
Morning D-League from the Berg! Really tough loss yesterday! But the sun is up this morning! I don't take the losses and bad as I us to or dwell on them also! I just like the good old days where we knew every bodies name and they were going to be back the next year! It may be my age but I still love my Kentucky Wildcats!!!! Going to church for both services today for the first time since hip surgery! I hope every one has a great day!!!
Good morning! Only slept 7.5 last night but they were uninterrupted hours and those count a little more.

We started off in the hole yesterday, but it's not too deep yet and we can get back on track. Next 90 days are going to be a roller coaster, hang on tight.

I ate a bunch of food yesterday.

Chores to do outside today because I didn't go out there after the game yesterday. Took the get up and go out of me.

Good morning D.
Relaxing with coffee...I'm the only one up. Nice & quiet.
Sun is shining. Maybe I'll go for a walk....maybe.
It was a dissapointing loss, that is for sure. I hate the early games....especially if they lose. Makes for a less than good day the rest of the day/night. I still think 13-5 is doable in the conference. Of course I said they'd win by 7 or 8 yesterday too...
I was reading RR earlier. It is funny how jacked up people get after a loss. I'm not happy about it, but yeesh!
IF (big IF) Herro makes the 3 & the Seton Hall guy misses his fade away double pump 3 pointer...they only have 1 bad loss to Duke at the beginning of the season. IMO two plays are the difference between a top 5 vs top 15. I suspect they will win 1 or 2 we think they should lose & lose 1 or 2 we think they should win.
Just get me to the S16 then go from there.
  • Tough loss yesterday and it put us behind the SEC 8 ball to lose that one. I don't care what any says, that loss hurt. Tennessee is good and will be hard to catch. Starting with a loss to a run of the mill SEC team is never good but it does temper our expectations.
  • I see Kansas lost. After our game, I turned off sports and last night we watched a couple of movies before going to bed. Kentucky basketball sure has changed my lifestyle. No way years ago I would pass up a Saturday night basketball game for a movie.
I hated the loss, it did hurt but tempers NOTHING at all. The core players of our team are 2/3rds freshmen who played hard, not particularly well, and lost with Herro missing the last shot. For team development this is stage is critical. After uncheat & ul a let down is not a surprise. The team play continues to improve. No NCAA limits. Our maturing team is a blast to watch. And I'm really looking forward to the UT game. Bring it on, I sure don't want to lose. We're very capable of beating them and I expect a barn burning. As it supposed to be. Finally, No way I would pass up a UK game for anything that's not life threatening.

* A personal note: Nice that you appreciate the blessings of our lives. :) That's not the norm. Being a Southern Baptist/biologist who believes that evolution is an obvious universal tool of our Lord to create and expand life, with my baptism on Easter 1964, my personal testament of that faith in the divinity and acceptance of the suffering of Christ to bless me and free my soul from the spiritual bondage of evil in the physical world. I'm not a saint, no illusions of being one. God knows this and forgives my transgressions or I don't have a chance. Sunday is a day of respectful reverence for sure. For me, as my children chose to be baptised, I drifted from Sunday fellowship as I found it not particularly enlightening. I'm not confused, I serve 24/7. :pray:
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I hated the loss, it did hurt but tempers NOTHING at all. The core players of our team are 2/3rds freshmen who played hard, not particularly well, and lost with Herro missing the last shot. For team development this is stage is critical. After uncheat & ul a let down is not a surprise. The team play continues to improve. No NCAA limits. Our maturing team is a blast to watch. And I'm really looking forward to the UT game. Bring it on, I sure don't want to lose. We're very capable of beating them and I expect a barn burning. As it supposed to be. Finally, No way I would pass up a UK game for anything that's not life threatening.

* A personal note: Nice that you appreciate the blessings of our lives. :) That's not the norm. Being a Southern Baptist/biologist who believes that evolution is an obvious universal tool of our Lord to create life, With my baptism on Easter 1964, my personal testament of that faith in the divinity and acceptance of the suffering of Christ to bless me and free my soul from the bondage of evil in the physical world. I'm not a saint, no illusions of being one. God knows this and forgives my transgressions or I don't have a chance. Sunday is a day of respectful reverence for sure. For me, as my children chose to be baptised, I drifted from Sunday fellowship as I found it not particularly enlightening. I'm not confused, I serve 24/7. :pray:
Stop preaching! No wait, I mean Amen brother. I am with you here.
Walks are highly recommended during cool weather. I returned from a mile walk about an hour ago. Found 27 cents. Cleared my mind.

Life is good.
That's about 1/10th of a coffee at Starbucks.

Did an hour Kata workout in my shop this morning. That also helps clear and focus the mind.
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I did about a one hour Java workout this morning. Low intensity, wife made it, I drank it.
That actually works too if you replace one of your daily meals with another coffee according to a guy who weighed 400 plus pound but now weighs 200 and something. That and eating a lot of low calorie foods to keep himself full. Salads and the like. My wife was reading something about that the other day. She tries to do the low carb high fat diet too but, easily strays away from it with all of the other goodies in the house.
What was on the first page? I bet their subscriptions have dropped drastically low out in the state. They'll go the way of the telephone booth.
Mostly UL stuff. Lamar Jackson and the Ravens, Pitino possibly going to UCLA, UL/Miami game today. They did include Randall Cobb speaking at the Courier-Journal Sports Awards but that's not until June 2nd.
I did about a one hour Java workout this morning. Low intensity, wife made it, I drank it.
Same here.
What was on the first page? I bet their subscriptions have dropped drastically low out in the state. They'll go the way of the telephone booth.
That's the print media everywhere drifting away into the clouds as we simplify the world.
Morning D-League from the Berg! Really tough loss yesterday! But the sun is up this morning! I don't take the losses and bad as I us to or dwell on them also! I just like the good old days where we knew every bodies name and they were going to be back the next year! It may be my age but I still love my Kentucky Wildcats!!!! Going to church for both services today for the first time since hip surgery! I hope every one has a great day!!!

Glad to see you getting back to normal. Keep up that rehab and you will be back out with your metal detector before you know it.
That actually works too if you replace one of your daily meals with another coffee according to a guy who weighed 400 plus pound but now weighs 200 and something. That and eating a lot of low calorie foods to keep himself full. Salads and the like. My wife was reading something about that the other day. She tries to do the low carb high fat diet too but, easily strays away from it with all of the other goodies in the house.

My wife keeps goodies around too. I ate them with gusto for two weeks but haven't had any since Tuesday night. I am going to start incorporating more veggies into my diet. I could get away with ingesting a lot more carbs than I do. I'm basically as light as I want to go and just need to maintain from here on out.
Never forget hearing a Moog synthesizer on this song for the first time, and wondering what the heck kind of instrument it was.

Yep, it was weird hearing sounds in the music and not knowing what was creating them.

Read where the Golden Globes awards tonight will have less politics. Ha, good luck with that one. Do people even watch these shows anymore? Self aggrandizing half wits at their finest.

Sorry. Still a little bummed.

I'm glad to hear that. Of course, I won't be watching, but it would be nice if their dumbass comments aren't plastered all over the internet for the next week.
My wife keeps goodies around too. I ate them with gusto for two weeks but haven't had any since Tuesday night. I am going to start incorporating more veggies into my diet. I could get away with ingesting a lot more carbs than I do. I'm basically as light as I want to go and just need to maintain from here on out.

I'm like George Stait in his song about Christmas cookies.
Yep, it was weird hearing sounds in the music and not knowing what was creating them.

I'm glad to hear that. Of course, I won't be watching, but it would be nice if their dumbass comments aren't plastered all over the internet for the next week.

And there are idiots out there that read them and let it influence their thinking like it came from the Bible.
And there are idiots out there that read them and let it influence their thinking like it came from the Bible.

What kind of an idiot does it take to allow someone who is richer than they can imagine due to capitalism, to tell them that capitalism is bad and doesn't work?

Why do they allow people who live in gated communities with walls around their houses and armed guards, to tell them that walls are evil and ineffective and that people don't need guns?

The depth of their collective stupidity knows no bounds.
The only GS song I can think of is the one where someone took his chair.

I'm not a big fan, but I heard this one on XM when my wife insisted on listening the Country Christmas channel during the Holidays. Google it. I think it is called Christmas Cookies. It pretty well describes me during the Holidays.
What kind of an idiot does it take to allow someone who is richer than they can imagine due to capitalism, to tell them that capitalism is bad and doesn't work?

Why do they allow people who live in gated communities with walls around their houses and armed guards, to tell them that walls are evil and ineffective and that people don't need guns?

The depth of their collective stupidity knows no bounds.

And it is always those in Hollywood, who have millions, tell us how downtrodden different groups are. If they feel so strongly, why don't they turn loose of some of that cash of theirs and try to help? Because they are just like politicians, they want to tell you how bad it is to live a certain way, but don't tell them how to live, because they know more than you do.
Yep, it was weird hearing sounds in the music and not knowing what was creating them.

I'm glad to hear that. Of course, I won't be watching, but it would be nice if their dumbass comments aren't plastered all over the internet for the next week.
They said less politics which means there will be plenty of fodder for the Twitter crowd. I seriously do not think they can curtail any of it. It might simply be a smokescreen to make sure they don't lose more viewership. Weren't they down the past couple of years?