
I take melatonin to help myself get to sleep faster. Before taking it, I would find myself getting sleepy watching Tv, and then when I got to bed, I would struggle getting to sleep. Now I'm out in a few minutes.

I tried everything short of narcotic-level. Nothing worked. Zolpidem is classified as narcotic but I don't know why. It does not give one any kind of buzz or seem addictive.
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Morning D legionnaires!

2 games of interest today with one starting at noon for some and 11:00 for me. Hopefully we can start the New Year on a good note.

Ailment question for you good people. I have self diagnosed (pretty sure) a problem with my foot. I think I have what is called Plantar Fibromatosis. Me and my wife scoured the net last night based on what we could see on my foot and feel (me). It is a little nodule that develops on the Plantar fascia in the arch of the foot and is painful when walking. The pain is more intense after sitting down (resting) then getting back on my feet but, once moving, not so bad.

Morning D legionnaires!

2 games of interest today with one starting at noon for some and 11:00 for me. Hopefully we can start the New Year on a good note.

Ailment question for you good people. I have self diagnosed (pretty sure) a problem with my foot. I think I have what is called Plantar Fibromatosis. Me and my wife scoured the net last night based on what we could see on my foot and feel (me). It is a little nodule that develops on the Plantar fascia in the arch of the foot and is painful when walking. The pain is more intense after sitting down (resting) then getting back on my feet but, once moving, not so bad.
I didn't stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night, so don't know how much I can help. About 15 years ago or so I thought I had it. Self-diagnosed like you with Dr. Google. Very painful. With me the pain was very, very intense first thing in the morning getting out of bed. All night resting and then getting up was awful. Still pain while moving/walking, but not as bad. Finally after maybe a month or more it started to get better till it wasn't there anymore.

Then two (?) years ago it happened again. Wasn't sure if all the symptoms were the same, but the pain in my foot was horrible. Couldn't figure out what I had done if anything, but a couple days before it started hurting, we had gone to the Neil Armstrong Museum in Wapakaneta, OH on the Saturday that was the 50th anniversary of the moon landing. Hottest day of the year so I wore sandals. Huge crowd so we had to park a mile or two away and walk...standing in lines....lots of walking that day. So when it started hurting I blamed it on wearing sandals and being on my feet all day. And like the last time, the pain went on for a month or more and slowly subsided.

But in thinking about it while going thru the second episode, I noticed that both times I had been working in one of our rental properties...drywalling, painting, carpentry, etc. Parts of that building has concrete floors and I had been kneeling down a lot while working...thus bending that foot. So, now I wonder if the first episode, that I thought was PF, wasn't really maybe stretching ligaments or something in my foot. But, strange that it has happened twice and the same pain was so intense. But, and I drive the Mrs nuts (who was in the healthcare industry, so..go to the doctor..stay off your feet..etc), there's always something that has to be done so I kept on going, working thru it.

Y'all have a good Saturday.
I didn't stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night, so don't know how much I can help. About 15 years ago or so I thought I had it. Self-diagnosed like you with Dr. Google. Very painful. With me the pain was very, very intense first thing in the morning getting out of bed. All night resting and then getting up was awful. Still pain while moving/walking, but not as bad. Finally after maybe a month or more it started to get better till it wasn't there anymore.

Then two (?) years ago it happened again. Wasn't sure if all the symptoms were the same, but the pain in my foot was horrible. Couldn't figure out what I had done if anything, but a couple days before it started hurting, we had gone to the Neil Armstrong Museum in Wapakaneta, OH on the Saturday that was the 50th anniversary of the moon landing. Hottest day of the year so I wore sandals. Huge crowd so we had to park a mile or two away and walk...standing in lines....lots of walking that day. So when it started hurting I blamed it on wearing sandals and being on my feet all day. And like the last time, the pain went on for a month or more and slowly subsided.

But in thinking about it while going thru the second episode, I noticed that both times I had been working in one of our rental properties...drywalling, painting, carpentry, etc. Parts of that building has concrete floors and I had been kneeling down a lot while working...thus bending that foot. So, now I wonder if the first episode, that I thought was PF, wasn't really maybe stretching ligaments or something in my foot. But, strange that it has happened twice and the same pain was so intense. But, and I drive the Mrs nuts (who was in the healthcare industry, so..go to the doctor..stay off your feet..etc), there's always something that has to be done so I kept on going, working thru it.

Y'all have a good Saturday.
I am having the same thought process about driving on unless the pain gets worse. Plan on doing my martial arts workout today in the shop so, I will see if it hinders my performance (albeit old age performance) from the norm.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 37°F, clear and calm. We should top out around 62°F this afternoon. Not so humid. Nice.

A rare Game Day x2 happens today: Wolfpack vs FB Cats at noon EST from the Taxslayer Bowl. 6 PM EST finds our BB Cats down at the Hump taking on MissSt Bulldogs.

Go Cats!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members .

Good morning folks. I hope today is a positive first step for the hoops team and a bowl win for the Gridiron Cats. Big day for the athletic department.

Bittersweet day for our family. We're taking the kids to a nice lunch at an Irish Pub in Frederick, Maryland we all like. It'll be the last full participation event before they go back to Texas and Kentucky. It has been a fabulous celebration for us since the week before Christmas. But, alas, we knew it was for a limited time.

Go Cats, and I hope its a great day for all D-Leaguers.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 37°F, clear and calm. We should top out around 62°F this afternoon. Not so humid. Nice.

A rare Game Day x2 happens today: Wolfpack vs FB Cats at noon EST from the Taxslayer Bowl. 6 PM EST finds our BB Cats down at the Hump taking on MissSt Bulldogs.

Go Cats!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members .

Biggest cream puffs I've ever seen, and the best I've ever had, is at Schmidt's in the German Village at Columbus, OH. They are to die for. Schmidt's was highlighted on the old Man vs. Food show about 8-10 years ago.....

Biggest cream puffs I've ever seen, and the best I've ever had, is at Schmidt's in the German Village at Columbus, OH. They are to die for. Schmidt's was highlighted on the old Man vs. Food show about 8-10 years ago.....



Let me amend my last statement....................

More coffee..................................and a dozen of those cream puffs Ohio Colonel.......................................
Good morning D, started out at 45, now 38 degrees.

Ok I am not a doctor either, but I did stay at my house last night!!! Planters Warts, I have had them! First thing you need to do is get a towel, twist it on opposite corners so it will be the widest it can be, then first thing in the morning when you wake up, loop the towel right at the base of your toes and stretch your foot towards you, do this a few times to stretch out the ligaments, because they tighten up during the night. For me it was always that first step that was a killer!!!! Keep you a frozen bottle of water or a golf ball and roll your foot where ever it hurts the worst a few times a day. that will keep them loosened up, I used a golf ball but I hated chasing it down when it rolled away. I had an Idea, so I made a small stand, drilled a hole thru the golf ball, then ran a piece of copper tubing thru the ball and fastened it on each side with so that it rolled while I was just setting there, Tried to get a patent on it but there was something already made like it! All this helps, never had to do any surgery!!! One thing that really helps is a silicone heel insert or cushion that goes in your shoe, it helped keep the direct pressure off the wart. That's about all I can think of right now D!!

I hope the D, has a great day!!! Still praying for the D and Bev!!!!

@cordmaker wanted me to post this picture on the D-League.

I will let him take over from here.. This is what I was talking about, no two pieces are the same. Those clear ornaments are all made out of the same sheet of glass!!

Thank you Bert!!
Good morning D, started out at 45, now 38 degrees.

Ok I am not a doctor either, but I did stay at my house last night!!! Planters Warts, I have had them! First thing you need to do is get a towel, twist it on opposite corners so it will be the widest it can be, then first thing in the morning when you wake up, loop the towel right at the base of your toes and stretch your foot towards you, do this a few times to stretch out the ligaments, because they tighten up during the night. For me it was always that first step that was a killer!!!! Keep you a frozen bottle of water or a golf ball and roll your foot where ever it hurts the worst a few times a day. that will keep them loosened up, I used a golf ball but I hated chasing it down when it rolled away. I had an Idea, so I made a small stand, drilled a hole thru the golf ball, then ran a piece of copper tubing thru the ball and fastened it on each side with so that it rolled while I was just setting there, Tried to get a patent on it but there was something already made like it! All this helps, never had to do any surgery!!! One thing that really helps is a silicone heel insert or cushion that goes in your shoe, it helped keep the direct pressure off the wart. That's about all I can think of right now D!!

I hope the D, has a great day!!! Still praying for the D and Bev!!!!

Thank you Bert!!
Have a couple of those freezable peanut looking things that I use to use for Plantar Fasciitis so, I will go to them for the mornings.