
Wonder why Honey Crisp's are so expensive. Might be wrong, but I think that's the type that's always much higher than others.

They are huge and delicious apples. I look for apples here in the $.79 to $.99 range per pound. Those are good apples. One of those Honey Crisp's weigh's darn near a pound though... I had a huge one this morning.
Going to find out about the VA now but the regular Army PA's/Doc's were not very good to me. Even a dentist in the Army screwed me over. Prior to retiring I had some dental work done and one was a root canal. After getting out I had problems with that tooth and went to a dentist in Lawton OK. He did an X-ray and said there was something in the root and went in and found a broken file used for root canal's. I have not had much luck with military doctors. Heck, once I had a hernia for 5 years when I worked civil service and they said as long as it could be pushed back in I could still work and there was not any real danger unless it stayed hard and could not be pushed back in. It was just above the groin on the left side. Eventually it stayed hard and they referred me to a specialist in Lawton to handle it. I don't like going to doctors or dentist now.
I will never forget my first dental exam in the U.S. Army. We were rounded up and marched in and were met by a young fellow right out of dental school. (He got drafted ). He had no experience and saw the army as a good way to get it. So everyone in my platoon was told they needed root canals.

Now I had no idea what a root canal was but I knew my parents had provided excellent dental care for me and my teeth were in great condition. No cavities and pearly white. He asked me if I had any kind of trauma to my mouth in my life, such as a fist to my teeth or somebody's elbow playing ball. Of course I had, I was a boy after all and we played rough in the 1950's. I said yes, and he said I needed a root canal because a probably had a tooth that was dying a slow death and he needed to fix it now. I asked him which tooth it was and he said it could be any of them since I had been hit in the mouth. I told him when I was hit in the mouth I was 8 years old. And no problem since. Bottom line I said no way Jose' and I still have the tooth, nice and healthy and no need of a root canal. But I bet a $1,000 bucks he got plenty of experience. Especially doing root canals.
They are huge and delicious apples. I look for apples here in the $.79 to $.99 range per pound. Those are good apples. One of those Honey Crisp's weigh's darn near a pound though... I had a huge one this morning.
Yea me too, Those crisps here at Kroger hit 3.75 a pound sometimes, that's why I don't buy very much of them. Now when they go down to .99 a pound I buy them!!
50°72° Mostly Sunny

Good Morning D
Just put the corned beef, potatoes, carrots, and cabbage in the slow cooker. The Mrs. said she'll make soda bread this afternoon. Not Irish...but it's a once a year type thing. But....have no green on today.

Of course COVID I'm sure has wiped it out in the last two years, but when I lived in the Atlanta area I was always amazed that Savannah, Ga had the second largest St. Patrick's Day celebration behind NYC. Don't know a lot of the history of Savannah. Don't think it has a real Irish heritage like NYC. But, good opportunity for the bars/restaurants to party hardy and make some $$$.
That's some good eating right there.
Thank you. Sametime every year and a GREAT anniversary day to have.
My 'ex' and I got married on July 9th 1977.....I wanted to get married on the 7th, making it 7777. Thought it would be lucky and unforgetful. She didn't want to get married on a Thursday...hence the 9th.
I was right....the 9th wasn't lucky....hence 'ex'. 😉
April 7th for me. This will make 54 for this old boy and his bride. She gets better with age and thanks to the Grace of God our times together have never been rocky or in peril. We always had each other to get us through, that and our trust in God.
After going thru what I went thru in my first marriage (17 years), you're a lucky and blessed man.
Wonder why Honey Crisp's are so expensive. Might be wrong, but I think that's the type that's always much higher than others.

A produce manager told me that they hold apples in cold storage for up to a couple of years. I like soft apples. McIntosh are about the apples I will eat and they are very seasonal and hard to find. Cortlands are supposed to be similar but I can't remember ever seeing one.
I will never forget my first dental exam in the U.S. Army. We were rounded up and marched in and were met by a young fellow right out of dental school. (He got drafted ). He had no experience and saw the army as a good way to get it. So everyone in my platoon was told they needed root canals.

Now I had no idea what a root canal was but I knew my parents had provided excellent dental care for me and my teeth were in great condition. No cavities and pearly white. He asked me if I had any kind of trauma to my mouth in my life, such as a fist to my teeth or somebody's elbow playing ball. Of course I had, I was a boy after all and we played rough in the 1950's. I said yes, and he said I needed a root canal because a probably had a tooth that was dying a slow death and he needed to fix it now. I asked him which tooth it was and he said it could be any of them since I had been hit in the mouth. I told him when I was hit in the mouth I was 8 years old. And no problem since. Bottom line I said no way Jose' and I still have the tooth, nice and healthy and no need of a root canal. But I bet a $1,000 bucks he got plenty of experience. Especially doing root canals.

Dentistry IMHO is pretty close to being the biggest racket going. I never even owned a toothbrush when I was a kid and my teeth were gone by the time I was in my late 20s. Got my dentures at a place in Mount Vernon, Ky. $50 a set. Someone pulled your teeth ($2 a tooth) and you waited about a month for your gums to heal and shrink. You went in, he took an impression and you got your dentures in the mail. People went there from hundreds of miles away. I still have those same dentures nearly 50 years later with no problems at all. (I sometimes tell my wife I need to take them in and get them sharpened,)

This story could be repeated thousands of times for us poor folks growing up in the hills back in those days.

My wife still has all her original teeth. She goes in a couple of times a year.
I’m watching the documentary Free Solo tonight. It’s about this young guy committed to being the first to ever climb El Capitan in Yosemite as a free climb - no ropes or equipment.

I’m only half way through and assume he makes it at the end, but I can say it’s scaring the hell out of me just watching.

A telling moment: he and a friend are talking about the 30 or so climbing colleagues they had at the upper levels of climbing who have died.
I’m watching the documentary Free Solo tonight. It’s about this young guy committed to being the first to ever climb El Capitan in Yosemite as a free climb - no ropes or equipment.

I’m only half way through and assume he makes it at the end, but I can say it’s scaring the hell out of me just watching.

A telling moment: he and a friend are talking about the 30 or so climbing colleagues they had at the upper levels of climbing who have died.
That is a good documentary. You have to have nerves of steel to even think about trying it.
When I was younger, beer for/with breakfast was a treat. Champagne breakfasts in Germany were a lot of fun. Hitting up a German pub on Sunday mornings at 10 am after opening seemed really awesome.

We all age. Currently, it's difficult drinking at noon during various Cats football and basketball games. Those Guinness Nitro Stouts I plan on drinking early this coming evening are only 4% ABV.

Queue "Mother's Little Helper"....

During my UK days it was "hair of the dog". Actually didn't work like everyone thinks but back then it didn't matter.
Good morning D, That's what I like about the D, lots of stories, most of us can relate to! I have made about 15 stained glass shades if that's what you want to call them, but will make no more!!!!

We bought a flat of strawberries as a fund raiser from our granddaughter, soccer player and a good one! They way i understood, they drove to Dover Florida, Berry Boss, waited for them to bring them from the field and drove back home, fresh!!!! We had some this morning on a cinnamon roll!!!! Now I have 6 more cartons to do something with today, start freezing them I guess.

I had a good day detecting, about 3 hours, 4 quarters, 5 dimes and 15 pennies. I don't know why, but nickels are hard to find!!! Going back later with another detector to check again. I have never heard so much metal in the ground in one place!!!

Was reading about apples, I guess Gala's Fuji's and Honey crisp's are my favorite, like them for breakfast with peanut butter!!!

I hope the D, has a great day and Prayers for the D!!!!
Talking about stained glass shades reminds me of another story. In the eighties I had a customer from Boston. He would take a large trailer down somewhere in Mexico and buy glass shades, then stop at my place on the way home to finish filling his trailer. One trip he told me that some armed uniformed men stopped him at a remote intersection. They stole all his money and he said he heard them talking about what to do with his body. A tourist bus pulled up at the intersection and he was sure that saved his life.
Dentistry IMHO is pretty close to being the biggest racket going. I never even owned a toothbrush when I was a kid and my teeth were gone by the time I was in my late 20s. Got my dentures at a place in Mount Vernon, Ky. $50 a set. Someone pulled your teeth ($2 a tooth) and you waited about a month for your gums to heal and shrink. You went in, he took an impression and you got your dentures in the mail. People went there from hundreds of miles away. I still have those same dentures nearly 50 years later with no problems at all. (I sometimes tell my wife I need to take them in and get them sharpened,)

This story could be repeated thousands of times for us poor folks growing up in the hills back in those days.

My wife still has all her original teeth. She goes in a couple of times a year.

You mentioned that and when I was growing up and very young I had too many sets of teeth in the front of my mouth. I had to have surgery to remove the extra teeth. (It seems I was 10 or 11.) had to be put to sleep. I had crooked teeth due to that and still have crooked teeth. What DID happen though was at 16 or 17 I had very bad teeth cavity-wise. I had just moved on my own and went back to that same dentist. He practiced in Taylor Michigan, across the street from where my parents once rented a house. Dr. Pezzopane (Hope I spelled his name correctly but probably butchered it.). I will never forget him. He remembered me for some reason but anyway, he told me my teeth were horrible and needed lots of work. (I knew that as I was sure hurting.) I told him my position and lived on my own but had a good job.

That turkey charged me ten bucks a tooth to fix all my teeth. That was a TON less than he usually charged and he did some serious work on me over what seemed several months. He fixed them all. My teeth were still crooked as he didn't do braces but I was used to that anyway and didn't care. My teeth were no longer hurting and I was in the best shape of my life mouth and health wise thanks to him. I offered him more and told him I could pay him more but he wouldn't take anything more than ten dollars a tooth. His work lasted until I was into my thirties and maybe forties. I had all those fillings and work redone, some while I lived in San Antonio but several too when I lived in Korea.

I only mention this to again state God loves you, he sure loves me as he time and time again has taken care of and provided for me in so many situations. I never straightened my teeth. Before I had a family of my own I never had the money and when I had my family I always put my wife and kids first. Now that I could I just don't bother with it any longer. I always wanted straight teeth but oh well, I consider it my thorn of the flesh and have moved on learning to carry on...I keep them very clean now and that seems to have worked well.
I’m watching the documentary Free Solo tonight. It’s about this young guy committed to being the first to ever climb El Capitan in Yosemite as a free climb - no ropes or equipment.

I’m only half way through and assume he makes it at the end, but I can say it’s scaring the hell out of me just watching.

A telling moment: he and a friend are talking about the 30 or so climbing colleagues they had at the upper levels of climbing who have died.
That is a good documentary. You have to have nerves of steel to even think about trying it.
Saw it a few years ago. Very good. What prompts someone to do something like that? Straight up. No safety. Maybe a tiny crevice for your foot...and a small bump/outcropping for your hands.
I’m watching the documentary Free Solo tonight. It’s about this young guy committed to being the first to ever climb El Capitan in Yosemite as a free climb - no ropes or equipment.

I’m only half way through and assume he makes it at the end, but I can say it’s scaring the hell out of me just watching.

A telling moment: he and a friend are talking about the 30 or so climbing colleagues they had at the upper levels of climbing who have died.

One of the most outstanding athletic feats ever.
Dentistry IMHO is pretty close to being the biggest racket going. I never even owned a toothbrush when I was a kid and my teeth were gone by the time I was in my late 20s. Got my dentures at a place in Mount Vernon, Ky. $50 a set. Someone pulled your teeth ($2 a tooth) and you waited about a month for your gums to heal and shrink. You went in, he took an impression and you got your dentures in the mail. People went there from hundreds of miles away. I still have those same dentures nearly 50 years later with no problems at all. (I sometimes tell my wife I need to take them in and get them sharpened,)

This story could be repeated thousands of times for us poor folks growing up in the hills back in those days.

My wife still has all her original teeth. She goes in a couple of times a year.
Went to a family reunion a few times in the country outside Mt. Vernon. Went spelunking outside of town one time in college. Now that is something if you've never done it. No tourist stuff....but you better go with someone who knows what they're doing. Put your hand 1/2 inch from your face and you can't see it. Got kind of hairy a couple times.