
Question to those who may be a musician or know something about Hammond organs. I bought my wife a Hammond XK3 for her birthday and need an amp to make it sound good. Any suggestions? I am looking at a few Rolands but I have never owned a Roland. Thanks
I'm an audio hobbyist but I'm not sure about amps for organs. I do know some really good places to buy tubes for that organ.
Bev, I know you're here. Say something. If we play our cards right then 55 will pay for all of us. All we have to do is make another bet that he has no chance to win. He's ripe for it.

Edit: Keep this between the two of us. thanks.

I usually just get up and go to the bathroom when I see the check coming.
Morning D
Getting ready to head to church
The more I think about it the more I think yesterday could prove to be a much better win in the long run than it looks like right now
@GhostVol, aka VolCat..I could just hug you. Thanks darlin
Welcome to @sligocat92 ...hope you post more often
There is not one person currently a member of the D I wouldn’t want to meet if I haven’t already
Have a great day fellas
42.1°F and rainy.

I am getting ready to edit last nights game, then I am going to set down and try to figure out why the officiating seemed so inconsistent. One time a hard foul is not called and then a touch gets the foul.

P.J. and Reed seem to disappear for large segments of the game. Last night P.J. shot free throws like the Kansas State game in March. I don't see this team living up to expectations. I hope that I am wrong and I would love to have to eat a lot of crow.
I would love to have to eat a lot of crow.
I found this historical reference on the internet so you know it's fact:

"In August 1937, it was estimated that an average of two Americans per day wrote to the Department of Agriculture asking for details on “how crows might be cooked, stewed, fried or roasted and how crow broth can be made.” And in 1941, a group of sportsmen enjoyed “crow en casserole” courtesy of Fernand Pointreau, head chef at the acclaimed Hotel Sherman in Chicago. The crows were prepared as follows:

First they were skinned and dressed and put in a pan with butter to which a small amount of garlic had been added. Then the pan was drenched with one-third of a cup of white wine. Strong veal gravy [three tablespoons] and soy bean sauce were added. This sauce was poured over the crow meat and then the birds were cooked in a covered dish for about two hours. [Very young birds taken in the spring require just one hour, according to Chef Pointreau.] Mushrooms, small cubes of fried salt pork, and small glazed onions were added.

Those who sampled Pointreau’s creation were overwhelmingly positive. One diner remarked that he had been “agreeably surprised at the taste of crow,” noting that it “compares favorably with wild duck;” another described it as “A very tasty dark meat, deliciously prepared.” Linky
42.1°F and rainy.

I am getting ready to edit last nights game, then I am going to set down and try to figure out why the officiating seemed so inconsistent. One time a hard foul is not called and then a touch gets the foul.

P.J. and Reed seem to disappear for large segments of the game. Last night P.J. shot free throws like the Kansas State game in March. I don't see this team living up to expectations. I hope that I am wrong and I would love to have to eat a lot of crow.

We need to send a memo to the SEC about the officiating. Someone with sensitivity and tact. I nominate ymmot.
42.1°F and rainy.

I am getting ready to edit last nights game, then I am going to set down and try to figure out why the officiating seemed so inconsistent. One time a hard foul is not called and then a touch gets the foul.

P.J. and Reed seem to disappear for large segments of the game. Last night P.J. shot free throws like the Kansas State game in March. I don't see this team living up to expectations. I hope that I am wrong and I would love to have to eat a lot of crow.

Bert, I see the same thing from PJ. The way he plays at half speed for 8-10 minutes at a time, he may be playing himself into the 2nd round, or into coming back. I have just about come to the conclusion that I hope he enters the draft, rather than return. If he returns, he will cut into the time of Whitney and Allen. These two will make us a better team next year, than PJ will. I hope he goes 1st round and makes a pile of money, while Whitney leads us to the final four.