
WOW! What a game! Hate it that we lost but love how we closed out that game. Could have won. The whole game and everything that happened before it, hinged on one shot. That's a helluva game right there.

Still learning and growing but the heart and attitude seem to be in good shape.
Did you take Route 66?

We went through Iowa and then into the Dakotas, where we went to the Badlands, Mt Rushmore, Crazy Horse, and then to Devil's Tower. Left there and went to Yellowstone, Grand Tetons, Jackson Hole and then to Utah. Stopped at Arches, Bryce Canyon and Zion. Left there and went to Monument Valley and onto Grand Canyon for a couple of days. When we left there, we went south and hit 66 and went west until we got into Needles, CA where it was 130 degrees that day. Came back east on 66 until we got to Amarillo. Stood on the corner in Winslow, AZ. Then we headed south out of Amarillo to San Antonio. Stayed on the Riverwalk and went to the Alamo. Left and went north back up through Dallas, Memphis, Nashville, and on home. We stopped to see everything along the way. Meteor Craters, Minuteman Missile Silos, Presidential Libraries, John Wayne's Boyhood home, ghost towns. You name it, we did it. Just a great trip. Would love to do it again, maybe the summer of 2020, Lord willing. Will probably go a little further south and go to Death Valley, Tombstone and El Paso. I've been there before but my wife hasn't.
WOW! What a game! Hate it that we lost but love how we closed out that game. Could have won. The whole game and everything that happened before it, hinged on one shot. That's a helluva game right there.

Still learning and growing but the heart and attitude seem to be in good shape.

If we just hadn't shot so badly for the first 17 minutes of the 2nd half. Simply cannot win games shooting less than 30% in a half.
The cat just fell in the pool and swam across it. My wife grabbed her out. First time I have seen a cat swim

If you don't tie the bag tight enough they'll get out. How much weight did you put in the bag? - Bert

Yeah, even on the road, you have to win against the bottom half of the conference.

Maybe we'll get lucky and they won't end up in the bottom half. Roll Tide!

That's why I like the D-League lots calmer here!!!

We're calmer because we don't know nearly as much about UK basketball as they do. Or life in general for that matter.
If you don't tie the bag tight enough they'll get out. How much weight did you put in the bag? - Bert

Maybe we'll get lucky and they won't end up in the bottom half. Roll Tide!

We're calmer because we don't know nearly as much about UK basketball as they do. Or life in general for that matter.

No, I hate to say it, but I know a lot more than some of them. That is why I don't melt down every time we lose a close game on the road. We just shot badly today. Sometimes it happens, even with good teams. Remember Seattle? And with Doug Shows calling the game, and being on the road, I knew this would be a tough one to win. The difference was we hit 5 3 pointers and they hit 10. It just serves no purpose to go nuts on a stupid message board.
No, I hate to say it, but I know a lot more than some of them. That is why I don't melt down every time we lose a close game on the road. We just shot badly today. Sometimes it happens, even with good teams. Remember Seattle? And with Doug Shows calling the game, and being on the road, I knew this would be a tough one to win. The difference was we hit 5 3 pointers and they hit 10. It just serves no purpose to go nuts on a stupid message board.
Turn your Sarcasm Meter on.
No, I hate to say it, but I know a lot more than some of them. That is why I don't melt down every time we lose a close game on the road. We just shot badly today. Sometimes it happens, even with good teams. Remember Seattle? And with Doug Shows calling the game, and being on the road, I knew this would be a tough one to win. The difference was we hit 5 3 pointers and they hit 10. It just serves no purpose to go nuts on a stupid message board.

That's a good, healthy outlook.
If you don't tie the bag tight enough they'll get out. How much weight did you put in the bag? - Bert

Maybe we'll get lucky and they won't end up in the bottom half. Roll Tide!

We're calmer because we don't know nearly as much about UK basketball as they do. Or life in general for that matter.

We all learned the basics early. Sad that we did not pass this knowledge along to our children.

Does anybody in the D-League do any metal detecting or have a telescope?
We had 3 little boys once within 2 years of each other. They were all visiting one time and all of them wanted to use the trimmers. One pair was the best that I had. They disappeared that day. I'm sure that they are out there somewhere. I could use your metal detector.