
I want to wish you the best with your birds. I share your appreciation of squab dishes. I know Peregrines prefer hunting over water. Nest on cliffs, bridges, and tall buildings. Do you plan routes to avoid those? Do racers fly slower decoy birds? There may be 75% 1st year mortality among the falcons but I imagine a flock of 3 or 4 spring fledglings practicing cooperative hunting a disaster.

The Rock Dove is an attractive Columbiform. Still it's considered a pest by many.

Pardner, you post whatever floats your boat.

That pigeon looks like it has a hummingbird stuck in its throat.

Is there a heimlich for pigeons?

Was the hummingbird just loot from killing a boss and now the pigeon can hover?

Who's the racist that decided pigeons are pigeons and doves aren't pigeons? Fcol they have the same body and probably taste the same roasted with a little bbq sauce!
Time to put the headphones on, listen to some good music and let time slide by.
Rooster's Loose

Late night Saturday thought. Ditch your cable router and buy your own? Thinking about it. Continue with your sleep.
I bought a cheap out of production D-Link with wi-fi for the Grizzly's phone.

Morning Legionnaires!

Fishing report: 3rd day this year I was blanked. Unusually cooler so far this year (danged global warming) and I have only caught 3 bass so far. 2 on 1 day and 1 on another (First 2 days I fished). Since then, nothing. Went yesterday and fished 3 different ponds and ran in to an old retired Navy guy who looked a lot like the actor who played Danny Glover's father on Silverado. Talked a lot like him too. He was on his second pond for the day using live minnows for bass and I was using plastics. We discussed the lack of fish caught so far this year and attributed it to the weather. Said he had a 6 person boat he had to get rid of because it was just too much of a hassle at his age and he now only fishes the ponds of Sill. Wants to do some night fishing but does not want to do it alone (wild boar, snakes, Elk, etc...) and ask If someday in the future I would go with him so, I told him I would and we exchanged phone numbers and will go when it warms up a little more.

Going out later this afternoon (4-6pm) to practice with my softball team preparing for D Nationals in OKC on the 23rd-24 April. Going to see if I can at least jog around the bases at 63. Did not play last year because of Covid but played the year before and we won D state so, that qualified us for nationals for last year but, Covid stopped us so they are having those Nationals early this year. Haven't been on the field in 1 1/2 years. Here goes nothing.
Bom dia,
  • A gloomy ole day here, weather-wise. :(
  • The daughter (Lexy) asked if she and her best friend from childhood could come and hang out on my back porch for the day. I think they both need to get away and spend the day together away from the distractions of life. They only get to see each other a couple of times a year now.
    • I watched Mary grow up, and I have not seen her for several years. So, of course, I agreed.
    • I plan to grill them Prime NY Strips, sweet potato, etc. Lexy wants to grill some peaches and have vanilla ice cream.
    • I hope the weather does not screw up "their" day. My kitchen table might have to do duty as the back porch if it stays chilly.
    • Truthfully, I will visit for a couple of minutes, then magically find "things" to keep me busy away from the porch until time to cook.
  • I hope everyone has a wonderful day.
There are 10 kinds of people, those who understand binary and those who do not.
Busy place now. Clever decent posters. Great camaraderie. I don't post as much and that's good. The D has life and doesn't kneed carrying. Long live the oasis.

Glad you're back . . . Rough Year here in Horseville too.
I mentioned the D-league to a friend the other day.

The best way I could explain the feel here - it reminds me of stopping by Bach's barbershop on the main street in Augusta (KY) through my childhood and to the day before I left for the Navy.

It was the casual meeting, newsgathering, joke-telling, center of town for a LOT of people, from us kids to the old-timers.
Robert and Nanny Bach were, well, the whole family, are some of the best people I have ever met.

There are not many things from the past that I pine for. I can say "the barber shop" is one of them.
That pigeon looks like it has a hummingbird stuck in its throat.

Is there a heimlich for pigeons?

Was the hummingbird just loot from killing a boss and now the pigeon can hover?

Who's the racist that decided pigeons are pigeons and doves aren't pigeons? Fcol they have the same body and probably taste the same roasted with a little bbq sauce!
Birds of a feather flock together. They may be the most racist creature God created.
Before Wuhan Flu hit I would meet up with several of my old pigeon fancier friends at Cracker Barrel on Saturday mornings.....The Director wanted to know what we talked about......I told her it was just a bunch of friends sitting around and talking about things that.....usually....takes us as a group to remember ......most times pigeons are not even part of the conversation....kind of like your barber shop #augustaky1
Good Sunday Morning.

I hear loud thunder in the skies and we are going to get some welcomed showers today. It is currently 67°, the winds are WNW 8 mph and humidity 92%. Our high should reach 71°. The sun is out at the moment but the rain is pouring down. Down here when it is raining and the sun is shining we call it "The Devil Is Beating His Wife". He is whipping her pretty good at the moment.

My plate of sausage, grits and fried eggs was extra good this morning. and I had a grapefruit as dessert. It freshens your mouth. So now it is off to worship the Lord and mix and mingle with friends and family. I trust all have a great Sunday.

And prayers for your friend MdWildcat55, there is no question he was a good man and a talented writer. May God bring peace and comfort to his family.

Good morning!

Had a great day yesterday. Didn't do a thing but watch tv. Threw a pizza in the oven for dinner last night.

Looking forward to the golf today. I don't bet on golf so I don't have a vested interest in who wins, but I would rather it be Spieth than Matsuyama.

There is no doubt in my mind that Tiger was in a drug induced stupor when he crashed his SUV. If he was merely asleep then hitting the median would have immediately woke him up. With no drugs in his system he probably would have remembered driving, or at least that he was in California and not Florida.

Have a day!
Good morning from ATX. Currently 54°F and sunny. Our high today may reach 89°F. Nice.

Misplaced our truck keys last week, either Tuesday or Wednesday. Thankfully, we've got a backup set. Probably hit up local Nissan dealer soon if we can't find 'em. I parked the Rogue on back carport yesterday before can run.

Jordan Spieth: He played on UTexas golf team his freshman year back in 2011. They won NCAA championship that season. He a golfer.

I've got a walk, chores and grocery shopping scheduled for later today. Start packing for KY trip.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning!

Had a great day yesterday. Didn't do a thing but watch tv. Threw a pizza in the oven for dinner last night.

Looking forward to the golf today. I don't bet on golf so I don't have a vested interest in who wins, but I would rather it be Spieth than Matsuyama.

There is no doubt in my mind that Tiger was in a drug induced stupor when he crashed his SUV. If he was merely asleep then hitting the median would have immediately woke him up. With no drugs in his system he probably would have remembered driving, or at least that he was in California and not Florida.

Have a day!

Its good to be king.
Bom Dia,

  • Belated Happy Birthday. :)
  • Old man ailments and the like
    • On Wednesday, my Arrhythmia (Afib and Aflutter) went Bat Crap Crazy in the evening. Heart rate shot to about 175-180 and stay high for almost three hours. Nothing new for me, but it has not hit like that in a while.
    • I have a Loop Monitor in my chest, so I would say my electrophysiologist and cardiologist had a good read when they got in to work in the morning.
    • The first time that it hurt in a while.
    • It seems to be doing better now but still getting double beats a bit.
    • It is just a pain in the butt. Well, a bit north of that. But you get the point. lol
    • The condition does not scare me; it just takes the wind out of my sails for a bit.
  • I got the yard mowed and cleaned up and laundry caught up, and I think once the rain starts, it will be a movie/computer day. :)
I hope everyone has a great day.
Dang, that is scary.
Good morning!

Had a great day yesterday. Didn't do a thing but watch tv. Threw a pizza in the oven for dinner last night.

Looking forward to the golf today. I don't bet on golf so I don't have a vested interest in who wins, but I would rather it be Spieth than Matsuyama.

There is no doubt in my mind that Tiger was in a drug induced stupor when he crashed his SUV. If he was merely asleep then hitting the median would have immediately woke him up. With no drugs in his system he probably would have remembered driving, or at least that he was in California and not Florida.

Have a day!
I think you are right on. I saw where he was going 85 miles an hour when he crashed which is probably 40 or 50 miles over the speed limit. He had to be on something. I wonder with all of his back issues if he did not get addicted to opioids.
Good morning D-League. I hope everyone is enjoying Sunday.

Beautiful sunny day here. Off the have lunch with my wife, and buy a basketball to surprise my son. He wears them out, and to his credit, between working, online UK classes and chasing young women hasn’t had time to replace his last one.

I want to encourage all his useful pursuits.

Morning Legionnaires!

Fishing report: 3rd day this year I was blanked. Unusually cooler so far this year (danged global warming) and I have only caught 3 bass so far. 2 on 1 day and 1 on another (First 2 days I fished). Since then, nothing. Went yesterday and fished 3 different ponds and ran in to an old retired Navy guy who looked a lot like the actor who played Danny Glover's father on Silverado. Talked a lot like him too. He was on his second pond for the day using live minnows for bass and I was using plastics. We discussed the lack of fish caught so far this year and attributed it to the weather. Said he had a 6 person boat he had to get rid of because it was just too much of a hassle at his age and he now only fishes the ponds of Sill. Wants to do some night fishing but does not want to do it alone (wild boar, snakes, Elk, etc...) and ask If someday in the future I would go with him so, I told him I would and we exchanged phone numbers and will go when it warms up a little more.

Going out later this afternoon (4-6pm) to practice with my softball team preparing for D Nationals in OKC on the 23rd-24 April. Going to see if I can at least jog around the bases at 63. Did not play last year because of Covid but played the year before and we won D state so, that qualified us for nationals for last year but, Covid stopped us so they are having those Nationals early this year. Haven't been on the field in 1 1/2 years. Here goes nothing.
Attempts at quick starts can really hurt hammies. Be slow to react with the legs.
Bom dia,
  • A gloomy ole day here, weather-wise. :(
  • The daughter (Lexy) asked if she and her best friend from childhood could come and hang out on my back porch for the day. I think they both need to get away and spend the day together away from the distractions of life. They only get to see each other a couple of times a year now.
    • I watched Mary grow up, and I have not seen her for several years. So, of course, I agreed.
    • I plan to grill them Prime NY Strips, sweet potato, etc. Lexy wants to grill some peaches and have vanilla ice cream.
What time?
Before Wuhan Flu hit I would meet up with several of my old pigeon fancier friends at Cracker Barrel on Saturday mornings.....The Director wanted to know what we talked about......I told her it was just a bunch of friends sitting around and talking about things that.....usually....takes us as a group to remember ......most times pigeons are not even part of the conversation....kind of like your barber shop #augustaky1
What is the old saying? "It is the little things..."

Attempts at quick starts can really hurt hammies. Be slow to react with the legs.
Yeah, I do more stretching than anyone on the team before practice and game time because I am by far the oldest. We have 2 others who are in their early 50's one in his 40's and the rest 30's or younger. My hitting is deliberate and punchy (unless the outfield moves in). I just get it out of the infield and jog to first. The league allows one pinch runner per inning and most of the time they sub for me.
Dang, that is scary.
I agree.

I have tried to think of a reasonable response, and below is the best I have. :)

Arrhythmia is a medical condition that needs ongoing treatment. I do not mean to diminish the concerns in any way.

For me, it is just something I live with and keep chugging.

I have dealt with this for so long, had many tests and procedures over the years. So, it does not really scare me anymore; I deal with it and complain.

After three cardiac ablations and probably at least one more in my future, I will probably never be shed of this issue.

It is annoying as hell and takes the wind-out-of-my-sails.

It scares anyone who is with me when it hits, which causes me some anxiety, which keeps it from calming down. I get stuck in a loop.

Did I mention that I complain about it? lol
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Yeah, I do more stretching than anyone on the team before practice and game time because I am by far the oldest. We have 2 others who are in their early 50's one in his 40's and the rest 30's or younger. My hitting is deliberate and punchy (unless the outfield moves in). I just get it out of the infield and jog to first. The league allows one pinch runner per inning and most of the time they sub for me.
64°➫ 93° Sunny

It's been sad. I've lost interest in sports and last week when my grandson (12 yrs old) came over all fired up about sports, I could only relate to the past. I was a dud. He was confused and so was I. How do you enlighten without the alienation or depression? I've always told the truth as I see it. Period. I have faith, I have no conflict with science and no interested in further confusion of our youth with the shock and horror consequences of the lies. With no confidence in primate mob behavior based on fallacies to solve the problems at hand. Quite a family dilemma.
I have faith in religion and in science. Many folks dismiss science without trying to rationalize that the bible was written thousands of years ago and has gone through several translations. On the other hand many people of science dismiss religion as an important cultural need.

The societal pressures of today are stark and everchanging. We are witnessing the forced change in our culture. I will fight it every step of the way.

I think you are right on. I saw where he was going 85 miles an hour when he crashed which is probably 40 or 50 miles over the speed limit. He had to be on something. I wonder with all of his back issues if he did not get addicted to opioids.
That is at least his 3rd time. One of them was very famous and the other he just fell asleep at a red light or stop sign. He's not who he pretends to be. Whore mongering drug addict who happens to be good at a game.
Attempts at quick starts can really hurt hammies. Be slow to react with the legs.
My last softball game was when I was 40. Pulled a hamstring.
Sometimes, I feel that way. Reality is that with me still practicing karate it helps keep me limber enough to play. On occasion the past few years I have still stretched a single into a double when the outfielders see that it is an old man who hit the ball and they leisurely track it down. I still have enough thrust to turn on a little speed and get there. I will jog to first as they go after a hit to the gap. If they take their time going after it I will turn the corner at first and hit the nitro (to make sure my heart doesn't fail) and head for second.
Yeah, I do more stretching than anyone on the team before practice and game time because I am by far the oldest. We have 2 others who are in their early 50's one in his 40's and the rest 30's or younger. My hitting is deliberate and punchy (unless the outfield moves in). I just get it out of the infield and jog to first. The league allows one pinch runner per inning and most of the time they sub for me.
You are the Satchel Paige of Oklahoma softball. Back in the 50's we were living in Coconut Grove, FL and Satchel became a member of the minor league, Miami Marlins. This was before they became major league. The team had an easy chair for him next to the dugout and Ole Satch would sit in that thing like he was the King and he was. I enjoyed watching him and at that time in my life I did not know the significance of his presence.

Satchel had a saying "don't look back something might be gaining on you" And so we all press forward at full speed.
The first picture is of the 2015 D State Co-ed Champions in OK. I am on the far right as you look at the picture. The bottom is men's E-State Champions of the same year. I am far right again. The name of the team is Bunch of Ballplayers (BOB) I wanted to change it to "Bunch of Old Bastards" because there were 4 of us 50 or older there. I was 58 then. Don't know where the pictures are for our D state 2019. Try to find later.

Below is the team that placed 4th in C Nationals West out of about 100 teams. There were teams from every where east of the Mississippi there. 3 California teams took the first 3 places. Had a couple of good Hawaii teams in it too. I am far left this time.

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