
They said less politics which means there will be plenty of fodder for the Twitter crowd. I seriously do not think they can curtail any of it. It might simply be a smokescreen to make sure they don't lose more viewership. Weren't they down the past couple of years?

If they were monitoring my viewership, they were. I have quit watching that nonsense. It is simply a program where they can push agendas
Yep, that's it. The part about "the more she makes, the more I eat" had to be written about me.
They said less politics which means there will be plenty of fodder for the Twitter crowd. I seriously do not think they can curtail any of it. It might simply be a smokescreen to make sure they don't lose more viewership. Weren't they down the past couple of years?

Yeah, their numbers have fallen drastically. It takes a certain mentality to watch those shows and people with that mentality are too distracted by their phones to pay attention to tv.
Yeah, their numbers have fallen drastically. It takes a certain mentality to watch those shows and people with that mentality are too distracted by their phones to pay attention to tv.

You're right about that. We went to dinner the other evening and there was a family with the parents probably in their late 30's or early 40's with a couple of kids that may have been 14 and 12. None of them spoke a word to each other from what I could tell, and everyone of them had their nose stuck in a phone, texting their brains out. I told my wife, no wonder this generation are so bad at conveying messages, verbally. It is because all they know is texting and never personal interaction.
What kind of an idiot does it take to allow someone who is richer than they can imagine due to capitalism, to tell them that capitalism is bad and doesn't work?

Why do they allow people who live in gated communities with walls around their houses and armed guards, to tell them that walls are evil and ineffective and that people don't need guns?

The depth of their collective stupidity knows no bounds.

I got to the railroad by accident. I was a stupid kid that wanted to be a chemist. So I took chemistry, sort of good at it.

After college I had a wife and kid and looked for a job in chemistry. They wanted a Ph.D. There was no way for me to get that.

So for years I worked for the railroad in sales and marketing and going to college at night to get that economics degree because the railroad did not give a hoot about chemistry.

Bottom line is after having various courses at Louisville, North Florida and Johns Hopkins I can actually understand economics and what in the United States drives our economy. On top of that after 32 years of dealing with my customers and their customers I can just about tell you what will kill an economy. Go no farther than Bernie Sanders. He is a Marxist. He wants the U.S. to follow the same line as Venezuela. Socialism does not work because humans are not bees or ants, we are selfish.

In my view (over simplified) the three large views on economics is Smiths "Wealth of Nations"; Keynesian economic theory and Marxism. Smiths is pure capitalism, Keynesian theory is the government sets the standards and tries to steer it along with capitalists ideas driving that; whereas, Marxism is a pure state commanded economy. The U.S. since World War II have been closer to the Keynesian model. But after ever crisis they, the government, will get more heavy handed and try to control too much. That is why Trump could effectively change many thing so quickly by simply removing the executive commanded regulations put in place by the Presidents before him who managed things by decree instead of law.

I have never figured out why the wealthy want Marxism or socialism. Pure Marxism would wipe them out economically along with killing them. Folks forget that 110,000,000 people were KILLED in the 20th Century by the communist. Most people will fight to keep a little dignity and some of their property. The communist wanted total control of everything. By having total control of people, production they were powerful. The communist bosses were far more powerful and wealthy than any capitalist in the free world. But people seek power and the ultimate power in the 20th Century were held by guys like Stalin and Mao Tse Tung. No American ever had that kind of power.

Why the hollywood elites want to damn capitalism is beyond me. But Karl Marx never lived to see the evil he put on this earth. May he burn in hell. His ideas on economics were not economic, just brutality.
Glad to see you getting back to normal. Keep up that rehab and you will be back out with your metal detector before you know it.
The thing about total hip replacement is that there is no PT at an office! Everything is done at home, so it's all up to me to do it! So it's either you do it or keep my lazy butt in the recliner and take forever to get my strength back! I chose to walk a couple miles a day and do the exercises!!! I am trying to add to the walking every day! The quicker I get my strength back the quicker I get back to metal detecting and fishing!!!! That is my motivator! Plus the kicker is the wife yelling get your lazy butt out of that recliner!!!!!
I got to the railroad by accident. I was a stupid kid that wanted to be a chemist. So I took chemistry, sort of good at it.

After college I had a wife and kid and looked for a job in chemistry. They wanted a Ph.D. There was no way for me to get that.

So for years I worked for the railroad in sales and marketing and going to college at night to get that economics degree because the railroad did not give a hoot about chemistry.

Bottom line is after having various courses at Louisville, North Florida and Johns Hopkins I can actually understand economics and what in the United States drives our economy. On top of that after 32 years of dealing with my customers and their customers I can just about tell you what will kill an economy. Go no farther than Bernie Sanders. He is a Marxist. He wants the U.S. to follow the same line as Venezuela. Socialism does not work because humans are not bees or ants, we are selfish.

In my view (over simplified) the three large views on economics is Smiths "Wealth of Nations"; Keynesian economic theory and Marxism. Smiths is pure capitalism, Keynesian theory is the government sets the standards and tries to steer it along with capitalists ideas driving that; whereas, Marxism is a pure state commanded economy. The U.S. since World War II have been closer to the Keynesian model. But after ever crisis they, the government, will get more heavy handed and try to control too much. That is why Trump could effectively change many thing so quickly by simply removing the executive commanded regulations put in place by the Presidents before him who managed things by decree instead of law.

I have never figured out why the wealthy want Marxism or socialism. Pure Marxism would wipe them out economically along with killing them. Folks forget that 110,000,000 people were KILLED in the 20th Century by the communist. Most people will fight to keep a little dignity and some of their property. The communist wanted total control of everything. By having total control of people, production they were powerful. The communist bosses were far more powerful and wealthy than any capitalist in the free world. But people seek power and the ultimate power in the 20th Century were held by guys like Stalin and Mao Tse Tung. No American ever had that kind of power.

Why the hollywood elites want to damn capitalism is beyond me. But Karl Marx never lived to see the evil he put on this earth. May he burn in hell. His ideas on economics were not economic, just brutality.

And yet, young people love Bernie Sanders, and half of them say they would embrace socialism. Tell them they should have a free college education and they yell, amen. They are too ignorant to understand that nothing is free. Someone will have to pay for it, and Bernie wants us taxed to death to do it.
The thing about total hip replacement is that there is no PT at an office! Everything is done at home, so it's all up to me to do it! So it's either you do it or keep my lazy butt in the recliner and take forever to get my strength back! I chose to walk a couple miles a day and do the exercises!!! I am trying to add to the walking every day! The quicker I get my strength back the quicker I get back to metal detecting and fishing!!!! That is my motivator! Plus the kicker is the wife yelling get your lazy butt out of that recliner!!!!!

I have had both knees replaced, so I understand.
And yet, young people love Bernie Sanders, and half of them say they would embrace socialism. Tell them they should have a free college education and they yell, amen. They are too ignorant to understand that nothing is free. Someone will have to pay for it, and Bernie wants us taxed to death to do it.
Those that are all for it are probably the ones that do think every thing is free! Dad and mom give them a free car,gas and insurance! Pay all their college so that's what they think every is free!
Good Afternoon to the D-League. Just got home after driving 1,200 miles since Saturday morning - Maryland via W. Virginia to Lexington, to drop off my son at the university, then to rural Campbell County, and to Bracken County to see family, then back to Maryland via Ohio, Penn., WVa.

Good trip. Spent Saturday afternoon showing my son the Lexington Cemetery - Henry Clay's tomb, Adolph Rupp's grave, other notables like former VP Breckinridge, John Hunt Morgan and Mary Todd's family, among others. Of less note - quite a few of my cousins from generations back in their humble graves.
Good Afternoon to the D-League. Just got home after driving 1,200 miles since Saturday morning - Maryland via W. Virginia to Lexington, to drop off my son at the university, then to rural Campbell County, and to Bracken County to see family, then back to Maryland via Ohio, Penn., WVa.

Good trip. Spent Saturday afternoon showing my son the Lexington Cemetery - Henry Clay's tomb, Adolph Rupp's grave, other notables like former VP Breckinridge, John Hunt Morgan and Mary Todd's family, among others. Of less note - quite a few of my cousins from generations back in their humble graves.

Should have stopped coming through Ashland and said hello.
Maybe another time when not so pressed for time Ben. I have taken the AA Highway from Alexandria to Ashland, then on through WVA to Md from time to time.
I have made that route often. I lived in Baltimore from 1987-1992. Twice, three and four times a year; especially when my daughter was going to UK 5 years.
One replaced knee here. I need two cards to get on an airplane.
Yea I have those cards too!!!!!! When I had my rotator cuffs done on my shoulders the Dr. asked me what color thread did I want blue or orange (he was a hugh (Tenn. fan) I told him blue of course, so after the surgery was over he brought the pictures in and the threads were orange!!!He just laugh and said sorry all I had was orange!!!! Tragically he died in a farming accident! He cut himself with a chainsaw and bled to death before anybody found him!! He was a great dr. Dr. Alan Anderson.
I love watching PGA golf when it's played in Hawaii during the dismal months of winter. Kapalua. I think that's Hale Irwin's course.

No, Hale's course is on the Big Island. We stayed on the Big Island for a week in early January, last year, and then went on to Maui for 3 more. We stayed in the Kapalua Villas and I got to play the Plantation Course 5-6 times. Great course and Maui is just paradise.
No, Hale's course is on the Big Island. We stayed on the Big Island for a week in early January, last year, and then went on to Maui for 3 more. We stayed in the Kapalua Villas and I got to play the Plantation Course 5-6 times. Great course and Maui is just paradise.
OK thanks for the info! I've never been to Hawaii but it's on my bucket list. Hawaii was part of my territory when I lived in Seattle back in the 80's. Whenever a business trip was scheduled there I mysteriously got bumped by a corporate exec. Every damn time! Go figure. Fortunately I did make the Alaskan trips.
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OK thanks for the info! I've never been to Hawaii but it's on my bucket list. Hawaii was part of my territory when I lived in Seattle back in the 80's. Whenever a business trip was scheduled there I mysteriously got bumped by a corporate exec. Every damn time! Go figure.

We've been there four times and once was when the Cats were there the last time. It's unbelievable, but expensive. I think it was around $285 to play the Plantation course. What I did was play the Bay course in the morning and then the Plantation course in the afternoon. It cost less to play both, than just the Plantation course by itself. Plus we got a discount because we were staying in the villas, on site. All the pros stay at the Ritz-Carlton, but I looked at them and they were about $20 more per night, and just a hotel room. We had a full condo with two lanais, full kitchen, washer/dryer, and covered parking for less. Almost a necessity when you are staying for 3 weeks. I cooked several times and saved a little.
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OK thanks for the info! I've never been to Hawaii but it's on my bucket list. Hawaii was part of my territory when I lived in Seattle back in the 80's. Whenever a business trip was scheduled there I mysteriously got bumped by a corporate exec. Every damn time! Go figure. Fortunately I did make the Alaskan trips.
Same here. My department head takes the good trips (San Diego, NYC, San Fran). I get Charlotte and Jax.
Good Afternoon to the D-League. Just got home after driving 1,200 miles since Saturday morning - Maryland via W. Virginia to Lexington, to drop off my son at the university, then to rural Campbell County, and to Bracken County to see family, then back to Maryland via Ohio, Penn., WVa.

Good trip. Spent Saturday afternoon showing my son the Lexington Cemetery - Henry Clay's tomb, Adolph Rupp's grave, other notables like former VP Breckinridge, John Hunt Morgan and Mary Todd's family, among others. Of less note - quite a few of my cousins from generations back in their humble graves.
My Father, Mother, Grandparents and Aunt are buried at Lexington Cemetery. Related to the Breckinridge’s through marriage. A beautiful and historic place.
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Funny but cruel. Anyone watch the Bears' kicker doink the last second FG attempt to lose the game? Cody Parkey. Apparently he's hit the uprights about eight times this year. Anyway, I was curious so I looked him up on Wikipedia right after the game. Someone had already changed his position to "Brick Layer."

I'd feel bad for him, but I note Hes been paid more to kick a football in the last couple years than I've made total in 40 years on the job.
OK thanks for the info! I've never been to Hawaii but it's on my bucket list. Hawaii was part of my territory when I lived in Seattle back in the 80's. Whenever a business trip was scheduled there I mysteriously got bumped by a corporate exec. Every damn time! Go figure. Fortunately I did make the Alaskan trips.
Had orders to go to Hawaii on my last over seas tour with the army but, after I had finished clearing post (Ft. Sill) and was getting ready to go on leave for 2 weeks (headed for Kentucky) my loosing unit called me back and told me my orders were changed because my branch had to give my assignment to another soldier because he was taking family and had a special needs child that needed attention that area of Hawaii could handle. They gave me another choice for oversees with a choice of where I came back afterwards so, I took Germany again (for the third time) then returned to Sill. Sons where living here and I wanted to be around them. But, as soon as I got back the ex moved to Tennessee within a couple of months. Only got to see my boys 30 days a year in the month of July.