
Speaking of dentists....HATE THEM!
When I was real little...maybe 2 or 3 went to Dr. to get a shot. Probably some kind of baby/youth inoculation.
Nurse gave me the shot and I don't know if she screwed up or I jumped a bit. Broke the needle off in my arm. Probably a little trickle of blood but to a little kid it was a gusher. She couldn't get it the Doc came in and dug it out. So......became very scared of getting shots.

Few years later two things with our dentist. Might have been 7 or 8 and had a cavity. Doc wanted to give me novocain and I said no ......scared of shots. Him, me, and Mom went back and forth. Guess he didn't do gas 'cause after I pitched a fit.....he starts drilling with no novocain, no nothing. Says he's got this brand new drill...state of the pain...diamond tip drill. Hit a nerve and I came out of the chair. I'm sure the pain was unbearable....but I WAS NOT going to get a shot. Finally got done, hurt like #$&%. Well, walking home with Mom (he was just up from the neighborhood on the main drag)....the filling falls out. So now I'm hurting from the drilling and every breath when the air hit the tooth it felt like my head would explode. On top of that it was late in the day...and must have been a Friday....'cause I had to go days before I could get back in for him to fix it.

Did I say that I HATE dentists?
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Just got finished baking/decorating a b'day cake for tomorrow. Stepdaughter's b'day. Her and her daughter love a cake that I make a few times a year. Nothing special....just a white cake with buttercream icing with a red rasberry filling between layers.
So b'day dinner (actual going to be lunch) ... lasagna, salad, and cake. There goes my diet.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 49°F and clear. Winds died down a bit. Temps dropped about 20 degrees from this time yesterday. Today's high should hit 73°F. Nice.

Well, so much for St. Patrick's Day celebrations. I drank two beers and fell asleep in the chair before 7 pm last night. Heh.

I'm not filling out a bracket this season. May catch a few games, but that's about it. No Cats = less interest.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Dentistry IMHO is pretty close to being the biggest racket going. I never even owned a toothbrush when I was a kid and my teeth were gone by the time I was in my late 20s. Got my dentures at a place in Mount Vernon, Ky. $50 a set. Someone pulled your teeth ($2 a tooth) and you waited about a month for your gums to heal and shrink. You went in, he took an impression and you got your dentures in the mail. People went there from hundreds of miles away. I still have those same dentures nearly 50 years later with no problems at all. (I sometimes tell my wife I need to take them in and get them sharpened,)

This story could be repeated thousands of times for us poor folks growing up in the hills back in those days.

My wife still has all her original teeth. She goes in a couple of times a year.

I am missing a couple upper back teeth on both sides and will be getting implants as soon as my dentist can set it up with a dental surgeon.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 49°F and clear. Winds died down a bit. Temps dropped about 20 degrees from this time yesterday. Today's high should hit 73°F. Nice.

Well, so much for St. Patrick's Day celebrations. I drank two beers and fell asleep in the chair before 7 pm last night. Heh.

I'm not filling out a bracket this season. May catch a few games, but that's about it. No Cats = less interest.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

My daughter was asking me if I was filling out a bracket, and I told her the same thing. Just don't have the interest to fill one out this year.
Goooooood Morning to all. Raining like cats and dogs outside. Can I still say that or has that been cancelled. Prejudiced against fuzzy little animals/pets?

Well, so much for St. Patrick's Day celebrations. I drank two beers and fell asleep in the chair before 7 pm last night. Heh
You party animal you. Was expecting so much more.
My daughter was asking me if I was filling out a bracket, and I told her the same thing. Just don't have the interest to fill one out this year.
Doubt if I watch a minute. No interest at all. Didn't watch us a minute after @UF.
Good morning D-League. I hope you party animals are recovering from your wild bacchanals on St. Patrick's day.

She's Irish so we went all out: shared a rotisserie chicken when she got back from her hospital shift, then watched the Free Solo documentary. She had a glass of red wine. I had a Cheryl's Cookie in the shape of a shamrock she brought me, with a cup of milk. Lights out.

Light, steady rain in Maryland. Just back from a long walk in it, and need to take a hot shower before work. I hope you all have a terrific day.
Dentistry IMHO is pretty close to being the biggest racket going. I never even owned a toothbrush when I was a kid and my teeth were gone by the time I was in my late 20s. Got my dentures at a place in Mount Vernon, Ky. $50 a set. Someone pulled your teeth ($2 a tooth) and you waited about a month for your gums to heal and shrink. You went in, he took an impression and you got your dentures in the mail. People went there from hundreds of miles away. I still have those same dentures nearly 50 years later with no problems at all. (I sometimes tell my wife I need to take them in and get them sharpened,)

This story could be repeated thousands of times for us poor folks growing up in the hills back in those days.

My wife still has all her original teeth. She goes in a couple of times a year.
I have most of my teeth and they are in excellent condition for an ole boy. I go to the dentist every six months. When I was about 9 years old I had an abscess tooth and mom took me to the dentist. Unknown to us he had a drinking problem and pulled the wrong tooth. I had never seen my very mild mannered mother so mad in her life. Mom lived to be 95 years old and died with all of her teeth. My Kentucky father lost all of his teeth when he was about 20 years old. Same for his mother, father and all of his brothers and sisters. Mama always said it was due to the well water. Grandpa
s well was next to a coal mine and had a lot of gas in it. You could smell it and it taste like gasoline in your mouth after you siphoned out somebody's pickup. But, I think the problem with their teeth may have been because they were addicted to sugar. Grandma and my aunts baked sweets every day. Rain or shine, there was a pie or cake in the oven.
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I have most of my teeth and they are in excellent condition for an ole boy. I go to the dentist every six months. When I was about 9 years old I had an abscess tooth and mom took me to the dentist. Unknown to us he had a drinking problem and pulled the wrong tooth. I had never seen my very mild mannered mother so mad in her life. Mom lived to be 95 years old and died with all of her teeth. My Kentucky father lost all of his teeth when he was about 20 years old. Same for his mother, father and all of his brothers and sisters. Mama always said it was due to the well water. Grandpa
s well was next to a coal mine and had a lot of gas in it. You could smell it and it taste like gasoline in your mouth after you siphoned out somebody's pickup. But, I think the problem with their teeth may have been because they were addicted to sugar. Grandma and my aunts baked sweets every day. Rain or shine, there was a pie or cake in the oven.

Did he chew tobacco?
All this talk about dentists. When I was a kid we had a family dentist who I actually liked, though I hated having to go. I guess one day when I was very young he saw me bring a book in to read while I was waiting because he started calling me "Shakespeare," and that never changed. "What's new Shakespeare?" every time I showed up.

He X-Rayed my teeth once, and found out I had no wisdom teeth. "You are highly evolved," he said. "Humans are evolving away from wisdom teeth because they have no function. But you are way ahead of everyone else." I believed that for years until I figured out he was just making it up to amuse himself.

Anyway, it is good to like your dentist, I suppose. But mine got busted for selling pain medication on the black market. Like, a lot of it. He went to prison, and I later heard he died there.

Years later when I was getting my teeth worked on by a terrific dentist in DC, he noted, somewhat diplomatically, that my childhood fillings looked more like the work of a lumberjack than a dentist. But I still have a warm spot for the guy who called me Shakespeare and convinced me I was an evolved being.

(the truth about wisdom teeth:
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Years later when I was getting my teeth worked on by a terrific dentist in DC, he noted, somewhat diplomatically, that my childhood fillings looked more like the work of a lumberjack than a dentist.
Has always amazed me....well, not some tear down the work of others. I guess it makes the one doing the tearing down feel superior, or something. If indeed the one before you got it wrong/did it wrong, just fix it and move on.
Has always amazed me....well, not some tear down the work of others. I guess it makes the one doing the tearing down feel superior, or something. If indeed the one before you got it wrong/did it wrong, just fix it and move on.
I agree colonel. My adult dentist didn't directly criticize the work of my childhood dentist. He just talked about how dentists "back in the day" did things differently, and so on. But the point was clear. I suspect a lot of dental work in the 1960s would seem dated by today.
April 7th for me. This will make 54 for this old boy and his bride. She gets better with age and thanks to the Grace of God our times together have never been rocky or in peril. We always had each other to get us through, that and our trust in God.
Ditto for me Sawnee.

Sherry is the source of my happiness, for a fact. We will have been married 55 years August 18th. My first date was June 18th. We were fixed up by her mother who knew me from work, so great in-laws. Two month dating and 55 years of marriage. Two good kids that graduated college on time and never been out of work.

We had some pressure from my career and moving from place to place and the threat of me losing my job, but looking back it was never really a threat.
Did he chew tobacco?
No, no tobacco use at all. The only tobacco chewer was my grandpa when he worked in the mines. He chewed to clear the dust out of his mouth and lungs. Spitting paid off because he mined for almost 50 y ears and did not have black lung or any type of breathing problems. He would not chew when out of the mines and quit altogether when he retired. I never saw him chewing tobacco.

I would say it was the sugar. All of my dad's family were thin compared to today's society but they loved sweets.
Went to a family reunion a few times in the country outside Mt. Vernon. Went spelunking outside of town one time in college. Now that is something if you've never done it. No tourist stuff....but you better go with someone who knows what they're doing. Put your hand 1/2 inch from your face and you can't see it. Got kind of hairy a couple times.
I have been in every cave in this area and there are more caves here than any place on earth. Spelunking used to be my middle name.

I am on the left, then Dean Ewing and Mike Bell. This was 1963.

Dean and I coming out.

And the Science Fair:
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I have been in ever cave in this area and there are more caves here than any place on earth. Spelunking used to be my middle name.

I am on the left, then Dean Ewing and Mike Bell. This was 1963.

Dean and I coming out.

And the Science Fair:

I was able to hop into a few caves but not back then, I was TWO. Bless you Sir.

Oh, I DO hope all your days today are GREAT. May your needs be met and your desires in the Lord be fulfilled.

Great pictures...

Good morning D, not a lot going on today, Mrs. M made me put up my glass stuff, told me I need to get ready for the spring and summer stuff, fishing and detecting!!!

WC it looks like you have a stalker, every time you venture out of the D, he's there!!! But you do always have an answer for him!

We never had a dentist until our MOM decided it was time to start going. I was scared to death of him, he was a great guy and a family friend, but he had a scar from one side of his forehead to the other side, where he had been in a car wreck!!!!

With our strawberries, Mrs. M is going to make a strawberry pound cake, with a strawberry glaze!!!

I hope the D, has a great day!!! Prayers!!!
Good morning D, not a lot going on today, Mrs. M made me put up my glass stuff, told me I need to get ready for the spring and summer stuff, fishing and detecting!!!

WC it looks like you have a stalker, every time you venture out of the D, he's there!!! But you do always have an answer for him!

We never had a dentist until our MOM decided it was time to start going. I was scared to death of him, he was a great guy and a family friend, but he had a scar from one side of his forehead to the other side, where he had been in a car wreck!!!!

With our strawberries, Mrs. M is going to make a strawberry pound cake, with a strawberry glaze!!!

I hope the D, has a great day!!! Prayers!!!
Yeah, he has been there for a year or two now. He's a wanna be man.
Back to caving: After college we were still caving and had enough money to buy some good equipment.

A big formation in Cave Springs in Smiths Grove:

Me climbing out of a pit in a cave near Park City:

Here is a find we made outside Cave City on Prewitts Knob, there were rocks stacked in a small passage that blocked it off. We removed the stone wall and the dirt was black (from the Indian's bodies decay). Of course at first we did not notice any bones until one skull started shinning. I got sick as we dug the black dirt out. We then called in the archaeologists.

Picture taking in caves was a hard thing as there is no light except what flash you used. The old black and white pictures were made with old flash bulbs and usually you would have to use three or four to get a decent picture. In the late '60's we got some strobes (big Honeywell Strobe light that used D batteries for power) and Ed and I both had good 35mm cameras so we would set the camera up and walk around flashing the strobes at the object we were trying to get a picture of.

I loved caving. My caving ended when I fell into a pit 1971 and messed up my left leg bad and had to walk out on my own power. Sherry said no more caving.
The one and only time I went spelunking was with about 4 other guys at college. One or two may not have been students and we met them in Mt. Vernon...don't recall. But 2 of them knew what they were doing. Was gone all day and probably down climbing/crawling in the cave for a good 4-5 hours. Absolutely exhausted when we got back to campus. Didn't eat dinner...showered and laid down on the bed without dressing....fell asleep. Next afternoon (slept about 18 hrours) I'm woken by talking and laughing. Roommate had come in with his girlfriend and didn't know I was sleeping au naturel.
A wee bit embarrassing.
But I loved the spelunking.
I have been in every cave in this area and there are more caves here than any place on earth. Spelunking used to be my middle name.

I am on the left, then Dean Ewing and Mike Bell. This was 1963.

Dean and I coming out.

And the Science Fair:

Bertrand Spelunking Higginbotham. Has a nice ring to it.
I now have to ask for, forgiveness! I thought I was a better man, but I was weak! I had to go out for a bit and when I walked by, they said, hey cord you know you want some, but I kept walking, but I just couldn't keep on walking. So I turned around and said yes I want some, so I bought me some chicken livers!!!! LORD please forgive me!!!!

Love fried chicken livers.

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