
Good morning! I was wrong about my second corono shot. My shoulder is sore this morning. Not just a little tender either...sore. The first shot was nothing. I didn't feel the needle go in nor the vaccine. This one I didn't feel the needle but I definitely felt the vaccine. Don't know if there was more liquid with the second shot or if the second lady hit the plunger harder, but there was a difference.

I'm playing golf at 1030 so the shoulder may as well lay back and enjoy it because it's going to happen either way.

5 star kicker is awesome! Hoping the vast majority of his kicks are PAT's.
Get my 2nd this week. I don't believe I kneed one but want to travel without do-gooder harassment.
So you've had about a 100 degree swing in 60 days!
We had a 98° high on Easter.
The burgers just don't taste as good.
I thought that too!
For some reason, I feel a year older than I did yesterday.

I will feel that way tomorrow.

So I guess a couple of Happy Birthday well wishes are in order.
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Good morning from ATX. Currently 65°F, clear and windy. Front came in. Expect today's high reaching 83°F.

Wife fell asleep and left the channel on MeTV. A Beverly Hillbillies episode just finished and another started. Series writers seemed really imaginative back then. Watched a Green Acres episode last night. Classic stuff.

Chores on the agenda after a morning walk. Must take a load of cans to recycling center.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good Morning D Leaguers

We are starting the day with plenty of sunshine and a temperature of 66°. Our high will hit 83° by 3:00 PM. No chance of rain until this evening when it will be 72%.

My TV watching for quite some time now does not include any network TV. I actually got rid of cable and stream. Sometime back we started watcing Britbox and enjoy it. Last night we saw the last episode of Morse which was a popular detective show over there for years. I will miss the old guy and hated to see him take his last breath on the final episode.

I trust all have a nice day and if you are ailing I pray you get better.
Dang Miss a day, miss a lot.
Rainy day today. I may stimulate the economy this morning. Make a few raised garden beds...
Maybe buy a new push mower also, just a semi cheap one tho. No self propelled.
Happy Birfdays
Just dropping by...nothing of value.
Bert I don't think this is the "black pepper" Girthang was talking about...?
Happy Birthday? I am having to play a Dick today.

Happy Birthday young man!

Happy Birthday. Wishing you many, many more.

So I guess a couple of Happy Birthday well wishes are in order.

Get my 2nd this week. I don't believe I kneed one but want to travel without do-gooder harassment.

We had a 98° high on Easter.

I thought that too!

Thanks for the birthday wishes.
Dang Miss a day, miss a lot.
Rainy day today. I may stimulate the economy this morning. Make a few raised garden beds...
Maybe buy a new push mower also, just a semi cheap one tho. No self propelled.
Happy Birfdays
Just dropping by...nothing of value.
Bert I don't think this is the "black pepper" Girthang was talking about...?
I think that that may be the best black pepper there is! :cool:
It is a rainy day and 62.2°F on our way up to a whopping 67°.

I think I missed UK Fan 41102's birthday. So happy birthday young man.

I was watching Fox news this morning and they said that the NCAA final game 16.9 million down 14% from 2019.

Quote from CNBC:

"This year’s game was the least-watched championship aired on CBS since the network started broadcasting the games in 1982. It’s also the lowest since WarnerMedia property Turner Sports aired the game in 2018, after CBS and Turner began switching every other year in 2016. That game, between Villanova and the University of Michigan, drew roughly 16.5 million viewers."

I get the idea that the Social Justice Warriorings going on in colleges are beginning to take it toll. They can only preach the same sermon for so long before people turn it off.
Good morning!

About an hour after I posted yesterday my shoulder was fine. Took a few Ibuprofen and an extra hot shower. I let the water hit it for a while and kept rotating it and lifting my arm above my head and the pain just went away. Played 36 holes yesterday and it feels fine this morning.

Happy Birthday!

I'm not going to play any today but I'd say the odds are high that I'll watch a bunch of it. I'm glad I got to go there one time but I don't really feel a need to go back. Several things surprised me about Augusta National. The enormous fairways, the roughs that looked like fairways I'm used to seeing, and the prices for beer and food. Got a hot dog and a beer and they were $1.50 apiece. This was around 2000 or so and I would assume the prices are the same today.
Bom Dia,

  • Belated Happy Birthday. :)
  • Old man ailments and the like
    • On Wednesday, my Arrhythmia (Afib and Aflutter) went Bat Crap Crazy in the evening. Heart rate shot to about 175-180 and stay high for almost three hours. Nothing new for me, but it has not hit like that in a while.
    • I have a Loop Monitor in my chest, so I would say my electrophysiologist and cardiologist had a good read when they got in to work in the morning.
    • The first time that it hurt in a while.
    • It seems to be doing better now but still getting double beats a bit.
    • It is just a pain in the butt. Well, a bit north of that. But you get the point. lol
    • The condition does not scare me; it just takes the wind out of my sails for a bit.
  • I got the yard mowed and cleaned up and laundry caught up, and I think once the rain starts, it will be a movie/computer day. :)
I hope everyone has a great day.
It is a rainy day and 62.2°F on our way up to a whopping 67°.

I think I missed UK Fan 41102's birthday. So happy birthday young man.

I was watching Fox news this morning and they said that the NCAA final game 16.9 million down 14% from 2019.

Quote from CNBC:

"This year’s game was the least-watched championship aired on CBS since the network started broadcasting the games in 1982. It’s also the lowest since WarnerMedia property Turner Sports aired the game in 2018, after CBS and Turner began switching every other year in 2016. That game, between Villanova and the University of Michigan, drew roughly 16.5 million viewers."

I get the idea that the Social Justice Warriorings going on in colleges are beginning to take it toll. They can only preach the same sermon for so long before people turn it off.

"They can only preach the same sermon for so long before people turn it off."

Hmmmm ... I wonder if this explains why attendance dropped so rapidly in the churches I served.
How does this work?

Have friends in Peru. She and a friend (or maybe relative) are coming to Texas to get the vaccine.
I'm sure we've given millions of doses around the world to other countries (like foreign aid...always give with nothing in return).....but wouldn't the vaccine here in this country be for U.S. citizens?

Hope y'all are have a great Saturday. Not doing much of anything today. Was supposed to start raining but it hasn't got here yet...but I think it's getting close.
Can collection since May, 2019. $15.20. Bah. Expected more.

Yeah, prices are way down. Took a whole trailer load (no cans...still have them) to a recycling center about 6 months ago. Trailer is 6x10 I think and it was piled full of scrap metal, etc from remodeling our commercial building. Got $12. Not worth the time or gas, but if I put it out with the recyclable/trash, the city/county will just sell it for that along with all the other they pick up. And I already pay those clowns enough in I'll keep the $12.
64°➫ 93° Sunny

I was watching Fox news this morning and they said that the NCAA final game 16.9 million down 14% from 2019.

Quote from CNBC:

"This year’s game was the least-watched championship aired on CBS since the network started broadcasting the games in 1982. It’s also the lowest since WarnerMedia property Turner Sports aired the game in 2018, after CBS and Turner began switching every other year in 2016. That game, between Villanova and the University of Michigan, drew roughly 16.5 million viewers."

I get the idea that the Social Justice Warriorings going on in colleges are beginning to take it toll. They can only preach the same sermon for so long before people turn it off.
It's been sad. I've lost interest in sports and last week when my grandson (12 yrs old) came over all fired up about sports, I could only relate to the past. I was a dud. He was confused and so was I. How do you enlighten without the alienation or depression? I've always told the truth as I see it. Period. I have faith, I have no conflict with science and no interested in further confusion of our youth with the shock and horror consequences of the lies. With no confidence in primate mob behavior based on fallacies to solve the problems at hand. Quite a family dilemma.
64°➫ 93° Sunny

It's been sad. I've lost interest in sports and last week when my grandson (12 yrs old) came over all fired up about sports, I could only relate to the past. I was a dud. He was confused and so was I. How do you enlighten without the alienation or depression? I've always told the truth as I see it. Period. I have faith, I have no conflict with science and no interested in further confusion of our youth with the shock and horror consequences of the lies. With no confidence in primate mob behavior based on fallacies to solve the problems at hand. Quite a family dilemma.
This is true across America and many families are experiencing this. Sports once was an American past time and not used as a platform for other issues. The athletes played ball and let their performance on the court or field speak for itself. We cheered our teams based on their play, not their beliefs.

Now professional and college athletes and those that run them attempt to influence political issues. I was about to get back into Major League baseball then they pull their stupid stunt in Georgia and turn me off to it once again. They left a city with more than half of the population black to a city with one of the smallest black populations in America all in the name of Social Justice. Meanwhile back in Georgia minorities will lose millions of dollars by not being able to make money during the All Star game. All because someone suggested you show an ID when voting. I can live without them
Sad news D-League. My Canadian friend, the war correspondent Matthew Fisher died today. I'll look for an obit and post it here if anyone is interested. He spent decades overseas and reported from at least a dozen war zones.

Here's a small snippet from one of his stories when a USMC unit he was with got ambushed during the 2003 drive to Baghdad...

It was 10 years ago this Wednesday that 200,000 U.S. and British troops invaded Iraq as coalition war planes swarmed over Baghdad at the same moment in a lethal display of “shock and awe.”

As the only Canadian journalist embedded with a combat unit for Operation Iraqi Freedom, very early that morning I was with the U.S. Marine Corps 3rd Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion, a few hundred metres south of the Iraqi border in Kuwait. Once combat engineers breached Iraqi border defences, the battalion, known as the Wolfpack, was to be “the tip of the tip of the spear,” launching with great speed across the Line of Departure and pushing north as quickly as possible.....

........Waiting in ambush was an Iraqi brigade which included five Soviet T-54 tanks that were closing in quickly along a tree line. I watched through a window the size of a pair of glasses as the Iraqis and then the marines opened up with everything they had. The hiss of rocket-propelled grenades and multiple explosions filled the air. So did thousands of green tracer rounds.

After 20 minutes of intense fighting, “Slingshot!” was urgently repeated over the radio causing Cattabay and the others to groan. I asked what that meant. They replied that we were at such a great risk of being overrun (they used more colourful language) that an airstrike had been ordered on our own position.

Abandoning missions elsewhere, Cobra attack helicopters and dozens of American and British warplanes zeroed in on map grid co-ordinate “18 Northing,” dropping all their ordnance “danger close.” The ground shook, the sky lit up with pyrotechnics and many Iraqi troops were cut down only a few metres away from my perch in Black 6. According to aerial surveillance the next morning, several hundred Iraqis were killed without, incredibly, one American casualty.

Those bridges leading to Baghdad were not taken for several more weeks, but 3rd LAR had had a memorable baptism of fire. And so had I.

Sad news D-League. My Canadian friend, the war correspondent Matthew Fisher died today. I'll look for an obit and post it here if anyone is interested. He spent decades overseas and reported from at least a dozen war zones.

Here's a small snippet from one of his stories when a USMC unit he was with got ambushed during the 2003 drive to Baghdad...

It was 10 years ago this Wednesday that 200,000 U.S. and British troops invaded Iraq as coalition war planes swarmed over Baghdad at the same moment in a lethal display of “shock and awe.”

As the only Canadian journalist embedded with a combat unit for Operation Iraqi Freedom, very early that morning I was with the U.S. Marine Corps 3rd Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion, a few hundred metres south of the Iraqi border in Kuwait. Once combat engineers breached Iraqi border defences, the battalion, known as the Wolfpack, was to be “the tip of the tip of the spear,” launching with great speed across the Line of Departure and pushing north as quickly as possible.....

........Waiting in ambush was an Iraqi brigade which included five Soviet T-54 tanks that were closing in quickly along a tree line. I watched through a window the size of a pair of glasses as the Iraqis and then the marines opened up with everything they had. The hiss of rocket-propelled grenades and multiple explosions filled the air. So did thousands of green tracer rounds.

After 20 minutes of intense fighting, “Slingshot!” was urgently repeated over the radio causing Cattabay and the others to groan. I asked what that meant. They replied that we were at such a great risk of being overrun (they used more colourful language) that an airstrike had been ordered on our own position.

Abandoning missions elsewhere, Cobra attack helicopters and dozens of American and British warplanes zeroed in on map grid co-ordinate “18 Northing,” dropping all their ordnance “danger close.” The ground shook, the sky lit up with pyrotechnics and many Iraqi troops were cut down only a few metres away from my perch in Black 6. According to aerial surveillance the next morning, several hundred Iraqis were killed without, incredibly, one American casualty.

Those bridges leading to Baghdad were not taken for several more weeks, but 3rd LAR had had a memorable baptism of fire. And so had I.

It's amazing to me that guys like you and your friend go to such lengths to report these things. Compare that to those miserable cowardly whiners that were in so much danger at the capitol.
Sad news D-League. My Canadian friend, the war correspondent Matthew Fisher died today. I'll look for an obit and post it here if anyone is interested. He spent decades overseas and reported from at least a dozen war zones.

Here's a small snippet from one of his stories when a USMC unit he was with got ambushed during the 2003 drive to Baghdad...

It was 10 years ago this Wednesday that 200,000 U.S. and British troops invaded Iraq as coalition war planes swarmed over Baghdad at the same moment in a lethal display of “shock and awe.”

As the only Canadian journalist embedded with a combat unit for Operation Iraqi Freedom, very early that morning I was with the U.S. Marine Corps 3rd Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion, a few hundred metres south of the Iraqi border in Kuwait. Once combat engineers breached Iraqi border defences, the battalion, known as the Wolfpack, was to be “the tip of the tip of the spear,” launching with great speed across the Line of Departure and pushing north as quickly as possible.....

........Waiting in ambush was an Iraqi brigade which included five Soviet T-54 tanks that were closing in quickly along a tree line. I watched through a window the size of a pair of glasses as the Iraqis and then the marines opened up with everything they had. The hiss of rocket-propelled grenades and multiple explosions filled the air. So did thousands of green tracer rounds.

After 20 minutes of intense fighting, “Slingshot!” was urgently repeated over the radio causing Cattabay and the others to groan. I asked what that meant. They replied that we were at such a great risk of being overrun (they used more colourful language) that an airstrike had been ordered on our own position.

Abandoning missions elsewhere, Cobra attack helicopters and dozens of American and British warplanes zeroed in on map grid co-ordinate “18 Northing,” dropping all their ordnance “danger close.” The ground shook, the sky lit up with pyrotechnics and many Iraqi troops were cut down only a few metres away from my perch in Black 6. According to aerial surveillance the next morning, several hundred Iraqis were killed without, incredibly, one American casualty.

Those bridges leading to Baghdad were not taken for several more weeks, but 3rd LAR had had a memorable baptism of fire. And so had I.

I am so sorry. Obviously a good man. Thoughts and prayers for his family.
It's amazing to me that guys like you and your friend go to such lengths to report these things. Compare that to those miserable cowardly whiners that were in so much danger at the capitol.
Thanks Bernie. My admiration was always greatest for the young troops we accompanied. But guys like Matthew were willing to walk the walk.
It is a rainy day and 62.2°F on our way up to a whopping 67°.

I think I missed UK Fan 41102's birthday. So happy birthday young man.

I was watching Fox news this morning and they said that the NCAA final game 16.9 million down 14% from 2019.

Quote from CNBC:

"This year’s game was the least-watched championship aired on CBS since the network started broadcasting the games in 1982. It’s also the lowest since WarnerMedia property Turner Sports aired the game in 2018, after CBS and Turner began switching every other year in 2016. That game, between Villanova and the University of Michigan, drew roughly 16.5 million viewers."

I get the idea that the Social Justice Warriorings going on in colleges are beginning to take it toll. They can only preach the same sermon for so long before people turn it off.

Ha, the filth dealers can have it in my opinion. I was a serious baseball fan, a serious basketball fan, a serious football fan, still a hockey fan but never was very serious but liked it. Now I have done without it. It hurt bad with the withdrawals but my lone hope now is UK doesn't go the way of the Dodo....

May God guide your weekend and may your weekend be fruitful. God Bless you all...
Yeah, prices are way down. Took a whole trailer load (no cans...still have them) to a recycling center about 6 months ago. Trailer is 6x10 I think and it was piled full of scrap metal, etc from remodeling our commercial building. Got $12. Not worth the time or gas, but if I put it out with the recyclable/trash, the city/county will just sell it for that along with all the other they pick up. And I already pay those clowns enough in I'll keep the $12.

They charged you to recycle in San Antonio, I was all about recycling but darned if I'd pay anyone to take my recycling and them get paid for it. I just trashed it..
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64°➫ 93° Sunny

It's been sad. I've lost interest in sports and last week when my grandson (12 yrs old) came over all fired up about sports, I could only relate to the past. I was a dud. He was confused and so was I. How do you enlighten without the alienation or depression? I've always told the truth as I see it. Period. I have faith, I have no conflict with science and no interested in further confusion of our youth with the shock and horror consequences of the lies. With no confidence in primate mob behavior based on fallacies to solve the problems at hand. Quite a family dilemma.

It is sad, but do the right thing as you are. It is never wrong. Love conquers evil. I know who wins in the end. Stay on that side and all will be well for you and yours.
A rainy day here.......had to find something to do.....It isn't lopsided.......I am a bad photographer.......


My darling wants me to make her one of those. That is my next "labor of love". I made a "mess" of biscuits today and my wife even ate one. My daughters came for a visit and scarfed them down. Made me feel good anyway as they wouldn't eat them previously. I added a couple handfuls of shredded sharp cheddar cheese to this batch. It was a good idea. Edible so I am told..."They gone"...