
another FaceBook funny:
[roll] [roll] [roll] [roll]

So, that'll be the new excuse for many.
Speaking of the devil, my wife switched on Twilight Zone last night after I went to bed and she watched it for a while. I may check out a few episodes later. Different perspective now that I'm older.
I've found with streaming and sub-channels like METV, that many shows I liked when younger I don't care for now and vice versa.
I've found with streaming and sub-channels like METV, that many shows I liked when younger I don't care for now and vice versa.
Some are simply stupid.

But I am not passing judgement. I enjoyed "Have Gun Will Travel". I got to see them later and they were horrible. But I would not miss them when they were on.
Did you get any snow? I see areas west and southwest of you were a mess last night and this am.
Thanks for asking. Not just yet, but we're presently at 39°F and may catch a wintry mix around midnight or so. We're close.

Austin averages snowfall 1-2x every three years. We got a light dusting on Feb 6 of this year.
Wanted to take time to pray a Happy New Year into existence for you all. I will be signing off shortly for the night. (Pulled an all-nighter last night. That has been a while.) Hitting the hay early.

God is STILL God and he hasn't moved. When you don't feel as close as you once did (If that ever becomes the case.) Just take a step closer toward him. He is still on his thrown. He numbers the hairs on your head and WILL provide your needs. What a mighty God we serve...

Brings to mind a question....will/does the vaccine work if given after someone has been exposed?

My two youngest daughters both work at hospitals, and both have had Covid. They both took their vaccines this week. One had the Pfizer and the other had the Moderna vaccine. The only quirk is that since they both have antibodies from being previously positive, when they got the vaccine, it made them a little more fatigued than someone who took the vaccine and had not previously been infected.
Good morning and Happy New Year from ATX. Currently 36°F and clear. Expecting 54°F for our high. We received a little sleet late yesterday afternoon, but no snow.

Dogs and fireworks are a terrible mix. As the cracks and bangs worsened around midnight, our pup went ballistic.

At any rate, I wish you all much health and happiness in the new year.
Woke up to a Winter Weather Advisory. In effect till 1:00 I believe. Light rain/ice. Just looks like a light rainy morning....but I imagine if I go outside I could wind up on my ...........

Didn't stay up. Never do. No special plans today other than a lasagna lunch with the step-daughter and granddaughter invited. May watch some football...may not. How things change....when I was younger, H.S./college/young adult New Years was all about bowl games. Watched all day long. Now...not so much.

Have a good holiday all.
Good morning D-League. Welcome to 2021. I’m going to make the safest bet since I put $2 on Secretariat at the Derby in 1973: This year will be better.

I hope it gets off to a strong start for everyone.
2020 was so bad, that no one is able to have a countdown of the memorable moments. It's the one thing everyone wants erased from history.
Good New Year to the D-League,
It's a rainy 61 degrees to start us off here with heavy thunderstorms and high winds forecasted for later on today. I'm thinking that today would be a good day to take down all the Christmas decorations.

There's so much crazy, interesting news going on out there, it's hard to keep up with; elections controversy, corona19, the "new" strain of the virus that has been reported (part of the grand plan, in my opinion) and the continuous, non-stop, pushing this vaccine on us. Speaking of that, I'm surprised to see so many on here willing to accept that vaccine into their body. Please, do your homework on it before taking it; I'm very suspicious, cautious, and not fully trusting that it's good for us. I don't think "they" are telling us the truth about what all is in this vaccination; especially with Bill Gates behind it all.

It's interesting to read all about our UK basketball troubles. I never thought I'd see us struggling this bad in basketball. Where have they gone wrong? Maybe multiple "issues" and dynamics at work causing our putrid play.

Enjoy your day, everyone.
Good morning D-Leaguers on the start of a new year. It will take several days for my mind to remember it is 2021.

I went to bed early last night because my old hip was hurting and I decided to get a nap in and then watch the New Year come in. I missed a phone call but I got up at 10:30 ready to go.

Sherry decided she was too tired to stay up another hour and a half so we went to bad at 11. I missed the New Year.

It is a seasonably warm 47.1°F and raining. We are up to 1.46" for this rain event (two days). We are supposed to get close to 70° this afternoon. I enjoy the days were we get warmer than normal.

I have the two games set to record today. I am rooting for Clemson and Alabama.

You all have a good day.
Good morning D-Leaguers on the start of a new year. It will take several days for my mind to remember it is 2021.

I went to bed early last night because my old hip was hurting and I decided to get a nap in and then watch the New Year come in. I missed a phone call but I got up at 10:30 ready to go.

Sherry decided she was too tired to stay up another hour and a half so we went to bad at 11. I missed the New Year.

It is a seasonably warm 47.1°F and raining. We are up to 1.46" for this rain event (two days). We are supposed to get close to 70° this afternoon. I enjoy the days were we get warmer than normal.

I have the two games set to record today. I am rooting for Clemson and Alabama.

You all have a good day.

I also believe that Clemson/Alabama will win their games today....and that notre dame was "gifted" that spot in the playoff.
Good New Year to the D-League,
It's a rainy 61 degrees to start us off here with heavy thunderstorms and high winds forecasted for later on today. I'm thinking that today would be a good day to take down all the Christmas decorations.

There's so much crazy, interesting news going on out there, it's hard to keep up with; elections controversy, corona19, the "new" strain of the virus that has been reported (part of the grand plan, in my opinion) and the continuous, non-stop, pushing this vaccine on us. Speaking of that, I'm surprised to see so many on here willing to accept that vaccine into their body. Please, do your homework on it before taking it; I'm very suspicious, cautious, and not fully trusting that it's good for us. I don't think "they" are telling us the truth about what all is in this vaccination; especially with Bill Gates behind it all.

It's interesting to read all about our UK basketball troubles. I never thought I'd see us struggling this bad in basketball. Where have they gone wrong? Maybe multiple "issues" and dynamics at work causing our putrid play.

Enjoy your day, everyone.

Kai, here is my take on the vaccine. Every report is that if there are any effects, other than protection from the virus, they will be minimal, and long-term. I turn 69 in 3 weeks, and I am not going to worry about long term effects of a vaccine that will keep me from dying, next week. If I were 30 I might consider the consequences. At 69, you don't worry too much about long-term. I know 3-4 people who have died from it, and if it keeps me from croaking, short-term, I'm in.
I also believe that Clemson/Alabama will win their games today....and that notre dame was "gifted" that spot in the playoff.

I thought so, too, but Florida was probably next in line, and they lost any reason to complain with how they performed against OK. Of course, they did have some key people out, but they would have been out today, too, and they couldn't handle Bama when they were healthy.
Anybody dealing with sleep problems? I did for years. Couldn't get to sleep until about 4-5AM. My doctor finally put me on 10MG Zolpidim (an Ambian generic). It doesn't knock you out or leave any serious hangover. I just take the pill and it allows me to fall asleep within about 15 minutes after I shut the lights off and I sleep about 7 hours and wake up with no serious aftereffects.

It has been a real life-changer for me.
Anybody dealing with sleep problems? I did for years. Couldn't get to sleep until about 4-5AM. My doctor finally put me on 10MG Zolpidim (an Ambian generic). It doesn't knock you out or leave any serious hangover. I just take the pill and it allows me to fall asleep within about 15 minutes after I shut the lights off and I sleep about 7 hours and wake up with no serious aftereffects.

It has been a real life-changer for me.
I take melatonin to help myself get to sleep faster. Before taking it, I would find myself getting sleepy watching Tv, and then when I got to bed, I would struggle getting to sleep. Now I'm out in a few minutes.