
Morning Legionnaires!

Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. Could have used some of that snow some of you got.
It was low 60's here yesterday with more of the same to come today.

Breakfast this morning was more of the pecan pie I had after dinner yesterday. Breakfast of champions.
With all due regards, Mickey Mantle once said the breakfast of champions was a steak sandwich and a six pack. Of course he died relatively young.
You and a couple of million others. I have at least 7-8 friends who also make that claim. PS. Mine's not bad, either. :)
I read the board this morning and realized it was a perfect day for chili. So the pot is on.

The Cats "hung in" but to be honest I'm tired of saying that. This team just isn't fun to watch and I'm not sure if there's a fix. Certainly not a quick fix. I mean their shots, even when they're wide open aren't even close. At this pace the Cats may need to win the SEC tournament for a shot at the NCAA tournament.
The Cats "hung in" but to be honest I'm tired of saying that. This team just isn't fun to watch and I'm not sure if there's a fix. Certainly not a quick fix. I mean their shots, even when they're wide open aren't even close. At this pace the Cats may need to win the SEC tournament for a shot at the NCAA tournament.
I don't see how they can get in unless they win the SEC tournament. This team has too far to go to be a competitive basketball team.
I don't see how they can get in unless they win the SEC tournament. This team has too far to go to be a competitive basketball team.
This is a down year for the SEC with only 2 teams in the Top 25. If they could somehow win the SEC regular season title then most likely they'd get in BUT that's asking a lot at this point. UT is by far the cream of the crop.
This team will have a losing record by the end of Jan possible 4-12. There has to be something amiss in the ranks because practically every shot is a miss. Mental or social mind block?
It's the same all over, all of our western (Christian) civilization is in a confused funk as societal foundations are being disrupted. When deceit and denial of the truth are used as weapons creating tyranny, as we all know well, the truth will set us free. With times tough all over. Hard to see when it's the darkest hour and the world seems red and black.

Here's a quick fix:
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It's the same all over, all of our western (Christian) civilization is in a confused funk as societal foundations are being disrupted. When deceit and denial of the truth are used as weapons creating tyranny, as we all know well, the truth will set us free. With times tough all over. Hard to see when it's the darkest hour and the world seems red and black.

Here's a quick fix:
There's a channel on PlutoTV (can't remember the name of it) that's nothing but footage of trains in Norway I believe. Camera is like on the front of it, so you don't really see the train, but it's like you're riding on the front 'bumper'. There are times I'm memorized by that channel and will watch for an hour or two. Beautiful scenery....just rolling on down the track.
Internet service down due to the bomb in Nashville? Heard last night that ATT&T and Sprint (I think) were out in middle and eastern TN because of it.
That’s what we are hearing. I hope it gets back up by Monday, Mrs. M and her friend were talking today about dreading Monday if all this is still down, all the ATM’s are down, can’t pull up anything on computers, going to be bad! Everything at the Wally-world down, telling everyone to bring cash or checks, credit card readers don’t work, it’s a mess! Also 911 down!!
That’s what we are hearing. I hope it gets back up by Monday, Mrs. M and her friend were talking today about dreading Monday if all this is still down, all the ATM’s are down, can’t pull up anything on computers, going to be bad! Everything at the Wally-world down, telling everyone to bring cash or checks, credit card readers don’t work, it’s a mess! Also 911 down!!
I'm seeing a lot of posts, tweets, etc that many think that a building was targeted and not people, and that that building was doing, or about to do analysis, audits, etc on some Dominion voting machines.
Who knows....could be all conspiracy stuff by a bunch of wackos. But a bomb that size at 6:30 Christmas morning, with warnings before hand is beyond odd.
That’s what we are hearing. I hope it gets back up by Monday, Mrs. M and her friend were talking today about dreading Monday if all this is still down, all the ATM’s are down, can’t pull up anything on computers, going to be bad! Everything at the Wally-world down, telling everyone to bring cash or checks, credit card readers don’t work, it’s a mess! Also 911 down!!
Thought the world was ready to scrap cash or checks and move to nothing but plastic. Getting too big for our britches a little premature I think. Besides, not me, but I still know people who have mason jars buried around 😚.
That’s what we are hearing. I hope it gets back up by Monday, Mrs. M and her friend were talking today about dreading Monday if all this is still down, all the ATM’s are down, can’t pull up anything on computers, going to be bad! Everything at the Wally-world down, telling everyone to bring cash or checks, credit card readers don’t work, it’s a mess! Also 911 down!!
I hate WalMart. I used to be a member of Sams Club till I bought a set of tires. a tire came off while I was doing 60 on a busy road. They refused to stand up for their mistake. Prior to this, I made a product for a guy trying to become a Wal-Mart vendor. Wal-Mart sent people to inspect my factory and later sent a safety inspector. I didn't know it at the time, but this put me on a list of prospective vendors, I thought it was only for my customer. Anyhow the tire thing happened and Wal-Mart then for several years sent me regular correspondence about making product for them. I always ignored their letters and they finally quit sending them.
That’s what we are hearing. I hope it gets back up by Monday, Mrs. M and her friend were talking today about dreading Monday if all this is still down, all the ATM’s are down, can’t pull up anything on computers, going to be bad! Everything at the Wally-world down, telling everyone to bring cash or checks, credit card readers don’t work, it’s a mess! Also 911 down!!

Chance it might be back up by Monday. Lot of damage done to the power for the switching equipment apparently. They had to evacuate the building last night after a fire reignited which set them back for a while. They were working today with structural engineers drilling holes into the damaged building so they can use generators to get some affected equipment back up.
I'm seeing a lot of posts, tweets, etc that many think that a building was targeted and not people, and that that building was doing, or about to do analysis, audits, etc on some Dominion voting machines.
Who knows....could be all conspiracy stuff by a bunch of wackos. But a bomb that size at 6:30 Christmas morning, with warnings before hand is beyond odd.


Morning Legionnaires!

B-Ball? Blah. We have a football game on the first I think so, let's see if we can win another bowl game.

Nashville should be a wake up call for those who rely solely on plastic to make purchases. Having extra food and water plus some cash, gold, or silver around would not be a bad idea. EMP burst from a nuke or three around the states would send many in our country into the dark ages.
Good Sunday Morning D

Another 30° morning in my part of the world but we should hit 69° this afternoon with lots of sunshine and no chance of rain. Our winds are NE at 7MPH.

Well it is another day after a loss for the basketball Cats. These are becoming common now and they say once you start losing it becomes easier and easier. The sting is out of a loss for me but I thought that may be to my age. But my father never got to a point of taking losses for granted but he never had a 1-6 start in his life. These are strange roads we are gong down.

I am going to have a wonderful day today. It is my wife's birthday and we are going to make it special. We will return to Box Tower for the 3:00 concert of the Christmas carillon bells from the Tower. There are 60 bells ranging from a few pounds to 12,000 pounds each. It also has the largest carillon library in the world. Always a treat and everyone who visits Florida should to there at least once. There is nothing like it. So I trust all have a great day and let the Sonshine in.

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Good morning from ATX. Currently 46°F and clear with 90% humidity. Expecting 77°F for today's high. Front moves in tomorrow. Hope we receive rain from it. Our present drought level is classified severe as it is.

Cats disappointed us fans yesterday. What an awful record in futility. Nothing more to say. On the bright side, Wildcat football and basketball both play next Saturday. Can Cal right the ship?

Wishing all our fellow D-League members happiness and health.

Just wanted to let everyone know I had my Cardio-version done Tuesday and pulse and blood pressure are back to normal. I hope and pray it stays that way. I had 3 different trips to the emergency room in the nine days before that to get the old heart rate down. Also I haven’t heard from FCC in about a week . The last I heard He said his daughter was going to help him get into rehab. Merry Christmas to all y’all D-leaguers!

Best of luck Tapemaster. Maybe 2021 will be a healthy year for your ticker.

Merry Christmas Bev. Praying for You and Your family !

Same here Bev.

Hey y’all!! FCC

Best of luck to you FCC.

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