to a steady 15 MPH. The all important UV Index is 9 of 10. These are forecasts for the coast where I live but add a few degrees as you go inland.

So what is in store for today. Don will be celebrating his 58th with his lovely family, the cat will look for something to kill and live goes on. As I was reading the comments on wildlife, birds and cats I got to thinking. A day seldom goes by at my place without some creature killing another creature. The chameleon eats the bugs, the birds fly down and eat the chameleons and take fish out of the lake, the cat gets the bird and chameleons, and the cycle continues.

And since I live next to a wildlife preserve (actually swamps and marshes) creatures come out at night and eat everything. Plants, small animals and they would eat you and I if given the opportunity. So that little kitty would love to take a bite out of you in you were not so big. Lesson learned from all of this. Stay fat and live longer. Your chance of being murdered is less because it is hard to stuff a fat person in the trunk of a car and the housecat will pass you by and look for the lowly chameleon to gobble up.

Nice choice for a spirit animal, but cats are still vermin.

OK, Henery you're lucky, my talons were

just sharpened by Heimerdinger, and registered as lethal weapons. For champion of the avian nation. I'll go with awf. He's not confused about the savagery. Maybe Swanee, he's plenty capable as well. Living in the alley of gators, he fears no glorified lizards and will eat their gizzards just because they taste good. Besides you'll will up a tree soon enough be on your own when warrior realizes that subsidized predators are just clumsy invasive pussies up a tree hanging on waiting another handout. He knows he was played by that adorable tailless owl eating kitten that let him feed it as a condition of surrender as it played the cuteness card with household females. Warrior a wolf spirit succumbed, now plays second fiddle to a worthless feline is telling about the vulnerability of both ape and wolf to the corrupt nature of kitty subversion.

Odd in a funny or interesting kind of way that you would add the wolf spirit in there. Wolves are my favorite animal and many years ago I was neighbors with a Comanche tribal member who was also an artist of his community. One day upon my return from work he had painted a picture of a wolf warrior which he said was what he saw in me. He said I had that spirit. He gave the picture to me but somewhere in all of the moves I have made I have lost it. Wish I could find it because it was a beautiful picture. Guy was one of the nicest people you would meet too.
Good Monday morning

We are getting closer to warm weather. Currently it is 72° and winds are from the South SE at 6 mph with gusts to 15. By 3:00 PM it will hit 88° with full sun and humidity 55%. Our winds will pick up to a steady 15 MPH. The all important UV Index is 9 of 10. These are forecasts for the coast where I live but add a few degrees as you go inland.

So what is in store for today. Don will be celebrating his 58th with his lovely family, the cat will look for something to kill and live goes on. As I was reading the comments on wildlife, birds and cats I got to thinking. A day seldom goes by at my place without some creature killing another creature. The chameleon eats the bugs, the birds fly down and eat the chameleons and take fish out of the lake, the cat gets the bird and chameleons, and the cycle continues.

And since I live next to a wildlife preserve (actually swamps and marshes) creatures come out at night and eat everything. Plants, small animals and they would eat you and I if given the opportunity. So that little kitty would love to take a bite out of you in you were not so big. Lesson learned from all of this. Stay fat and live longer. Your chance of being murdered is less because it is hard to stuff a fat person in the trunk of a car and the housecat will pass you by and look for the lowly chameleon to gobble up.
Yeah but if together I stay slim enough to be able to out run you, the predator will get you first.🏃‍♀️
Yeah but if together I stay slim enough to be able to out run you, the predator will get you first.🏃‍♀️
Back when I was more ambitious I rode a bike for excercise.....I always told my peddling buddy that I didn't worry about dogs chasing me......all I had to do was to be faster than him...........and I was........
Good morning D-League. Rainy and muggy in the east. Dreary day for a long walk.

Launched on another work week. At least I'm still avoiding that commute by subway into DC that added about 45 minutes to either end. I'm hoping to make it through at least part of the summer before that returns.

This should be the week the Cats start to get some clarity - confirmation on Orlando A. returning, a couple transfer guards locked in, maybe the second assistant. I still believe when the smoke clears someone who wants to be optimistic will have grounds for that.

I hope everyone has a good start to the week.
Good morning D, off and on sunshine today then bad tonight and tomorrow, we had .9" of rain here in the Berg!!

Not a lot going on, I retrieved two glass panels that I designed and put together for my twisted sister to put in her cabinet doors in the house she use to live in Friday, I told her I would put them in a frame for her. May or may not work on them today.

Just kind of in a rut, our preacher had another tragedy in their family Friday. Their D-I-L's second cousin was killed in a wreck Friday, one year old child. The real tragedy is that the crackhead mother was letting the children ride in the car without any restraints, was told that the one year old was standing in the front seat, mom and another child were hurt, another 5 year old was luckily at school. Please keep them in your prayers! Psalms 77:1

I hope the D has a great day and Prayers for the D!! Cordmaker
If you are some piece of shit do nothing who lives off the labor of others, then you have no innate right to vote. In my opinion. STFU and take what we give you to stay out of our hair and out of our way.
Exactly. Why should someone not working have a say in things they're not helping fund. If you want a say in things, then get a job!
Good Monday to all. Rainy day in the Buckeye State. Those Kentuckians keep pushing the rain up our way. But I still don't think we've had as much the last 2-3 months as some of you guys in the Bluegrass.

Checked the Indy 500 website this morning. Thinking of maybe going over one day for practice. Haven't been for a number of years. Actually, in a way, like it better than the race. At a practice session you could wander around and basically go anywhere you want. Can stand right behind the fence of the pits if you want. One year, my brother and I went with another friend and talked to a number of drivers just hanging around the pits while the crew worked on their cars to get them back on the track at a higher speed. One year we talked for probably an hour to John Menard, owner of Menard's and father to Paul of Nascar.
But, as with most things, looks like the Covid crap has changed things. Looked like only certain areas are available for seating, etc. And masks on at all times. So I may just stay home...wearing a mask when it's hot...balderdash!

Exactly. Why should someone not working have a say in things they're not helping fund. If you want a say in things, then get a job!
Agree 100% plus I've always thought it would be a good idea (will never happen) that property/home owners only can vote in local elections (property tax, bond issues, etc), and perhaps a minimum IQ for all elections.
Good Monday to all. Rainy day in the Buckeye State. Those Kentuckians keep pushing the rain up our way. But I still don't think we've had as much the last 2-3 months as some of you guys in the Bluegrass.

Checked the Indy 500 website this morning. Thinking of maybe going over one day for practice. Haven't been for a number of years. Actually, in a way, like it better than the race. At a practice session you could wander around and basically go anywhere you want. Can stand right behind the fence of the pits if you want. One year, my brother and I went with another friend and talked to a number of drivers just hanging around the pits while the crew worked on their cars to get them back on the track at a higher speed. One year we talked for probably an hour to John Menard, owner of Menard's and father to Paul of Nascar.
But, as with most things, looks like the Covid crap has changed things. Looked like only certain areas are available for seating, etc. And masks on at all times. So I may just stay home...wearing a mask when it's hot...balderdash!

Agree 100% plus I've always thought it would be a good idea (will never happen) that property/home owners only can vote in local elections (property tax, bond issues, etc), and perhaps a minimum IQ for all elections.

Need to have an IQ test for those running for office.