
  • Checking in .......... Good Afternoon to all of you.
  • Started my day off by backing into my NDN's brick mail box and knocking it down and ******* up my bumper cover at least. I just wasn't being careful. Damn it!!!
  • The Electric Horseman is a very good little movie. It will surprise you if you have never paid any attention to it.
  • Be safe.
  • Take care.
  • Carry on.

Sorry about your little mishap, Don. QB looks like she's OK though.

Congrats to Wanda. It is probably better being retired when both are. Have fun. When I retired I was a million mile flier with Delta and U.S. Air so we did a lot of traveling. Istanbul, Greece, Germany, Israel, Petra, Jordan, Alaska, Panama Canal cruise and all over the U.S., Canada and Mexico.

Planning a trip to Scotland, Ireland, Normandy and other European countries as I still have a bunch of miles left to use up.
I have not boarded a plane since I retired.

I never plan to do it again in my life.

I spent 32 years on a damned airplane. Too much.:flushed:

I suppose this is in the category of the blind hog finding the acorn, but an interesting story in today's New York Times on bourbon tourism in Kentucky. It brought up the conversation at lunch with some of my Northeastern friends about best bourbons in the $30-$50 range. I named some that I have enjoyed. But I'm no expert. Anybody tried something special lately?
Most Bourbons are wonderful. My favored are the expensive ones that Ymmot brings me when he visits. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
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Tomorrow is the 12th day of Christmas or Twelfth Night. The eve of the arrival of the Magi/3 wise men. Also known as the Epiphany. Supposedly it's unlucky to leave Christmas decorations hanging after Twelfth Night so get out there and take them down D! Don't be one of those neighbors that leave them hanging until Easter.
Tomorrow is the 12th day of Christmas or Twelfth Night. The eve of the arrival of the Magi/3 wise men. Also known as the Epiphany. Supposedly it's unlucky to leave Christmas decorations hanging after Twelfth Night so get out there and take them down D! Don't be one of those neighbors that leave them hanging until Easter.

The ones I don't understand are the houses that still have pumpkins on their porch, right alongside the Christmas decorations.
My Mom was born in Central City along with many of my maternal relatives. Many (including my Mom) migrated to Louisville and southern Indiana in the late 30's and early 40's.

A bunch of my relatives did the same thing, to get out of the coal mines, but for some reason, they still felt like Central City was home. That is why a lot of them are buried there.
A bunch of my relatives did the same thing, to get out of the coal mines, but for some reason, they still felt like Central City was home. That is why a lot of them are buried there.
My Dad's family as many of the D know is from Brownsville (Edmonson County). His family moved to Louisville when he was 15 (1949, maybe 1950) along with a few others but the majority stayed put. As far as I know many still live there.
My Dad's family as many of the D know is from Brownsville (Edmonson County). His family moved to Louisville when he was 15 (1949, maybe 1950) along with a few others but the majority stayed put. As far as I know many still live there.
UK82 we may be kin.

I was born in Rhoda, Edmonson County in 1946. My folks were in what is now Edmonson county in 1791. My mother's family was in what is now Warren county in 1784.

My family made Kentucky. I am proud of that.

Shit I have five former President of the United States that I can prove are my kin/cousins.

Both Harrisons, Madison, Taylor & Tyler.
UK82 we may be kin.

I was born in Rhoda, Edmonson County in 1946. My folks were in what is now Edmonson county in 1791. My mother's family was in what is now Warren county in 1794.

My family made Kentucky. I am proud of that.

Shit I have five former President of the United States that I can prove are my kin/cousins.
Five Presidents! If that's the case then I sure as hell hope we're related!
Five Presidents! If that's the case then I sure as hell hope we're related!
UK82 we may be kin.

I was born in Rhoda, Edmonson County in 1946. My folks were in what is now Edmonson county in 1791. My mother's family was in what is now Warren county in 1784.

My family made Kentucky. I am proud of that.

Shit I have five former President of the United States that I can prove are my kin/cousins.

Both Harrisons, Madison, Taylor & Tyler.

Bert, doesn't that entitle you to secret service protection?
My maternal grandfather moved to Mississippi from Heflin, Alabama in 1900 when he was 8 years old in a covered wagon. There weren't many paved roads at that time. The reason that the family moved was that their soil was worn out. They were farmers. He and Granny got married in 1910, He was 18 and she was 14. They had their first child 9 months after they married. He had a cow and $100 when they got married.