All four of my wife's grandparents and my grandparents lost land to the creation of Mammoth Cave. Prior to prohibition my grandfather make bourbon whiskey (Kentucky distiller #62) when they removed prohibition he could not restart because Mammoth Cave National Park forced him to sell his spring and you can't make good whisky without good spring water. He died hating the federal government.
Most folks don't realize that they are still buying property to add to the National Park. It is insidious the way they are doing it. When I was a kid it was basically 2.8 miles from my old home to the National park boundary on KY highway 255. Now they have bought the land around 255 to within .8 miles from my old home.
Many of my folks are buried in Mammoth Cave National Park. My dad's first wife and my half brother are buried in Locust Grove Cemetery. I have folks buried all over Mammoth Cave. The National Park does not do a good job of keeping the cemeteries properly and they let the cemeteries be taken over by the forest and the trees damage the memorials. My dads first wife (I had to use chalk so you can read it):