
Good afternoon!

Had me a busy day so far. 2 loads of laundry, washed dishes, mowed front and back, watched Cowboy Kent smoke a balonie.

I made a grilled ham a cheese sammich yesterday as a golf watching snack. I use mayo instead of butter for the grilling. Just a very thin layer all over each side of the bread. Grills up nice but doesn't taste like mayo when you eat it.

I smoked some spam one time, I think it was bbq flavored, and I didn't care for it at all. I've never smoked balonie.

Heard on the radio awhile ago that flu cases dropped last winter to 1822 from 38,000,000 the year before. Hmmmm....Must be like if you get some good hearty grass it will choke out the weeds in your yard. Corono done choked out the flu. Maybe next it will cure the common cold! Thanks China!

More dough in the China Virus versus the Flu but glad to see the Flu is subsiding...
Glad I don't live in Minneapolis. Another once good city....down the tubes.
Heard where Foot Locker gave $200 million to BLM (I guess) for combating racial injustice. Guess of the first stores burned down last night was.....wait for it....Foot Locker.

BUT, might have been two store's if not for that "donation".
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Love them both but have never thought to put them together - except with a burger/tomato/lettuce/ketchup too. Will have to try. Thanks.
Years ago, when stationed in Portugal working for NATO, I had some dear friends with the Royal Air Force. I seem to recall them calling them something like Cheese and Onion Pasties.

I just did a quick search, and everything that came up looks a good deal fancier than the sandwiches we would have.

Anyway, I like them. I hope you do as well.
Damn virus!

Much better than fellow when used all properlike.

On the driver's exam they should ask people if they know their left from their right, considering how many drive in the left lane.

That would work really well in combination with a right lane ≈ 10 miles/hr slower commercial vehicle speed limits maintaining that steady fluidity required for efficient transport effectively eliminating the do-gooder whose anointed themselves as keeper of the speed and over-bearing truckers. Now I'm thinking too much. Anyway, both act to create chaos.

Another peav is transportation infrastructure funding. The solution is simpler. A progressive vehicle weight tax for interstate commerce. Creates national standards at the same time. State system need not be a federal concern where major issues involve the ingenuity of man to utilize obstruction for corruption.
Much better than fellow when used all properlike.

That would work really well in combination with a right lane ≈ 10 miles/hr slower commercial vehicle speed limits maintaining that steady fluidity required for efficient transport effectively eliminating the do-gooder whose anointed themselves as keeper of the speed and over-bearing truckers. Now I'm thinking too much. Anyway, both act to create chaos.

Another peav is transportation infrastructure funding. The solution is simpler. A progressive vehicle weight tax for interstate commerce. Creates national standards at the same time. State system need not be a federal concern where major issues involve the ingenuity of man to utilize obstruction for corruption.
Railway transportation infrastructure is my bailiwick.

The Eastern Railroads get zero subsidies, no state, no local and no federal. Underline: zero subsidies. Plus the Federal government makes U.S. railroads operate AmTrac at losses.

Trucks destroy roadway, railroads destroy rails; however, they, trucks, do pay some pretty high fuel taxes to fund the roads. The only difference is that the local, state and federal taxes pay for road repair.

Railroads pay for the rails that they damage, no local, state or federal taxes pay for a damned thing on the railroads. On top of that local and state governments charge the railroads property tax on every damned mile of rail. At CSX the property taxes were massive. We had to stay in court all the time to make damned sure that we were paying double or triple other businesses.

Now let us discuss electric cars and how much they should pay for road damage.
Since we are talking about our baseball/softball exploits. I hit the ball as hard as anyone, but I loved to swing the bat to much. I didn't have the patience to wait for a good pitch to hit. Obviously, that was a problem. After I hurt my leg in a wreck, I couldn't get my whole body into a swing anymore, so I became to much of an arm hitter.

When I was a kid on up into my teens, I used to practice ground balls daily by throwing golf balls at a rock wall. Never had a ball come at me in a game as hard as those golf balls, so I learned not be afraid of the ball, soft hands, how to gauge hops, and a quick release. My folks got me started in school a year early and I was small for my age at the time which made me the smallest kid in class for most of my school life till I hit a late growing spurt. This caused a confidence problem, but I have never been lacking for confidence with my glove. The last year I played at 38, I was ashamed of my bat, but with a bum leg and bad shoulder on my throwing arm, a guy who coached college baseball for 20 years said I was the best third baseman he'd ever seen.
I was primarily a pitcher in high school from 8 - 12th grade. First 8th grader to play varsity. Had a good strong arm with good control and my last year before every game, whether or not I was pitching, the umpire would come to me personally and tell me if I hit anyone with the ball I was out of the game.

People would come to our games to see me hit batters and then pick them off at first. I had fans!

Usually the ones I hit were the ones who ran their mouths while they were in the on deck circle. I didn't say anything to the pitcher when I was there and I demanded the same respect.

What got me in trouble though was coaches noticing that I hit guys with the ball when I was playing 3rd, or short, or 2nd. I'd wait until they got close to the base and then hit them with the ball. Hard. Talk shit all you want, if I got a chance I was going to take it.

Forgot to mention that we rarely had a chance to win in my last 3 years so I had to get my fun fix in other ways.

Those were the days my friends.
I started playing high school baseball in the 8th grade too, I got to play because they needed a catcher, They asked if I could catch, I said yes, never had caught in game before, but I got 5 years of baseball in!!!!
When I got my letterman jacket those bastards took it away from me and had it changed because I had 5 stripes for baseball. They said I could only have 4. It was explained to me at the time that I could only have 4 years eligibility for varsity.
I was primarily a pitcher in high school from 8 - 12th grade. First 8th grader to play varsity. Had a good strong arm with good control and my last year before every game, whether or not I was pitching, the umpire would come to me personally and tell me if I hit anyone with the ball I was out of the game.

People would come to our games to see me hit batters and then pick them off at first. I had fans!

Usually the ones I hit were the ones who ran their mouths while they were in the on deck circle. I didn't say anything to the pitcher when I was there and I demanded the same respect.

What got me in trouble though was coaches noticing that I hit guys with the ball when I was playing 3rd, or short, or 2nd. I'd wait until they got close to the base and then hit them with the ball. Hard. Talk shit all you want, if I got a chance I was going to take it.

Forgot to mention that we rarely had a chance to win in my last 3 years so I had to get my fun fix in other ways.

Those were the days my friends.
You dirty low down good for nothing belly dragging inbred Cardinal fan. I was always fair, square and smiling.
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I never played much organized ball past the 6th grade until I joined the military. My step father would pick me and my brother up after school if close enough to go work drywall with him until dark (Self contractor) for pennies on the dollar (Child labor). If not close enough we still could not play because of the fact that he might be. When we moved to the 52 acre farm my sophomore year of high school, he had chores for us to do around the farm if he could not pick us up for work. Hated it. I was a pretty good infielder and a decent hitter. May have not gone pro but, I am sure I probably could have played college if allowed to play. Always hated that I did not get that chance. With Army teams unit level and post I have won many championships with teams I played on and made the all star team in the unit European championships (We won it) in 93. Have been on several teams here and have won about 11 State championships at various different levels. Love the game and it is reason I am still playing (at it) now. My wife ask when I am going to stop playing and told her when they stop calling me to come out or I hurt too much afterwards. Back hurt a little last night but, felt better this morning.
On the driver's exam they should ask people if they know their left from their right, considering how many drive in the left lane.

The Director started college at the age of 46......she went to two programs to get her Respiratory Degree........she shared top honors at one program and finished first in the other program......4.0+..........if you tell her to grab something on her left... or the right.......99/100 she will use the wrong hand........truthfully it is her only fault......I tell other left..........
Good morning from ATX. Currently 73°F and cloudy. Temps dipping to about 64°F until topping out around 77°F.

Rental car prices have increased dramatically due to chip shortage and so many folks taking vacations. What normally costs $431 now goes for $628. Heh, I may drive our truck or SUV back to KY this summer. Anyway, my current rental is scheduled for pick-up this coming Friday afternoon. Hope it's there.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning D League

I am working on my second cup of coffee as I wait for the sun to rise. It should be here about 7:00 AM. It is 56° with winds NNE at 1 mph Humidity is 97% and no rain in the forecast. The high will reach 83° and plenty of sunshine all day.

Sausage is frying in the kitchen and I will grab a bite to eat and do some light yard work today. Then I am going to do some Ebay stuff. Back in the day Oscar Combs printed a series of UK Basketball Cards and I have quite a collection of them. Little did I know there is a market for them. I sold one set of 15 for $50.00 and a set of 10 for #30.00.

As I am downsizing my collection of over 50 years I came across old magazines that Oscar Comb's published (BIG BLUE BASKETBALL) in the 80's and 90's. They were put out every month or so and are well done. Lots of details and stories of UK tradition and history. I do admit when I read some of the articles I got depressed. Today's UK teams is so far removed from those days it is not the same program. Fans built the Kentucky Tradition and you can see it in the writings of the publications. I doubt this ever returns. This is a different world. Here is a sample of the magazine. Do you remember them?


Morning Legionnaires!

Not much going on this morning. 53° this morning with a high of around 65°. Going to see some mid 30's at night starting around this weekend. Very unusual for this area but, I will take it. It usually gets warm quick around here. Normally two seasons, summer and winter. Had some dark chocolate confections come in last night from and will see how they taste as I test them today. Will follow them up with liquids from one of three of my favorite tumblers (pictured below).

Good morning! Not much to say other than I'm awake and I don't want to be.

Supposed to play golf today and tomorrow. Then I might play Thursday afternoon but probably not. Friday evening I'll play 9 or 27 holes. Saturday morning playing in a scramble at 0800 and then directly on to Smith's Grove.

Somewhere in the melee I'll have to mow the grass again.
Good morning! Not much to say other than I'm awake and I don't want to be.

Supposed to play golf today and tomorrow. Then I might play Thursday afternoon but probably not. Friday evening I'll play 9 or 27 holes. Saturday morning playing in a scramble at 0800 and then directly on to Smith's Grove.

Somewhere in the melee I'll have to mow the grass again.
Y that's amazing playing that much golf!!!
Good morning D League

I am working on my second cup of coffee as I wait for the sun to rise. It should be here about 7:00 AM. It is 56° with winds NNE at 1 mph Humidity is 97% and no rain in the forecast. The high will reach 83° and plenty of sunshine all day.

Sausage is frying in the kitchen and I will grab a bite to eat and do some light yard work today. Then I am going to do some Ebay stuff. Back in the day Oscar Combs printed a series of UK Basketball Cards and I have quite a collection of them. Little did I know there is a market for them. I sold one set of 15 for $50.00 and a set of 10 for #30.00.

As I am downsizing my collection of over 50 years I came across old magazines that Oscar Comb's published (BIG BLUE BASKETBALL) in the 80's and 90's. They were put out every month or so and are well done. Lots of details and stories of UK tradition and history. I do admit when I read some of the articles I got depressed. Today's UK teams is so far removed from those days it is not the same program. Fans built the Kentucky Tradition and you can see it in the writings of the publications. I doubt this ever returns. This is a different world. Here is a sample of the magazine. Do you remember them?

I remember those, I think I gave mime to my wife's nephew!!! I still have some Catspause in the attic!
Morning D, rainy day here, may do some stained glass since I can't go detecting. On our trip to Arkansas, I gave a MILITARY (USA) STAR to a retired VET and a THIN BLUE LINE BADGE to a DEPUTY that goes on our trip, so I have a THIN BLUE LINE HEART left, I am going to put it together for his MOM and DAD!!! My great respect for you guys!!!!!

Mrs. M is off the rest of the week, so I have to stay in line!!!!!

I hope the D has a great day and PRAYERS for the D!!!

Please keep our pastor's wife in your prayers today and the next few days also, she is have breast surgery this morning!!! Just please PRAY that the LORD will see her thru this and come out ok on the other side!!!!