
I have nothing to add just wanted to make a post and say how glad I am the cats are learning, vandy is and always has been a tough game for the cats maybe the cats tend to overlook them and it sometimes cost them. Edited to say GO CATS

Yes, they seem to be learning some things. Old habits are hard to break, but new ones are easy to start. Make a habit of posting, you've done worse things.
Breakin' in some Hifiman planar magnetic headphones. 150 hours recommended. That's a lot of hours and I hope they get better because out of the box they sound flat.

I bet they sound great after break in. Glad you posted that because I was going to post and tell you that I was just listening to your headphone amp. I posted that last vid and then decided to listen to it on the headphones. After that I looked over and decided to listen to it again with the amp and the V-Moda headphones. Night and day difference.

I still owe you dude. Let's get together again along with Bev and 55. We talked about it around 20 pages ago, yesterday or so. You don't have to give them any music equipment, just show up.
I bet they sound great after break in. Glad you posted that because I was going to post and tell you that I was just listening to your headphone amp. I posted that last vid and then decided to listen to it on the headphones. After that I looked over and decided to listen to it again with the amp and the V-Moda headphones. Night and day difference.

I still owe you dude. Let's get together again along with Bev and 55. We talked about it around 20 pages ago, yesterday or so. You don't have to give them any music equipment, just show up.
Oh you bet! I'd love to meet up with the local D. Out of equipment to give out but I'll be there.
For those of you not watching ESPN, they are showing highlights from the day and the Louisville UNC game is not on the table. Probably the biggest win of the day is being ignored.

Our job, as the D, is to discern the reason. Don't want to be bring attention to UNC losing? Or, any UL win is not that big of a deal? To the average viewer, does Louisville even exist beyond a Memphis or Xavier level?
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I’m blushing...thanks for the compliments fellas. Would never compare to the beautiful ladies of the golden age of Hollywood, but I do thank you

FWIW, my actor crushes were mostly from that same era. Handsome, talented, but most of all elegant, debonair if you will
Sorely lacking I today’s “stars”
I mean this sincerely. I have been around many gorgeous ladies. The best DO NOT think that they are gorgeous or even pretty. That just adds to their allure. You are a very attractive lady. And your husband is a very fortunate man!
Good morning D. Glancing out the window, it looks like we got about eight inches of snow overnight. Looks like I'll be breaking out the heart attack machine, as I call my snow shovel.

I'll take the W from last night, emphasize holding Vandy to 17 points, and note it is always a happy day when Kentucky wins and UNC-Cheats and Indiana loses.
I was good at stealing the ball in high school basketball. I learned from all the guys who stole the ball from me. Key is to swipe at it on its way up from the floor and not on the way down.
I got my nose broke for the second time in 30 days from stealing the ball in a pickup game in Germany. Stole it from one of my privates a couple of times in a row and he said " you will not get it this time" as he lowered his head, lunged forward and head butted me in the face. Needless to say, that started the fight and ended the game. I was a Staff Sergeant and he was one of my soldiers. His name oddly enough was Spinks and he looked a lot like Leon with the missing teeth and all. He was one of my problem soldiers at the time. Well, I hit him and took him to the ground and started wailing on him when another (Very big Staff Sergeant) grabbed me and took me off of him reminding me of the trouble I could get into hitting my Privates (Not those Ymmot). So, we left the gym for that day not saying another word.

Nothing was really said about it for two weeks until Spinks says to me "You know chief, I was sure you were going to write me up for breaking your nose, Why didn't you?" I simply said "I returned fire on you and belted you with a few so, that made us even in my eyes." Being a Private he did not know the trouble I could have gotten into. After that, he became one of my better soldiers.

Ran into him a couple of years after I retired from the Army when I had ordered a pizza and it was him delivering it. I ask him why didn't he stay in the Army and make it a career? He said that he was still in and was a Staff Sergeant now but, had a wife and three kids. He was working at night when not training to help pay the bills.

Turned out to be a real responsible man. See what a good butt kicking can do? Where are those Antifa crazies at? Those idiots could use a good one too.
Vanderbilt does not belong in the SEC. They are not a state school. They have no chance of ever winning a national championship in anything other than pretension. Their auditorium is bullshit as a basketball venue and I hope it burns to the ground before we have to suffer another game there.

I don't mean to say that I hate Vandy, per se, I just want to say that I hope they go away. Forever. And no one speaks of them again, Forever. That would be nice.
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I’m blushing...thanks for the compliments fellas. Would never compare to the beautiful ladies of the golden age of Hollywood, but I do thank you

FWIW, my actor crushes were mostly from that same era. Handsome, talented, but most of all elegant, debonair if you will
Sorely lacking I today’s “stars”
I will take a stab, Eric Fleming, or Errol Flynn?
Welcome Sligo! Post more often.
thanks im shy about post
Welcome Sligo! Post more often.
I would like to post more often but don,t have much to say out load so to speak. that,s why the silly post last night.

I enjoy reading this thread and feel compelled to make a post every now and then.

Thanks all.
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Good morning D-League, I trust it is a beautiful Sunday where you may be.
  • We have 60 degrees at this moment with a high this afternoon at 71. Sunny all day.
  • We got by Vandy and faced their zone the entire game. Slowed down the game.
  • On to the next opponent, Georgia at their place. Georgia is not good
  • UT escaped in Gainesville. We have escaped there a few games over the years. It is a tough place to play
  • Duke escaped also but UNC went down hard at home. That was a game I had little interest in but I will take a UNC loss no matter the circumstances
  • Had a nice pan of whole hog sausage this morning and working on what is left of a hot of black coffee.
  • Church bells are ringing and it is time to head on out in that direction.
  • Take care all and good health to each and every one.
thanks im shy about post

I would like to post more often but don,t have much to say out load so to speak. that,s why the silly post last night.

I enjoy reading this thread and feel compelled to make a post every now and then.

Thanks all.
Nice to meet you sligocat92, We all want you to post more often. We enjoy the different perspectives and thoughts of our D-League and often find we have more in common than not. Welcome aboard

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