my wife just got back from running a few errands and she told me about a lightning strike in front of her on the right side of the road. said it was the loudest strike she had ever heard. It also scared her half to death. It hit a power line and transformer and it caught on fire immediately. This photo is not it but it illustrates what can happen.
I have this thing about lightning because I saw a coworker killed one afternoon about 4:15 when we were getting off work. He went by my desk and said have a good evening and I did the same. I follow him downstairs to a loading dock that was close to our cars in the parking lot. The rain was heavy and he bolted to his car and was struck in the back of the head. Lighting went down he leg, blew off his shoes and then busted some concrete parking lot bumpers. He was about 24 years old with a 6 month old boy. Saddest thing I have ever witnessed. Be careful around lightning