
Isn't there another version of the virus starting to make it's way around now?

Yes. It is a new strain of the virus and more contagious. Might be why the number of cases have exploded since Thanksgiving, set a record for both cases and deaths yesterday. CDC now projecting 383,000-424,000 total deaths by Jan 23.

Fl getting smoked by Ooooooooooklahoma so far in the Cotton Bowl. 17-0. Trask with 3 interceptions in the first quarter. Might be a long night for them. The top 4 receivers for Fl are out for this game.

<- - - Heading over to football board and tuning in the game. I really thought Gators might own that ass.
Fl getting smoked by Ooooooooooklahoma so far in the Cotton Bowl. 17-0. Trask with 3 interceptions in the first quarter. Might be a long night for them. The top 4 receivers for Fl are out for this game.
Hard to believe this is a team that might have been a thrown shoe from supplanting Notre Dame as the fourth championship playoff team.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 42°F and raining at a good clip, roughly 1.5 inches over the past 24 hours. Our high today may reach 45°F. Possibility for snow flurries late tonight. San Angelo, to our northwest, is under a winter storm warning. Midland could see significant snowfall, up to 20 inches according to one projection I noted. We really need more rain. I've not cut grass since about August.

Happy New Year's Eve!

Wishing happiness and health to all our fellow D-League members.
Good morning D

The coffee is hot and very good. We are in store for a very nice day with a temperature of 67° and maybe a 2% chance of rain. Our winds are SE at 17 MPH which means a very pleasant Gulf breeze as we head on up to 82° by midafternoon. A nice end to a horrible 2020 weather wise.

I think I will head outside when day breaks and do some yard work. The recent cold snap damaged a clump of elephant ear plants so I will cut them back. Also some limbs on the guava tree were damaged so trimming is in order. My wife bought two nice and healthy pigmy date palm trees that will need planting. There was a time this year that I doubted I would ever be able to trim a bush or dig a hole. But God answered a few prayers for me.

I trust all have a nice last day of 2020. Take care

Gooooood Morning Legionnaires!

We got our stimulus checks yesterday. Another round of money not being spent because they will take it back somehow. It is like getting a high interest loan. Will have to probably pay it back with interest. So, to the government I say:

Oh and by the way, I got another check ($188.00) from the retirement section of Civil Service outside of my normal check. No reason stated so I have no clue why. Have to contact them. Another bit of money not counted until I know why.
Dang, WC money is falling out of trees. You know there will be strings attached. Only money sent to foreign nations, some who want to destroy America, is not taken back by our government. Actually some of it does come back in the form of $$$$ to our crooked politicians who get millions from the Muslim World, Africa and China.
Roofs are white as is parts of the grass. Rained all day yesterday, on and off, and poured last night. Which then turned to snow...but just a dusting. Again, steer your grandchildren or great grandchildren into the weather forecasting business. Only one I know where you can be wrong constantly and still have a job. Just a few days ago it was going to be in the mid 50s they say maybe 40 with a winter advisory.

Are weather forecasters ex-politicians? Or maybe they want to be? Two professions that get little right.

Last day of the year. No plans for the evening...never do. To me New Years (especially Eve) is the most overrated holiday of them all. Have a good one.
Happy New Year’s Eve D-League!

Every New Year’s Eve I sit down and ask myself a tough question that I try to answer honestly:

Did I get everything possible out of this trip around the sun?

For 2020:

1. Did I sit at a table in my house in front of a laptop? Check.

2. Did I take lots of aimless walks within a five-mile radius of my home? Check.

Okay I’m good.

Hope the year comes to a satisfying close for the D-League.
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A few years ago a local TV station brought on a new weather man from somewhere in the Midwest. He complained forecasting weather up North was a challenge like no other.
Although I joke and complain about it, he's probably right. Seems the Midwest is in the middle of several areas that can affect the weather quickly. Colder temps from Canada dropping down, warmer from the South, Tx, Gulf, Great Lakes (especially in Winter) and fronts from the West coming across the country. Much harder to forecast correctly than I joke about....but still....what other job can you be wrong a lot and still collect a pay check? 😉

I remember one time sitting in the lobby of WXIA Ch. 11 in Atlanta waiting to see the GM. There was another guy witing, and out came their weekend/fill-in weather guy who was obviously a friend and lunch appt. The other guy was standing by one of the windows in the lobby, and as I recall the windows were 6-8 foot tall. They talked for a bit in front of the window and at one point the part-time weather guy kind of leaned a bit looking out the window up to the sky and said something to the effect...'I wonder if it's going to rain'? I busted up laughing....never have forgotten that.

And actually this guy, if you remember him, long time weatherman in Atlanta, studied to be a minister and was a lay minister while on TV. Super, super nice guy. Guy Sharpe Ch. 11 .......

When you live above the Mason-Dixon there are still a bunch of people who have never heard of black eyed peas, collard greens, and okra. Especially okra.
Not nearly as many as say when I was growing up (due to media, cooking shows, etc). Can remember as a kid all our neighbors had never heard of grits.
I keep a bottle of pickled okra in the frig. I love them as a snack.
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It is a rainy 37.2°F here and we are supposed to top out at 40°. So far my rain gauge says we have received .93". We are supposed to stay on the warm side of the storm and tomorrow get up to 69, and rain.

The last day of 2020. Found out last night that my son in law tested positive for Covid. We spent Christmas with them. It is finger crossing time.
It is a rainy 37.2°F here and we are supposed to top out at 40°. So far my rain gauge says we have received .93". We are supposed to stay on the warm side of the storm and tomorrow get up to 69, and rain.

The last day of 2020. Found out last night that my son in law tested positive for Covid. We spent Christmas with them. It is finger crossing time.
Yikes! Hopefully nothing to worry about. I mean, hey, y'all survived two visits from me. Can't be that bad [winking].

Seriously, wishing you and Sherry only the best.
I keep a bottle of pickled akra in the frig. I love them as a snack.
You are Southern to the bone.
It is a rainy 37.2°F here and we are supposed to top out at 40°. So far my rain gauge says we have received .93". We are supposed to stay on the warm side of the storm and tomorrow get up to 69, and rain.

The last day of 2020. Found out last night that my son in law tested positive for Covid. We spent Christmas with them. It is finger crossing time.
Fingers crossed for you Bert. When are you scheduled to get the vaccine? I hope you can squeeze it in before this thing spreads even more.
It's amazing how many shows/ movies have copied Twilight Zone episodes: Truman Show, Sixth Sense, Poltergeist, The Village, and Child's Play among others.
It's amazing watching the Twilight Zone, how many stars were in those shows!
Speaking of the devil, my wife switched on Twilight Zone last night after I went to bed and she watched it for a while. I may check out a few episodes later. Different perspective now that I'm older.
It is a rainy 37.2°F here and we are supposed to top out at 40°. So far my rain gauge says we have received .93". We are supposed to stay on the warm side of the storm and tomorrow get up to 69, and rain.

The last day of 2020. Found out last night that my son in law tested positive for Covid. We spent Christmas with them. It is finger crossing time.

Tough ole coot like you, the virus doesn’t stand a chance.

Fingers crossed for you and Sherry.