Good morning! 33° here today and that's ok because it's supposed to get up to a blistering 56° later.
Headed to the clubhouse soon to figure out scores. We've got someone who we believe is turning in bogus scores for the game. Last week she turned in a 70 that made us all raise an eyebrow. This week she has turned in a 67. I don't know what to do about it yet. I've got people in my ear but I can't just accuse her of cheating and throw out the score without any evidence, other than the fact that I know someone who can't drive, chip, and putt with any consistency does not shoot a 67.
Last year I was cruising ebay looking at golf equipment and came across a full set of Mizuno MP-14 irons. 1-Pw. I think they were a buck twenty. They were just the heads though and I was going to have them shafted. I already have the same set that I play with right now but mine are worn and tattered compared to these. Thinking about pulling the trigger on getting them game ready later on today.
Beautiful clubs with a sweet spot the size of a dime. I play just as good or better with these as I do with cavity backs.
Thank you for joining us for morning golf chat with Bertfan!