
Heard something funny,

Last day of kindergarten, the children were bringing their teacher presents
Little Annie whose parents owned a florist gave the teacher her present, teacher said I bet I know what it, a flower, you are right Annie said!

Little Mikey whose parents owned a candy store gave his teacher his gift, the teacher said I bet I know what this is, a box of candy, you are right Mikey said!

Little Johnny, whose parents owned a liquor store gave his teacher his gift, the teacher noticed the box was leaking a little, put her finger to the liquid and tasted it, said it's wine, nope said Jonny, so she touched the liquid again, tasted it and said it's champagne, nope said Johnny. Give up ask Johnny, yes said his teacher said, what is it?
It's a puppy said Johnny!!!!

Morning Legionnaires!

Going to be in the 50's for highs with rain next few days and 30's in the night. Fishing on hold until weather cooperates. Looks like couch potato training with popcorn and movies for the next few days with a few Karate lessons sprinkled in there to keep the blood flowing and my 2 students happy.

Tournament? What tournament?

WC, can you still take karate lessons with two replaced knees?
You are blessed, and they are, as well. Ninety, still sharp and active is not that common. Plus, it bodes well for you, as you get older. I hope they stay that way for many years to come.
Thanks Ben. Yes, I am blessed with healthy parents at their age - and that they can still care for each other and themselves.

Back in the work spin. On the other end of the spectrum from my parents, today is a sad day as everyone recalls the colleague I mentioned last week who died of Covid. I didn't know his age until today -- 44. That's just so shocking to me.

After a long, eventful weekend and a 500-plus mile drive yesterday, I'm having trouble getting focused on things. So, I better try harder. Talk to you folks again soon.
I love and have a great collection of old post cards. This is Miami, Florida back in the ""old days". Times they have changed.

I love the dress. The men wore ties and hats and the women dresses and hats. Class.

My dad was born in 1902. He rarely went outside without a hat and it was always long sleeved shirts. I doubt that he ever got a sun burn.
I love the dress. The men wore ties and hats and the women dresses and hats. Class.

My dad was born in 1902. He rarely went outside without a hat and it was always long sleeved shirts. I doubt that he ever got a sun burn.
I've mentioned the same thing to others. How dress has changed....for the worse. Even back in the 50s and early 60s people 'kind of' dressed up just to go the store. Let alone the women wearing hats and gloves for church.
Now, all you see is church too.
Thanks Ben. Yes, I am blessed with healthy parents at their age - and that they can still care for each other and themselves.

Back in the work spin. On the other end of the spectrum from my parents, today is a sad day as everyone recalls the colleague I mentioned last week who died of Covid. I didn't know his age until today -- 44. That's just so shocking to me.

After a long, eventful weekend and a 500-plus mile drive yesterday, I'm having trouble getting focused on things. So, I better try harder. Talk to you folks again soon.

Yes, 44 is too young. Everyone get the vaccine.
I've mentioned the same thing to others. How dress has changed....for the worse. Even back in the 50s and early 60s people 'kind of' dressed up just to go the store. Let alone the women wearing hats and gloves for church.
Now, all you see is church too.

I seldom see jeans at church. Not to say it doesn't happen, but just not the norm. About as casual as I get, for church, is khakis with a polo, during the summer.
Matt Jones says Boston will get drafted late in the first round and sent to the G league. I guess I should stick to betting on slow horses as my forte' because I can't see him playing any time soon.

That's the problem. Even though he goes in the 1st round, and gets guaranteed money, he will never get out of the G_League, and then he will be off to Europe. If he had stayed another year, he would get the 2nd contract and that is where the money is. Bad decision on his part, but parents are greedy and think they are owed payment.
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I see Kentucky is in the running for the UNC-CHeats guard named Kessler, who is transferring.

My stomach lurched at the name Kessler. The first time I ever did any drinking beyond a snuck beer, a few of us decided to get smashed at a friend's uncle's trailer camp along the Ohio River.

I was about 15-maybe younger. My parents were teetotalers so I had no idea how to drink. I ended up downing a pint of Kessler's Whiskey about as fast as I would have drunk a Barq's soda.

The whole banquet of terrible effects followed, the room spinning like mad, throwing up like a firehouse, staggering around, a vicious wrestling match with a buddy who took exception to something I said, or had just been waiting for his inhibitions to lower to attack me. That seemed to last an hour and had us both bleeding.

Finally, we managed to set a garbage can in the trailer on fire, and came perilously close to burning the place to the ground.

I'd love to say I was cured of the temptation for alcohol forever. But that had to wait until my 30s and quite a few more horror stories. I'm a very light drinker now -- a couple beers on a summer day, a few sips of bourbon with my wife on a winter's evening.
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That's the problem. Even though he goes in the 1st round, and gets guaranteed money, he will never get our of the G_League, and then he will be off to Europe. If he had stayed another year, he would get the 2nd contract and that is where the money is. Bad decision on his part, but parents are greedy and think they are owed payment.

That is the real shame of it all. Parents mooching off their children AND children mooching off their parents. Very few stand on their own two legs now-a-days...

A pity as there is a feeling of self-worth that is lost that money cannot replace, I know, I have seen it.
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I see Kentucky is in the running for the UNC-CHeats guard named Kessler, who is transferring.

My stomach lurched at the name Kessler. The first time I ever did any drinking beyond a snuck beer, a few of us decided to get smashed at a friend's uncle's trailer camp along the Ohio River.

I was about 15-maybe younger. My parents were teetotalers so I had no idea how to drink. I ended up downing a pint of Kessler's Whiskey about as fast as I would have drunk a Barq's soda.

The whole banquet of terrible effects followed, the room spinning like mad, throwing up like a firehouse, staggering around, a vicious wrestling match with a buddy who took exception to something I said, or had just been waiting for his inhibitions to lower to attack me. That seemed to last an hour and had us both bleeding.

Finally, we managed to set a garbage can in the trailer on fire, and came perilously close to burning the place to the ground.

I'd love to say I was cured of the temptation for alcohol forever. But that had to wait until my 30s and quite a few more horror stories. I'm a very light drinker now -- a couple beers on a summer day, a few sips of bourbon with my wife on a winter's evening.
Maybe he will to UK, then blow the lid on what's going on at UNCheats!!!!
I see Kentucky is in the running for the UNC-CHeats guard named Kessler, who is transferring.

My stomach lurched at the name Kessler. The first time I ever did any drinking beyond a snuck beer, a few of us decided to get smashed at a friend's uncle's trailer camp along the Ohio River.

I was about 15-maybe younger. My parents were teetotalers so I had no idea how to drink. I ended up downing a pint of Kessler's Whiskey about as fast as I would have drunk a Barq's soda.

The whole banquet of terrible effects followed, the room spinning like mad, throwing up like a firehouse, staggering around, a vicious wrestling match with a buddy who took exception to something I said, or had just been waiting for his inhibitions to lower to attack me. That seemed to last an hour and had us both bleeding.

Finally, we managed to set a garbage can in the trailer on fire, and came perilously close to burning the place to the ground.

I'd love to say I was cured of the temptation for alcohol forever. But that had to wait until my 30s and quite a few more horror stories. I'm a very light drinker now -- a couple beers on a summer day, a few sips of bourbon with my wife on a winter's evening.

I too am thankful I never caused any "known" calamities' during my harder drinking days other than some hurt feelings. You took the abrupt way to experiencing alcohol. I never tolerated being around an abusive drunk, that seems more prevalent with hard liquor but maybe not.

I have no issue with an occasional or passive drink. Never have, no issue with those who don't drink. It is a choice. My conviction comes if I do something that may hasten someone else's demise. (I pay attention to that part of it.)

I drank four bottles of Yuengling this past Friday evening. Thought I was drunk comparing my usual two to four Yuengling a week at most. I go some weeks drinking nothing. I kind of drink as a change of pace now-a-days....
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I see Kentucky is in the running for the UNC-CHeats guard named Kessler, who is transferring.

My stomach lurched at the name Kessler. The first time I ever did any drinking beyond a snuck beer, a few of us decided to get smashed at a friend's uncle's trailer camp along the Ohio River.

I was about 15-maybe younger. My parents were teetotalers so I had no idea how to drink. I ended up downing a pint of Kessler's Whiskey about as fast as I would have drunk a Barq's soda.

The whole banquet of terrible effects followed, the room spinning like mad, throwing up like a firehouse, staggering around, a vicious wrestling match with a buddy who took exception to something I said, or had just been waiting for his inhibitions to lower to attack me. That seemed to last an hour and had us both bleeding.

Finally, we managed to set a garbage can in the trailer on fire, and came perilously close to burning the place to the ground.

I'd love to say I was cured of the temptation for alcohol forever. But that had to wait until my 30s and quite a few more horror stories. I'm a very light drinker now -- a couple beers on a summer day, a few sips of bourbon with my wife on a winter's evening.
I can't see him coming to UK, knowing he's going to sit behind Tshiebwe.
Expected to hit the mid-60s in this part of the Buckeye State today. So probably around noon it'll be time to go outside and see what needs to be done. Plenty....this time of year. Got a shed full of yard stuff that I need to start getting out (rain barrels, yard decorations, etc). And like someone earlier had mentioned of getting plants out of their garage...we've got some in the basement that need to come up and greet Mr. Sunshine again.

Also, getting close to starting tomato seeds for the garden. Anybody else do their own from seed...or just buy the plants when the time comes? Sometimes I'm not sure if it's worth it going the seed route. But gives you something to do when the Spring temps drop back down and you stay indoors.

Didn't watch the game...haven't watched any (no interest)...what's the backstory on the Rutger's coach? I must have missed something.
I plant seeds for almost everything.......I have sweet bell and Jumbo Jalapenos up...........I had thirteen of each to sprout........( I hope that isen't forebodence of the gardening season).......I will plant tomato seeds about the first of April......I got tired years ago of getting plants that were labeled wrong...........besides........I have a green thumb.......we put up a lot of produce....400+ jars a year........our grandchildren won't eat green beans out of a tin a two year period we put up over 1,400 jars of food/juice/jellies.........only thing that keeps us from being self sufficient is space......we have 4/10's of an acre..........we need 10-15 acres....
:) :)

aka as fronds. Here are a few that need trimming to remove the dead "fronds"

Well today it is going to be much like yesterday. This weather pattern will continue until Easter when "magically" you can put away any sweater you own or thin jacket because they will not be needed for a long time.

Currently 58° with a few scattered showers, a 34% chance and winds are coming from the N at 6 mph. The sun wil shine as we get up to 68 degrees. Not to bad but it could be better. We do need some rain.

Is there any way you can get a photo/video of you shimmying up those trees to trim them.........I see bark burns............
  • Good Afternoon Youse Guys. Hope all of you are well. Get your shots!!!
  • Glorious Day going!!
  • We had a Celebration Party on Saturday
  • for our youngest Grandchild. He was accepted at UGA last Friday a week. Life is good.
  • Our Great-Grandson (15 months old tomorrow) and his daddy were here. Very nice.
  • Our only son was in attendance. Very nice.
  • Our daughter hosted the party.
  • I smoked flat Chicken Wings. Greet!!! And A rack of St. Louis Style and a rack of Baby Backs. The ribs weren't done until 19:30, so they missed the party. I'll finish all of that stuff later today. Wish you could have some.
  • That is it.
  • All posts read and liked.
  • Welcome to Bert31.
  • As your were.
  • Carry on.
Is there any way you can get a photo/video of you shimmying up those trees to trim them.........I see bark burns............
No but these are medium compared to some. My man from over in Levy County trims them for me. Thursday when he trimmed half of them he had to use a "bucket truck" because of high winds and height. Friday he got the rest of them and used a 40' extension ladder.

10 years ago I would have done the trimming but with metal up and down my spine I leave it to the young folks.
I just heard Elgin Baylor has passed away at age 86. I first saw him play in the 1958 Championship game against our Fiddlin' Five. I was 14 years old and daddy had bought us tickets to the Final Four in Louisville, KY. The game was played at the Fairgrounds.

He was the best player on the court and Adolph Rupp had a great scouting report. Coach Rupp found out Baylor could not drive to his left as well as he could his right so Coach Rupp had the man guarding him force him to drive to his left. Baylor still got 25 points but Kentucky sharpshooters out shot the Chieftains led by Johnny Cox's 24.

Since this was the first game I saw in person and we won the NCAA title it still remains my favorite game these many years later. Nothing could top it.

Here is a link to the game. Rest In Peace Elgin Baylor, you were exciting to watch and it was an honor to beat your team because they were dadgum good.

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