
Two sports I was really good at were b'ball and golf. Being fairly tall, golf was a bit more of a challenge in that with standard clubs it seemed I had to 'reach' with my irons. So once in high school...with custom clubs...that got much better. When a Senior, coach of Memphis' golf team came to look at one of the guys on our team. Guess he noticed me too 'cause I got a call a month or two later with a qualifying offer that if a kid in another state didn't take it, they would offer me a scholarship. Alas...he accepted.

Had no idea CSX owned Greenbriar. What a beautiful place. Have visited a number of times....and it never got old.
Take it they've sold it by now.
Amazing how for years they did all that 'secret' construction underneath it for gov't officials in the event of a nuclear war....and for the most part, people didn't know it. A few guesses maybe but didn't know exactly.
I think that they have sold it. It was nice to have the company pay me to stay there as it can get a little expensive.
During grass drills in Basic Training, you would hear that phrase quite often.
One of my favorite Cadence Calls was this one:

Jody's got a woman dressed in red
Makes her living in the bed

Jody was a brave one staying home
Now he's got your girl and gone







Never could get into that show. Seems that many times I go against the grain......what is touted as 'great', 'must see', etc....I don't like.
I did not watch the original shows for much the same reason. When it started back up in the 2000s, my daughter picked it up, and we started watching it as a family. I really liked the newer version. Once she went off to undergrad, and I was single again, work took over my time. So I drifted from it.

On occasion, I will watch a few episodes. If Lexy comes over for a TV day with dad, Dr. Who seems to be a show we can watch. lol

I think it is definitely an acquired taste for most. I do enjoy a bowl of popcorn with either Clara or Amy on a cold night. The Doctor is just kind of there. :)

The character Clara had an expression that tied into her first and last appearance in the series.

"As my mum used to say, The souffle isn't the souffle; the souffle is the recipe."

I love that sentiment.
Good morning! Not much to say other than I'm awake and I don't want to be.
Supposed to play golf today and tomorrow. Then I might play Thursday afternoon but probably not. Friday evening I'll play 9 or 27 holes. Saturday morning playing in a scramble at 0800 and then directly on to Smith's Grove.

Somewhere in the melee I'll have to mow the grass again.
I'm still trying to deal with the end of civilization or I'd be there with you folks. We'll get our 2nd kneeded vaccination Friday.
Everyone has a swing, you just have to find yours. And also consider, heat, humidity, firmness/softness of greens and fairways, wind, lie, slope, cut of the grass, type of ball, type of shaft, type of club head, hot dog vs hamburger at the turn...

Simple game when you break it down.
That's more complex than figuring out how to measure chlorophyll activity using satellite telemetry . . . .
Burger no ketchup.
One of my favorite Cadence Calls was this one:

Jody's got a woman dressed in red
Makes her living in the bed

Jody was a brave one staying home
Now he's got your girl and gone







This was one of my favorites:

I use to eat at Mickey D's

Now I'm eating MRE'S

Check out this Drill Sergeant calling cadence:
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Happy Lunchtime everyone...a piece of fried chicken & some tater wedges.
Some peach cobbler would go nicely with that.
Got myself in a golf scramble on Sunday, debating to take a vacation day on Monday.
Yesterday would've been Dad's 83rd bday...time rolls on.
No military experience here, but I do admire & respect the heck out of'em.
Oh, well...all for now, back to the "W" word.

Edit; Oh, had to look it up....
I met a "Schroomer" while on a bird survey. He was researching mushrooms as a USFS/student intern. A "splitter" trying to figure it out. He used dried mushroom spore dispersal patterns to id the ecotypes. More than I wanted to know. I showed him one of these.

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If you ain't had dry land fish you ain't from Kentucky! o_O

Yeah a Michigander by blood, a Kentuckian by heart and heritage. My youngest was born in E-Town. (But, I'm an honest Michigander.) When you talk to me you ask if I am from Kentucky or Texas. I always state, I am a hood at heart. I thought I was black until I got my drivers license...
Taking a break from mowing. Never ending it seems.
Yesterday would've been Dad's 83rd bday...time rolls on.
No military experience here, but I do admire & respect the heck out of'em.
Guess it's common for all of us, but I wish that when I was younger I would have been a bit wiser and stopped to 'smell the roses'. Never asked my Dad any about his military service, etc. Just heard a few stories growing up plus he didn't talk about it. Maybe didn't want to.

Anyway, last week was the 76th anniversary of one of his Bronze Stars. Did something that prevented potentially many, many casualties/deaths when all around him had been killed.

The older I get, the more I miss him, and the more I'm amazed by what he made out of his life (I'll leave it there). And wish that if still alive, he would be proud of me as I am of him.
Has Covid closed National Parks? Since my oldest son moved to Nashville we'll probably do a long weekend trip to see him this Summer, and would probably stop for a day or two in Cave City. The Mrs has never been to Mammoth Cave.

I do know it has closed the parks in my subdivision the squirly dasturbs don't have the sense God gave a goose. My grandson loves those swings we have too. have to take him outside of the subdivision to swing. $98.00 bucks a month for nothing... Oh the HOA told me they can't rent out the clubhouse and they have lost revenue... (Note: here in Ole Northern "Virginny" words mean things. They did not state lost money, they stated lost revenue. there is a difference.)

To give you an idea my HOA bylaws in San Antonio are 24 pages, in Summerville, SC 26 pages.... Here in litigious Lorton, 798 599 pages (798 pages is the entire onboarding package for new homeowners in the subdivision.). Think I am kidding, I am not...
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Has Covid closed National Parks? Since my oldest son moved to Nashville we'll probably do a long weekend trip to see him this Summer, and would probably stop for a day or two in Cave City. The Mrs has never been to Mammoth Cave.
Certain portions at various parks. For example, most of Cumberland Gap National Park has been closed off completely from what I understand. Hence all the bear sightings in residential areas around Harrogate, Shawanee and Middlesboro. I believe the above pic was taken on the drive in to the main parking area at Mammoth Cave NP.
I do know it has closed the parks in my subdivision the squirly dasturbs don't have the sense God gave a goose. My grandson loves those swings we have too. have to take him outside of the subdivision to swing. $98.00 bucks a month for nothing... Oh the HOA told me they can't rent out the clubhouse and they have lost revenue...

To give you an idea my HOA bylaws in San Antonio are 24 pages, in Summerville, SC 26 pages.... Here in litigious Lorton, 798 pages. Think I am kidding, I am not...
What? 798 pages of HOA bylaws? Is that legal
This is becoming more common and it's a wonderful connection with life.

As everything everywhere know the truth ==> Link
The Mrs. gets a mushroom permit every year from the county. They give out a limited number.
She doesn't go 'mushroom hunting' but has a sister who is a nut over it. Goes as many times as she can...uses her own permit then ours. Many years will go up to Michigan for a 'mushroom hunting weekend'.
Me....never been 'mushroom hunting'....but have mowed, dug up, etc many over the years on the property. Wouldn't know a good one from a bad one.
The Mrs. gets a mushroom permit every year from the county. They give out a limited number.
She doesn't go 'mushroom hunting' but has a sister who is a nut over it. Goes as many times as she can...uses her own permit then ours. Many years will go up to Michigan for a 'mushroom hunting weekend'.
Me....never been 'mushroom hunting'....but have mowed, dug up, etc many over the years on the property. Wouldn't know a good one from a bad one.

For many years/ decades I would not eat a mushroom. My theory you ask? (Go ahead and ask.) "There might be only one in a million a toadstool but I might eat the millionth one.."

Now for the last several years I cannot eat enough BUT BUT BUT still no S-Car-Gots...
I'll have to check the family history records to see how many pages the HOA was when our house was built (in the country at the time) in 1857. 😄

Bet your HOA doesn't allow a concrete horse trough, next to the road, in your front yard so the horses could be watered on the way to town? Still there.....Mrs uses it as a giant flower trough (bubblegum petunias) every year....get a bunch of good comments every Summer.