
  • Good Morning, D-Leagueanites and Lurkers.
  • Everyone is preparing to watch the last Flight of the Masters. I hope than an American will pull it out.
  • Tiger Woods was just driving too damned fast. Pretty easy to figure that out. Dumbassery on his part,
  • 3 mugs of Dark Magic down the hatch. That is all for today for me.
  • Lola by my side as always.
  • She did her numbers right on cue this morning.
  • Very nice day going. Not a cloud.
  • Have not spotted any White Tails yet today.
  • Sitting on my rearend as always.
  • As you were.
  • Carry on.
  • Take care.
  • Happy Birthdays and Anniversaries.
  • Get well soon.
I guess I just have to accept the fact I live in an area invaded by deer or rather I invaded an area where deer live. They were probably here long before men built houses in their habitat. So what they do is what they do.

In any event there are certain things I can not do and live here. One I can not grow hibiscus plants. They ate my last one last night. It was a beauty. So I guess I will have to accept that fact and if I want a hibiscus I must plant it in a big pot and bring it inside the screened area. I would rather have it in the ground but to do so I have to build a fence. So forget that. I put every kind of repellent on the market around the plant to no avail.

When you live on a lake that backs up to a wildlife preserve you are going to get critters. At least the deer won't attack me. Some things out of that swamp will.
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In any event there are certain things I can not do and live here. One I can not grow hibiscus plants. They ate my last one last night. It was a beauty. So I guess I will have to accept that fact and if I want a hibiscus I must plant it in a big pot and bring it inside the screened area. I would rather have it in the ground but to do so I have to build a fence. So forget that. I put every kind of repellent on the market around the plant to no avail.

When you live on a lake that backs up to a wildlife preserve you are going to get critters. At least he deer won't attack me. Some things out of that swamp will.
All you need is a ten foot fence around your darned hibiscus, I suggest chain link. Then the deer will not get it. :cool:
There are not many things from the past that I pine for. I can say "the barber shop" is one of them.
Very nice analogy. I love my Barbershop. The Mayor and Congressman were regular customers. An autographed photo of Floyd on the shelf.
Yeah, I do more stretching than anyone on the team before practice and game time because I am by far the oldest. We have 2 others who are in their early 50's one in his 40's and the rest 30's or younger. My hitting is deliberate and punchy (unless the outfield moves in). I just get it out of the infield and jog to first. The league allows one pinch runner per inning and most of the time they sub for me.
I remember running/jogging..........those were the days........

Morning Legionnaires!

Fishing report: 3rd day this year I was blanked. Unusually cooler so far this year (danged global warming) and I have only caught 3 bass so far. 2 on 1 day and 1 on another (First 2 days I fished). Since then, nothing. Went yesterday and fished 3 different ponds and ran in to an old retired Navy guy who looked a lot like the actor who played Danny Glover's father on Silverado. Talked a lot like him too. He was on his second pond for the day using live minnows for bass and I was using plastics. We discussed the lack of fish caught so far this year and attributed it to the weather. Said he had a 6 person boat he had to get rid of because it was just too much of a hassle at his age and he now only fishes the ponds of Sill. Wants to do some night fishing but does not want to do it alone (wild boar, snakes, Elk, etc...) and ask If someday in the future I would go with him so, I told him I would and we exchanged phone numbers and will go when it warms up a little more.

Going out later this afternoon (4-6pm) to practice with my softball team preparing for D Nationals in OKC on the 23rd-24 April. Going to see if I can at least jog around the bases at 63. Did not play last year because of Covid but played the year before and we won D state so, that qualified us for nationals for last year but, Covid stopped us so they are having those Nationals early this year. Haven't been on the field in 1 1/2 years. Here goes nothing.

Sounds great! The last ball I played was for my church team. I coached it but put myself in the lineup for two games as we were playing a couple decent teams. Our players were willing but had no skills. I got in the best shape I could in a couple weeks practice. Still had my eye and reflexes but had no power. I wanted to temper the other teams "Big shots" and bust a couple for old times sake. No power at all, where I used to savage opposing teams. I was a shell of myself as far as ball goes. I went 9 for 9 the two games but in warming up I tried to up my swing to the old times and would have hurt something trying to take anything yard. Oh well, nine for nine was satisfying. Even legged out a couple doubles.

Had a great day today. The wife, Grandson, and I went to our church. We came home and the Grandson, me, and my wife took off walking. Came back home, the wife left us and me and Josh hit the road in his car. The Booger is steering some now but as long as I can keep in range I can take over with the remote. Just got back in about 30 minutes ago. Whew but it was fun.

My Darling is barbecuing some Mackerel.

Oh, may all your days have been as fruitful as mine has or more. God Bless you all.
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I have faith in religion and in science. Many folks dismiss science without trying to rationalize that the bible was written thousands of years ago and has gone through several translations. On the other hand many people of science dismiss religion as an important cultural need.

The societal pressures of today are stark and everchanging. We are witnessing the forced change in our culture. I will fight it every step of the way.

This isn't far from where I may be. No faith in religion per se, but definitely in God. No faith in scientists per se, but understand science. I don't see science and God in conflict. How could the system created be at odds with the creator of the system?

These pressures are everpresent but have never met with a softer and more pliable generation, and yet a generation hardened against individual strength and purpose. If we as a generation survive, we have a fight on our hands
Would that be "Little shots" that keep on shooting?

Most of the time. I saw a couple using their perceived "great" talent smacking around some pedestrian ball players. My intent was to widen their horizons. Some doing well quit at that point. I attempt bringing the greatness out if it is there. The spirit is willing but the old flesh was weak. I had enough left to be able to get some to keep pushing harder.

I will have to lead in other areas now...
This isn't far from where I may be. No faith in religion per se, but definitely in God. No faith in scientists per se, but understand science. I don't see science and God in conflict. How could the system created be at odds with the creator of the system?

These pressures are everpresent but have never met with a softer and more pliable generation, and yet a generation hardened against individual strength and purpose. If we as a generation survive, we have a fight on our hands

And, it doesn't have to be that way is what is most saddening. All glory to God...
Just returned from another hike. Huge concert happening two streets over where shooting occurred last month. Parking lot is packed.

Earlier today during my first hike, a gent says to me, "Hey Amigo, where is your flashlight?". Ha ha, he's accustomed seeing me so early in the mornings carrying a flashlight.

Grabbed Zaxby's earlier. Love their new Signature sandwich. Current temps at 89°F. Not bad, actually.
In high school I ran the 440 (back when it was yards instead of meters). I hated it; however, I was really good at it.
FWIW, 440 yards = 402m - two steps longer. Me, I never could run.
I also ran 440, 880 and 800m during HS. Half-mile was my best event. A few small schools seemed interested, but not I.
Anyone ever watch these aincestry dot com commercials and wonder if some snopes-like jokes are the ones sending back the results and drinking mad dog while laughing their assets off thinking about the people reading them?
Beware that some outfits market genetic codes. I don't know if this is illegal but it's smells as my genetics are mine to sell or give away.
A smiling corn snake could be construed a sign of healing.
Was streaming an episode of Poirot the other night. The Mrs has seen them all but not me.
Scene where a train was coming into the station. Steam everywhere where you couldn't even see the train (head on shot). When the cloud clears a bit I noticed that the steam is coming from two portals at the front of the on each side like a car would have in the back. Not a train guy.....casual observer.....but I have never seen that before. Something unique to English/European train engines back in the day?
First Masters in my lifetime that I haven't really watched. Watched a little yesterday and none today (but to be fair haven't felt good today and took about a 3 hour nap...something I never do). Afraid the overall wokeness of all sports and the networks have done me in.

Got hooked on the Masters in about '59, '60, ? Was raining and they spent the whole time interviewing the golfers as the rain was coming down. And showing shots of the course (I'm sure back then it was only the last 3 holes or so and a total of 5-6 cameras. That was my first introduction to the Masters and I was hooked by the peacefulness and beauty of the course. Years later I was able to be at the club a number of times....never for the tournament....and it's more beautiful in person.
First Masters in my lifetime that I haven't really watched. Watched a little yesterday and none today (but to be fair haven't felt good today and took about a 3 hour nap...something I never do). Afraid the overall wokeness of all sports and the networks have done me in.

Got hooked on the Masters in about '59, '60, ? Was raining and they spent the whole time interviewing the golfers as the rain was coming down. And showing shots of the course (I'm sure back then it was only the last 3 holes or so and a total of 5-6 cameras. That was my first introduction to the Masters and I was hooked by the peacefulness and beauty of the course. Years later I was able to be at the club a number of times....never for the tournament....and it's more beautiful in person.

Hope you're feeling better soon my brother.
I have seen quite of few of these boys around the house this spring. They are welcome but not as pets as some like to do with them. They keep the rodent population down around here so like I say, they are welcome.

I have seen quite of few of these boys around the house this spring. They are welcome but not as pets as some like to do with them. They keep the rodent population down around here so like I say, they are welcome.

Water snakes here for the most part. 6 ft long black water snake interrupted my tilling last year. Banded one that suns itself on the rocks here too. Wouldn't mind seeing one of those pretty ones there. Maybe a green snake or banded milk snake would be nice
Beware that some outfits market genetic codes. I don't know if this is illegal but it's smells as my genetics are mine to sell or give away.

No worries here. Tried to talk some family out of submitting theirs but the world is rainbows and unicorns for some folks. Told them it would be for sale. 2 years later somebody bought the company and funny... all of their records were sold with the company.

They don't talk to me now