

Linky for Cord
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I was just angry my Dad didn't have that type of belt you purchased. He'd have never used it like he did if he had.. He was almost as frugal as me. Of course he'd have found something else to whomp my behind but DARN I remember that belt!!!
Metal fly swatter, switch, belt, sht... the hand... didn't matter what, that whippin was gonna hurt
Good morning from ATX. Currently 71°F and cloudy. Expect a high of 81°F with good chance for rain around noon.

Back working today. I'll log in shortly and begin running checks. Short week for me as well. Also seeking first vaccine shot over the next few weeks.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 71°F and cloudy. Expect a high of 81°F with good chance for rain around noon.

Back working today. I'll log in shortly and begin running checks. Short week for me as well. Also seeking first vaccine shot over the next few weeks.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

No, I don't want it to moo when I stab it.
WOW thanks Mr. Rooster, that brings back some memories!!!!!! I saw silver engine, I also remember the line from CC to Paducah, I went to stay with my uncle one time and they let me HOP the caboose, I went up to the top and watched during the trip!!!! I know where that cut is in that picture. I know where the wooden bridge is that is is getting ready to cross!! Great pictures!!!! Thanks again!!!!
Thanks for the recommendation. I just went to their website and purchased one. The price was a little higher than when you bought yours, though. The narrowest belt was 1 1/4" and it was $95, but I got the first time purchaser discount of 10%, so roughly $85.50. The 1 1/2" was $100. Looks like a great belt though.
You are welcome and I think you will love it. You must have purchased a different one than the Xtreme Belt because it is still showing to be $69.99 before the discount. I purchased the brown one and now I think I will get a black one as well. My wife thought I was nuts paying that much for a belt but I told her those $25-30 Walmart belts that last 1 year not only will not hold up a conceal carry weapon but you spend way more in the long run.
You are welcome and I think you will love it. I purchased the brown one and now I think I will get a black one as well. My wife thought I was nuts paying that much for a belt but I told her those $25-30 Walmart belts that last 1 year not only will not hold up a conceal carry weapon but you spend way more in the long run.

Yeah and there is always the Dunlap disease. That is hard on any belt.

Oh, may all's day be a goodun. May God show favor to you and you families.
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Good morning from ATX. Currently 71°F and cloudy. Expect a high of 81°F with good chance for rain around noon.

Back working today. I'll log in shortly and begin running checks. Short week for me as well. Also seeking first vaccine shot over the next few weeks.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Oh boy, that is just the way I like it. Cut it and it bleeds. Nothing finer in Carolina
I was just angry my Dad didn't have that type of belt you purchased. He'd have never used it like he did if he had.. He was almost as frugal as me. Of course he'd have found something else to whomp my behind but DARN I remember that belt!!!

Metal fly swatter, switch, belt, sht... the hand... didn't matter what, that whippin was gonna hurt


Fist, foot.......what ever was available.........never was a whipping.........but........IT WAS gonna hurt......till you learn to block it out.........I have never ever struck another human..........I remember........
When I was just a little dude my Dad bought a Shopsmith for woodworking. One of the first things he made were a couple of paddles. Nice and thick, and wide, with holes drilled in them for that 'extra sting'.

Think I got it once (maybe twice), but I think it made it more for my older brother who got it often as I remember.
A late Good Morning to the D

I didn't realize it was already past 8 o'clock. Another fine day on the Gulf. We are currently 65°
with winds from the East at 4 mph. Our humidity is a comfortable 84%. We should top out at 85° wind will be from the East at 6 mph and humidity43%. Our highest UV Index will be 9 of 10. So kick off your shoes, take off your shirt and enjoy.

We are only about a month away from hurricane season. We have 5 different levels based on wind speed.

As much as I dislike cats....I'll go for CAT5....just blow them suckers away.
I am right there with you on Cats. I am allergic to them and my wife and daughter love them. The minute I get next to the darn cat my eyes start watering, I start sneezing and get light headed. It is pure torture. But I get NO sympathy from the girls. So I just leave and find some fresh air.
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Just checked my emails and here's a little tidbit.
Anybody have/shop an Ollie's in your area? Discount store like Big Lots. A number of years ago the Mrs signed up for their shopping card. Don't know what you get for it (no discounts, etc that I know of), but when we get mailings from them (coupons, etc) they've always had the name wrong. Strange first name. Starting about 4 months ago we started getting all kinds of junk emails that our McAfee doesn't catch. Emails on health insurance, car insurance and so forth. All with our email address but addressed to this name on her Ollie's card. Hence...Ollie's obviously sells their email list. Just in case anybody wants to get an Ollie's card. outdoor work to do. Get out the garden tractor and mow a few acres and pick up some more brush.

Y'all have a good, healthy, productive, and safe day.
When I was just a little dude my Dad bought a Shopsmith for woodworking. One of the first things he made were a couple of paddles. Nice and thick, and wide, with holes drilled in them for that 'extra sting'.

Think I got it once (maybe twice), but I think it made it more for my older brother who got it often as I remember.
My 8th grade Algebra teacher would try his paddles out on me........he had given me a couple of licks the year before in his math class for being a class ass.....I deserved it........what bothered him was I just bent over and took it.....I told him he needed to learn to swing a was a blow to his prowess of making you pay for being a jerk in ass was desenthicized.......never acted out in his class again.......I had him three years running for different classes......we even started playing music together sometimes after school....and I still talk to him today.......
As much as I dislike cats....I'll go for CAT5....just blow them suckers away.
I guess I am a walking contradiction........I have raised one kind of bird or another for 62+ years.......exotics, barnyard fowl and sporting pigeons from all over the world.......but I love cats.......I had an old cat when I was a kid who had her kittens in the pigeon loft........wouldn't touch a pigeon in the loft........but don't let one sit out all night.......I raised her on a bottle and kept her in a paste board box in one of my lofts until she was weaned and then she just stayed in the loft...
Good morning D, another beautiful day in the Berg, may hit the spot where all the neighborhood boys gathered to play baseball in the late 50's and early 60's.

It's kinda a running joke with Mrs. M about the money I find against what I paid for my detectors. So just a question that probably can't be answered, what would you think the value of the gold ring would be to you if it was your DAD'S ring be and someone found it and returned it to you? Just a thought, is there a price on sentimental value?

I hope the D, has a great day and Prayers for the D!!!!
Here's a little story, and a song...

Good morning D-League. I hope all is well.

Thanks for the reminder of early Jimmy Buffet Bertfan.

The day I got out of college in the spring of 1977 I made a bold move down to Ft. Lauderdale to be with a girl and try to find a job. We'd met at spring break the year before, and visited a couple times. She was from West Palm Beach, and already a big Jimmy Buffet fan. I don't think I'd ever heard of him at that time. But we started going to small clubs in Coconut Grove in Miami where he was playing. He must have hit nationally around that time, because within a year we were back to see him opening for the Eagles at the Orange Bowl.

Somewhere along the way to the whole "Margaritaville and Parrott Heads" schtick he lost me. But his early music -- A1A and Living and Dying in 3/4 Time albums especially -- can still remind me of being 21, with a hot girl and living away from home for the first time in a place that was exotic for a Kentucky boy.
I have 2 maple trees in my front yard that something is destroying. It started last fall with some of the bark coming off on 1 of the trees but this spring not only is the bark falling off but something is eating them up. I finally was able to see what seemed to be termites. I didn't think they would attack a live tree but I guess I am going to get a pest inspector to come check my house and treat everything just in case.
But we started going to small clubs in Coconut Grove in Miami where he was playing. He must have hit nationally around that time, because within a year we were back to see him opening for the Eagles at the Orange Bowl.
I lived in Coconut Grove in the mid 50's. This was before Fidel Castro and the Cuban invasion. It was a quiet little spot on Biscayne Bay and a paradise for a kid. I had an 8' pram we would take out in the bay and sail over to a small island with our shovel and packed lunch. We would dig all over the island hoping to find a pirate chest. No luck.

My address was 3039 Mary Street. In the mid 70's a close friend had moved to Miami and we visited. I asked him to go with me over to Coconut Grove to see the old home place. What a change. It was inhabited by Hare Krishna monks. We looked around until they came out and wanted to know what we were doing. I told them I once lived there and was looking for the old mango and avocado trees. Long gone but the live oaks were still there.

10 years later I went back and the place was gone and replaced by high rise condominiums. So from a peaceful village on the bay to an over populated urban monster it all changed. They call it progress.
I bet most of the work is done, I've been working with Bill Vincent. I'll do it for you starting with that guy below.
I know he's in there because I just added him and sourced your Find-a-Grave work. You're work won't be impacted just sourced and included. I mess around there all the time. I've over 2 dozen sourced veteran grandfathers of our war of independence.

Can you simply transfer stuff from Ancestry to WikiTree?
I believe so Linky
James Washington Elmore, my mom's dad. A good guy that died when I was young. That was his wedding picture and her is his wife's, Sarah Jane Cook's, wedding picture.

She was the lady that kept me from getting too much discipline. I could do little wrong, and she lived across the driveway from our house so when I saw trouble coming I would go see Ma Jane. Sarah Jane was a true sweetheart who would spoil any kid.
I have 2 maple trees in my front yard that something is destroying. It started last fall with some of the bark coming off on 1 of the trees but this spring not only is the bark falling off but something is eating them up. I finally was able to see what seemed to be termites. I didn't think they would attack a live tree but I guess I am going to get a pest inspector to come check my house and treat everything just in case.

I could but I won't, too much typing. A large part of any tree is "dead". could be many things besides termites.

The way I used to do it is if I told you, you had a problem, I would show you. If I can't show you, I won't tell you. (May keep that in mind... May not...)
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Good morning D, another beautiful day in the Berg, may hit the spot where all the neighborhood boys gathered to play baseball in the late 50's and early 60's.

It's kinda a running joke with Mrs. M about the money I find against what I paid for my detectors. So just a question that probably can't be answered, what would you think the value of the gold ring would be to you if it was your DAD'S ring be and someone found it and returned it to you? Just a thought, is there a price on sentimental value?

I hope the D, has a great day and Prayers for the D!!!!
Tough question. Just as "beauty is in the eyes of the beholder", sentimental value likely commands a unique price.