
You dirty low down good for nothing belly dragging inbred Cardinal fan. I was always fair, square and smiling.
I wouldn't have had to hit you very much, you seem like a quick learner.
On the driver's exam they should ask people if they know their left from their right, considering how many drive in the left lane.

The Director started college at the age of 46......she went to two programs to get her Respiratory Degree........she shared top honors at one program and finished first in the other program......4.0+..........if you tell her to grab something on her left... or the right.......99/100 she will use the wrong hand........truthfully it is her only fault......I tell other left..........
Good morning from ATX. Currently 73°F and cloudy. Temps dipping to about 64°F until topping out around 77°F.

Rental car prices have increased dramatically due to chip shortage and so many folks taking vacations. What normally costs $431 now goes for $628. Heh, I may drive our truck or SUV back to KY this summer. Anyway, my current rental is scheduled for pick-up this coming Friday afternoon. Hope it's there.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning D League

I am working on my second cup of coffee as I wait for the sun to rise. It should be here about 7:00 AM. It is 56° with winds NNE at 1 mph Humidity is 97% and no rain in the forecast. The high will reach 83° and plenty of sunshine all day.

Sausage is frying in the kitchen and I will grab a bite to eat and do some light yard work today. Then I am going to do some Ebay stuff. Back in the day Oscar Combs printed a series of UK Basketball Cards and I have quite a collection of them. Little did I know there is a market for them. I sold one set of 15 for $50.00 and a set of 10 for #30.00.

As I am downsizing my collection of over 50 years I came across old magazines that Oscar Comb's published (BIG BLUE BASKETBALL) in the 80's and 90's. They were put out every month or so and are well done. Lots of details and stories of UK tradition and history. I do admit when I read some of the articles I got depressed. Today's UK teams is so far removed from those days it is not the same program. Fans built the Kentucky Tradition and you can see it in the writings of the publications. I doubt this ever returns. This is a different world. Here is a sample of the magazine. Do you remember them?


Morning Legionnaires!

Not much going on this morning. 53° this morning with a high of around 65°. Going to see some mid 30's at night starting around this weekend. Very unusual for this area but, I will take it. It usually gets warm quick around here. Normally two seasons, summer and winter. Had some dark chocolate confections come in last night from and will see how they taste as I test them today. Will follow them up with liquids from one of three of my favorite tumblers (pictured below).

Good morning! Not much to say other than I'm awake and I don't want to be.

Supposed to play golf today and tomorrow. Then I might play Thursday afternoon but probably not. Friday evening I'll play 9 or 27 holes. Saturday morning playing in a scramble at 0800 and then directly on to Smith's Grove.

Somewhere in the melee I'll have to mow the grass again.
Good morning! Not much to say other than I'm awake and I don't want to be.

Supposed to play golf today and tomorrow. Then I might play Thursday afternoon but probably not. Friday evening I'll play 9 or 27 holes. Saturday morning playing in a scramble at 0800 and then directly on to Smith's Grove.

Somewhere in the melee I'll have to mow the grass again.
Y that's amazing playing that much golf!!!
Good morning D League

I am working on my second cup of coffee as I wait for the sun to rise. It should be here about 7:00 AM. It is 56° with winds NNE at 1 mph Humidity is 97% and no rain in the forecast. The high will reach 83° and plenty of sunshine all day.

Sausage is frying in the kitchen and I will grab a bite to eat and do some light yard work today. Then I am going to do some Ebay stuff. Back in the day Oscar Combs printed a series of UK Basketball Cards and I have quite a collection of them. Little did I know there is a market for them. I sold one set of 15 for $50.00 and a set of 10 for #30.00.

As I am downsizing my collection of over 50 years I came across old magazines that Oscar Comb's published (BIG BLUE BASKETBALL) in the 80's and 90's. They were put out every month or so and are well done. Lots of details and stories of UK tradition and history. I do admit when I read some of the articles I got depressed. Today's UK teams is so far removed from those days it is not the same program. Fans built the Kentucky Tradition and you can see it in the writings of the publications. I doubt this ever returns. This is a different world. Here is a sample of the magazine. Do you remember them?

I remember those, I think I gave mime to my wife's nephew!!! I still have some Catspause in the attic!
Morning D, rainy day here, may do some stained glass since I can't go detecting. On our trip to Arkansas, I gave a MILITARY (USA) STAR to a retired VET and a THIN BLUE LINE BADGE to a DEPUTY that goes on our trip, so I have a THIN BLUE LINE HEART left, I am going to put it together for his MOM and DAD!!! My great respect for you guys!!!!!

Mrs. M is off the rest of the week, so I have to stay in line!!!!!

I hope the D has a great day and PRAYERS for the D!!!

Please keep our pastor's wife in your prayers today and the next few days also, she is have breast surgery this morning!!! Just please PRAY that the LORD will see her thru this and come out ok on the other side!!!!
Good Morning all,

Had a rough couple days due to a pulled muscle in my ribs on my right side. (A flare up due to that darned dog that broke my rib a couple years ago. The only consolation is, he is long gone.) I feel a lot better this morning. I used a couple lidocaine patches last night and I am not hurting as I was. I know what caused it but it doesn't matter. We have such a good time together. I am doing some pushups and other calisthenics to keep the old(er) at bay.
(I am upping them too as it is way too soon to slow down like my body wants.)(Has to be a mental thing. I have that licked as I am 'temperamental!(95% temper and 5% mental -M. Howard.)

BOB (Big Ole Boy) and I have things to do. His Mom is not working for a couple days so I will have time to heal. His Mom spends a lot of time with him when she's not at work. I will only see him a little today...

Oh, may the Lord bless you and keep you in his love as he always does. Don't stray from God's love. He does not move but we tend to wander away. That is when all doesn't work so well. God Bless you all...
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Everyone has a swing, you just have to find yours. And also consider, heat, humidity, firmness/softness of greens and fairways, wind, lie, slope, cut of the grass, type of ball, type of shaft, type of club head, hot dog vs hamburger at the turn...

Simple game when you break it down.
Bom dia,

  • Insert random old man complaint here. I am just grumpy today for no good reason.
    • Much like 6-out-of-7-dwarves, I am not Happy. <- I kill me. ;)
      • An old joke, I know. My daughter has been after me to recycle useful items. I am not sure my jokes were what she had in mind.
  • Supposed to be 64 and nice today. I hope to sneak in a walk at lunch.
I hope everyone has a great day.
Bom dia,

  • Insert random old(er) man complaint here. I am just grumpy today for no good reason.
    • Much like 6-out-of-7-dwarves, I am not Happy. <- I kill me. ;)
      • An old joke, I know. My daughter has been after me to recycle useful items. I am not sure my jokes were what she had in mind.
  • Supposed to be 64 and nice today. I hope to sneak in a walk at lunch.
I hope everyone has a great day.

The Director started college at the age of 46......she went to two programs to get her Respiratory Degree........she shared top honors at one program and finished first in the other program......4.0+..........if you tell her to grab something on her left... or the right.......99/100 she will use the wrong hand........truthfully it is her only fault......I tell other left..........
My wife is a retired respiratory therapist. 35 years.
Good morning D-League. Back from a long hike and getting ready for work.

Thanks for sharing that UK memorabilia Sawnee. That magazine cover of “freshman Chris Mills” brings back memories - all bad. Coincidentally this weekend my son was watching the NBA network and there was a game from the mid-1990s focused on Allen Iverson. But there was Chris Mills near the end of his pro career.

One small piece of commentary - remembering those days of NCAA sanctions makes me grateful to Pitino, Tubby and Calipari for running a clean program while winning championships and going to Final Fours.
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Everyone has a swing, you just have to find yours. And also consider, heat, humidity, firmness/softness of greens and fairways, wind, lie, slope, cut of the grass, type of ball, type of shaft, type of club head, hot dog vs hamburger at the turn...

Simple game when you break it down.
I went to a driving range once a long time ago. Everything was a line drive down the third base line.
Sunny and a little cool this morning in the Buckeye State. Heading to the mid 60s, so when the dew dries from the sun I'll need to do some mowing. Yard needs it again (only been a few days)...some company coming tomorrow so it needs to look nice...or nicer than it does now. Fields need mowing before they turn into overgrown pastures.

Never could get into that show. Seems that many times I go against the grain......what is touted as 'great', 'must see', etc....I don't like.
Rental car prices have increased dramatically due to chip shortage and so many folks taking vacations. What normally costs $431 now goes for $628.
Wow! Wonder when the reported monthly inflation numbers are going to show all these cost/price increases? Heard the other day that the cost of building a new home, due to materials and so forth, has gone up 35% in a very short period of time.
Ex-FIL (RIP) was very high up in the U.S. Labor Dept. Used to tell me stories of how the Clinton administration would kind of 'cook the books' to make things look good/better for them. Could Sleepy Joe be doing the same?
And this one goes way back. Happy was the star of Senior Day, another UK basketball tradition gone. Happy did it best
One of the things I will not forgive Calipari on is the absence of Senior Day. With all the kids both in the state of Ky and elsewhere, that would give their right arm to play for UK, even if they're a 2*, and without a full roster every year (unused scholarships), there's no reason why we couldn't have at least 1 Senior every year.
The Director started college at the age of 46......she went to two programs to get her Respiratory Degree........she shared top honors at one program and finished first in the other program......4.0+..........if you tell her to grab something on her left... or the right.......99/100 she will use the wrong hand........truthfully it is her only fault......I tell other left..........
During grass drills in Basic Training, you would hear that phrase quite often.
Morning folks. It is a cool 56.5°F and a sprinkle of rain. I am glad that I got the yard mowed and whacked yesterday. In April it is a twice a week project as the grass grows so fast.

Golf is the worst sport that I ever played and I loved it with all my heart. I could knock the crap out of the ball and never know where it was going. Back in my railroad days CSX owned the Greenbrier and Sam Snead was the pro. Sam told me twice that I should give up the game. I told him I should but I like it too much.

I had to edit the "know" to knock. Geeze how do I do stuff like that.
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Thunder Over Louisville will be this Saturday but.... it will be different. What a shock! To prevent crowds they'll be shooting the fireworks off in 5 undisclosed locations throughout the city. Not the riverfront. Rooftops? Fields? Seems kind of hard to hide but we'll see.

Two sports I was really good at were b'ball and golf. Being fairly tall, golf was a bit more of a challenge in that with standard clubs it seemed I had to 'reach' with my irons. So once in high school...with custom clubs...that got much better. When a Senior, coach of Memphis' golf team came to look at one of the guys on our team. Guess he noticed me too 'cause I got a call a month or two later with a qualifying offer that if a kid in another state didn't take it, they would offer me a scholarship. Alas...he accepted.
Back in my railroad days CSX owned the Greenbrier
Had no idea CSX owned Greenbriar. What a beautiful place. Have visited a number of times....and it never got old.
Take it they've sold it by now.
Amazing how for years they did all that 'secret' construction underneath it for gov't officials in the event of a nuclear war....and for the most part, people didn't know it. A few guesses maybe but didn't know exactly.