
  • Good Morning, D-Leagueanites and Lurkers.
  • Chores done successfully.
  • No deer. Oh dear.
  • 58th Anniversary on May 3rd.
  • Our Great Grandson visited yesterday. Cute little fellow. 16 months old. Runs like Forest Gump. Looks like his Daddy looked when he was a similar age. Not speaking yet.
  • Scam phone call yesterday from the Social Security Office. F*** you!!!
  • Nothing else.
  • As you were.
  • Carry on.
  • Get well soon to the sickly.
Happy aniversary to you folks....
I know Adam Miller is announcing tomorrow and CJ Fredrick is announcing in the upcoming days. Frederick being a Kentucky native, is probably the most likely to commit. Sadly, neither is a true point guard though.
Yeah, really need guards period. 3-point shooters too. Need Mintz badly. Cal's running out of options. So far there's 3 returning players: Allen, Toppin and Ware. Add to that 2 transfers, 1 five-star and 1 four-star recruit. That's only a 7-player roster. Keion looks like he might return but..... Plenty of players out there still but no game changers unless TyTy picks the Cats.
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Good evening!

Had fun on the course today. Listened to a lot of good music, had many laughs with friends, survived the wind without a lost ball.

Came home and immediately lit the egg to get it ready for wings. I cooked them at 300° for awhile and then notched it up to 350° to finish them off. Wife wanted some with bbq sauce and some with nothing. I went for Sweet Baby Rays wing sauce on mine. They turned out great according to my wife.

Bet on 4 races today and never really came close to winning anything. Small bets, just something to pass the time until tomorrow when I'll lose much more.
Good Saturday Morning D League

Can you believe it is May. Four months of 2021 are in the history book. Our state legislature wrapped up their work and it was quite a success. Now MLB, NBA, NFL and big business is not happy but they can get use to it or just leave. We have some new rules now. Some highlights of the session

  • Big Tech: Taking aim at social media giants, the Legislature approved penalties if elected officials are banned from Twitter, Facebook or other platforms. The fines range from $100,000 to $250,000 per day for statewide candidates and up to $25,000 per day for other candidates.
  • “Anti-rioting” law: The Legislature imposed additional penalties on local governments who may think about violating the act. They will lose their state funds
  • Elections: It puts restricts on mail voting. Voters will have to request mail ballots every year It puts an end to “ballot harvesting” and of course ID's are required to vote. Florida has two MLB teams, 3 NFL teams and 2 NBA teams. Now what are you going to do Commissioners? Florida has 21 million residents and millions of visitors. Major league sports are insignificant so get with the program or shut up.
  • Vaccine passports: Lawmakers made vaccine passports illegal and banned them.

  • A couple of other things. It looks as if colleges athletes can start marketing their imagine in a month or so. In time for the football season.
  • Also if you are fully vaccinated you can throw away your mask. It is not required in public anymore.
All in all a good session for the people and a good start to the weekend.

Morning Legionnaires!

Going out here shortly to take on the much elusive bass this year. Someone a month or so ago posted a picture with bass wearing a covid mask and I am beginning to think that might be true.

For those going out, be careful out there. For those in pain, may God send you comfort and healing. For those just staying home for much needed rest, Enjoy.

Morning Legionnaires!

Going out here shortly to take on the much elusive bass this year. Someone a month or so ago posted a picture with bass wearing a covid mask and I am beginning to think that might be true.

For those going out, be careful out there. For those in pain, may God send you comfort and healing. For those just staying home for much needed rest, Enjoy.
I haven't even got the new tags on my boat......I am still waiting for my ring finger to heal.......the circulation hasn't returned real good yet.....anything below 55 degrees or so and it turns purple and then yellow/white......might know it.....the Director has decided to take up fishing.......had enough interest that she had her poles picked out before we went to Bass Pro............I actually like topwater better so......there's get that lunker....he's waiting for you.......
WC if you are ever in Louisville.......I'll take you to a quarry where you will get tired of catching 1-2 lb gets where you feel like you are not taking a fish off....just tossing him back in with the bait still in his mouth.....I am thinking of using an umbrella rig to see how many I can catch on one cast.... 🙄
.I am still waiting for my ring finger to heal.......the circulation hasn't returned real good yet.....anything below 55 degrees or so and it turns purple and then yellow/white.
Years ago when I lived outside Atlanta we were getting a freak cold spell...really cold. A neighbor/friend of ours wanted me to check the anti-freeze in their cars. Her husband was out of town (for Rooster...he worked on GE locomotives and pretty much traveled the country when needed). It was night...wind gloves...and I spilled some of the anti-freeze on one finger. For years, when it got cold, it would affect that finger. Don't know why...almost like maybe I had a small bit of frostbite.
the Director has decided to take up fishing.
Was informed yesterday the the Mrs' daughter and her two rug-rats will be coming in this Summer for about a month. Kids want to come, plus Mom and Dad are having some severe marital problems so I imagine coming here for a month is a type of haven for my step-daughter and Seattle is 100% locked down so they'll have a little freedom here. But....the kids are the worst I've ever been around. Maybe 7 and 9 now. Mom, like most young people these days (she's 41 or 42) believe in raising the kids the 'new and improved' way. I. E. no discipline. At all. So these kids do whatever they want. Backtalk constantly, etc. The boy (7 yr old) when he was about 2 or 3 told me to 'go to h*** when I told him what to do. Anyway, was also informed that I will be taking him fishing. Either a local river or a campground where we go quite often. Happy days.
Beautiful sunny morning here in the Buckeye State. But cold. Freeze/frost warning last night and still there till about 9a.m. But, think it's supposed to get up to about 70 so the old temp gauge will be moving fast.

So, a little more yard work in store.

Y'all have a great Saturday.
Years ago when I lived outside Atlanta we were getting a freak cold spell...really cold. A neighbor/friend of ours wanted me to check the anti-freeze in their cars. Her husband was out of town (for Rooster...he worked on GE locomotives and pretty much traveled the country when needed). It was night...wind gloves...and I spilled some of the anti-freeze on one finger. For years, when it got cold, it would affect that finger. Don't know why...almost like maybe I had a small bit of frostbite.

Was informed yesterday the the Mrs' daughter and her two rug-rats will be coming in this Summer for about a month. Kids want to come, plus Mom and Dad are having some severe marital problems so I imagine coming here for a month is a type of haven for my step-daughter and Seattle is 100% locked down so they'll have a little freedom here. But....the kids are the worst I've ever been around. Maybe 7 and 9 now. Mom, like most young people these days (she's 41 or 42) believe in raising the kids the 'new and improved' way. I. E. no discipline. At all. So these kids do whatever they want. Backtalk constantly, etc. The boy (7 yr old) when he was about 2 or 3 told me to 'go to h*** when I told him what to do. Anyway, was also informed that I will be taking him fishing. Either a local river or a campground where we go quite often. Happy days.
One of my two grand daughters turns 13 in a couple of days.........she loves fishing more than I do.....since she was five or six she will hunker down an watch her lines.....baits her own hooks.......and is learning to handle a bait-caster.......I bought her a nice Johnny Morris reel for her birthday.........

My grandchildren were raised on military daughter stays on them like a drill Sgt......she is a whole lot tougher on her kids than I was on her............and she accused me of being a tryant.......which is OK.......we spent more time being parents than back talk from that group........lot of sirs and mams.........the way I like it........two words that are not used enough today......IMHO
  • Good Morning, D-Leagueanites and Lurkers.
  • Chores done successfully.
  • No deer. Oh dear.
  • 58th Anniversary on May 3rd.
  • Our Great Grandson visited yesterday. Cute little fellow. 16 months old. Runs like Forest Gump. Looks like his Daddy looked when he was a similar age. Not speaking yet.
  • Scam phone call yesterday from the Social Security Office. F*** you!!!
  • Nothing else.
  • As you were.
  • Carry on.
  • Get well soon to the sickly.
Sorry I missed this. Happy 58th, Donfather. Wishing you many more.
Good morning d-League. Man, Derby Day snuck up on me. Back in my more social days every year someone would be hosting a Derby Party among my extended friends in the DC area. An excuse for women to wear hats that were a fascimile of those at the Derby, and for everyone to get sloshed on poorly made mint juleps and then bourbon on the rocks. I'd read up on the horses, refresh my memory about the history of the race and all the pageantry, and prepare to fill the role of token Kentuckian. A lot of it I could just make up for the yankees.

This year, I haven't a clue. I guess I'll go online and do some due diligence before the race.

I actually only went to the Derby once - 1973 when I was in high school and a bunch of us drove west to watch Secretariat. I invested in a $2 WIN ticket just to keep as a souvenir. I haven't been able to find it for years. I'd be curious how much profit the track took in that day with people just buying a ticket as a souvenir on the greatest horse ever and never cashing it.

UPDATE - I actually checked some online auctions like eBay. A set of uncashed WIN tickets on Secretariat for the Derby, Preakness and Belmont sold for $3,000. I saw someone trying to sell just a Derby ticket with the Churchill Downs program for that day framed for $1,500, but it didn't look like any bidders.
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Good morning!

Don has an anniversary on May 3rd and I have a dental appointment the same day! It's a small world I tell ya. Keep going Don, you'll get the hang of it.

Derby day on the back porch is a nice little tradition that got started after we got a back porch. I sat out there yesterday for the first time in a while and thought back on the construction process. Wind gusted to 40mph while I was there and the metal roof never made a sound. I used 2x6's for rafters and used hurricane hangers.

Lot's of build up for 2 minutes of action today. Much like some dates I've been on in my life. If you know what I mean. And I think that you do.

Stay safe, stay dry, stay in school, and green side up if you're laying sod.
Good morning and happy Derby Day! For some reason it just doesn't feel the same. We placed some bets but really haven't followed the path this year. I've been to 8 Derbys. 6 in the infield, 1 in the grandstands and 1 in the Club House. It was fun when I was a younger man but I seriously doubt I'd ever go back. We try to avoid large crowds these days.
Well, it's about time to bite the bullet and go mow the grass. The oak leaf fertilizer I've been using the last few years is working a bit too well. Alexa says it's 58° so this will be one of the rare times I will mow with a long sleeve shirt on.

I hate to say it but I don't give two shits about our basketball team right now. Hickman wasn't going to fix everything that's wrong. Barbee and Justus leaving isn't going to fix it either. Cal will not tolerate being an also-ran and will do what needs to be done to get back on top. Or he'll quit.

I've been trying to fill my truck up with gas when it gets to about a half tank. Cuts down on the sticker shock. Last week I let it get down to less than an 1/8th of a tank and prepared myself for a $70 hit. Got there and the dude told me to push the button for 93 octane. I asked if he was out of 89 and he said no, that tank was full but the pump was overheating on that tank. Got the primo stuff for the price of lowly 87! #oldmanchristmas
This year, I haven't a clue. I guess I'll go online and do some due diligence before the race.
While I was at UK and for probably 8-10 years later, I was up on the races. Knew the horses...records, etc.
Then lost interest. Don't know if it's me....being not a native Kentuckian....or just the general decline of horse racing. But, still watch it every year but know none of the participants other than a trainer or two.
It was fun when I was a younger man but I seriously doubt I'd ever go back. We try to avoid large crowds these days.
Same here. Went to a few where I sat up with the trainers, owners, etc. But wouldn't go now.
Same with the Indy 500. Been there...done that.
I hate to say it but I don't give two .shits about our basketball team right now. Hickman wasn't going to fix everything that's wrong. Barbee and Justus leaving isn't going to fix it either.
Ditto. Or is it still mega dittoes.
This week Johnny Crawford left us. 75 years old. Lots of us remember him from the Rifleman but I also remember him as a singer. He had a few hits this from 1962

Must have missed that. Knew he had been battling Alzheimer's the last few years. There's a YouTube channel called Word on Westerns where the guy interviews all the old time western actors (what's left). Had several videos of Johnny over the years and a couple with Johnny and his brother (was in Laramie). In later years Johnny I guess had a 'big band' and played at this guy's wedding.
While I was at UK and for probably 8-10 years later, I was up on the races. Knew the horses...records, etc.
Then lost interest. Don't know if it's me....being not a native Kentuckian....or just the general decline of horse racing. But, still watch it every year but know none of the participants other than a trainer or two.

Same here. Went to a few where I sat up with the trainers, owners, etc. But wouldn't go now.
Same with the Indy 500. Been there...done that.

Ditto. Or is it still mega dittoes.
I've been to 3 Indys. The last (and final) time I got the worst sunburn in my life.
This week Johnny Crawford left us. 75 years old. Lots of us remember him from the Rifleman but I also remember him as a singer. He had a few hits this from 1962

I always wondered what provoked Lucas McCain in that opening sequence...

He must have heard Mark playing that song on his newfangled Victrola..
Whew, I've walked 5 miles already today. Hiked 2.5 mi during usual morning jaunt. Returned home and realized there's a special election. Today is the last day to vote. Walked to the polling place, Walnut Creek Public Library, voted and returned home. No line.

One ordinance, Prop B, is a homeless camping ban. I voted FOR. ATX more now closely resembles a third-world country since the old camping ban was rescinded a few years back. Heh, in fact, I passed a couple folks sleeping on sidewalks and in parking lots walking to and from the polling location.
While I was at UK and for probably 8-10 years later, I was up on the races. Knew the horses...records, etc.
Then lost interest. Don't know if it's me....being not a native Kentuckian....or just the general decline of horse racing. But, still watch it every year but know none of the participants other than a trainer or two.

Same here. Went to a few where I sat up with the trainers, owners, etc. But wouldn't go now.
Same with the Indy 500. Been there...done that.

Ditto. Or is it still mega dittoes.
There are several things everyone should do at least once in their life. The Derby is one, Indy 500, Mardi Gras, etc.

The Derby is pretty much a regional thing now and the only people who follow it outside of Kentucky are Kentuckians who relocated or horse racing fanatics. Not many of them left.

I honestly forgot about it being today. I know it is the first Saturday in May but April ended so fast I thought it was a week or so away. I can't name a single horse in the race.
WC if you are ever in Louisville.......I'll take you to a quarry where you will get tired of catching 1-2 lb gets where you feel like you are not taking a fish off....just tossing him back in with the bait still in his mouth.....I am thinking of using an umbrella rig to see how many I can catch on one cast.... 🙄
Look forward to it. I will be headed that way sometime over this summer probably.
@warrior-cat know you do most of your fishing in the local ponds and small lakes...and @awf you do some boat fishing....and any others, be careful. Sad that when you do something you love that a freak accident can occur.
Ex-NFL champion and Texas Longhorn champion....
Just so I'm on record for the small chance that I win today here's our bets:

UK82- 20 bucks on Hot Rod Charlie to win
Spousal unit- 10 bucks on Midnight Bourbon to win and 10 bucks on Hidden Stash to win.

I'm kind of concerned about the reasoning behind my wife's picks.
@warrior-cat know you do most of your fishing in the local ponds and small lakes...and @awf you do some boat fishing....and any others, be careful. Sad that when you do something you love that a freak accident can occur.
Ex-NFL champion and Texas Longhorn champion....
The very first thing my wife told me was I'll buy you a boat.....but you have to have someone with you when you take it out....I have many orthopedic is tough and I evidently have some kind of pre disposed genetic situation that I had chronic arthritis starting at 42........I have inner ear problems so balance isn't one of my strong points..........with my orthopedic problems if I fell in the drink, I wouldn't be able to climb back into the boat without help.......... I have had my boat for three years and it has less than 30 hrs on it.......I don't feel like it is wise to be out one the water by yourself at most any age.......
Just so I'm on record for the small chance that I win today here's our bets:

UK82- 20 bucks on Hot Rod Charlie to win
Spousal unit- 10 bucks on Midnight Bourbon to win and 10 bucks on Hidden Stash to win.

I'm kind of concerned about the reasoning behind my wife's picks.
My wife also picked Hot Rod Charlie. Dang.

Baffert pulls off another.