
Morning y'all. 32 here in the City. Laundry. Little bit has a bb game tonight. They play Metropolis Ill. Metro's 7th grade girls team is tuff. They have 8 or 9 girls that can flat out play for 7th graders. We were playing over at their place a couple of weeks ago and their coach was by the bench at half time, by herself so I went down to speak with her.

I asked her what she had done special to have that many 7th grade girls that can play. She told me they had done nothing special, just worked out that way. I told her they are actually fun to watch, even if they beat us by 30. Building up, saving lives, the D and go Cats. FCC.
Good far.
Two days of work this week.
Not a lot happening today, lets keep it that way.
I'm giving the edge to the Cats (of course) this weekend. I think their defense will win this least that is what I'm going with.
You guys should be getting your Christmas gifts by the end of this week...(HINT: you may want to start clearing out some room in your garage.)

Eville, if you don't mind, and if it don't sound too pushy, cause I mean it in the right way, I'll take that truck on the bottom end. Thanks, my van has 310,000 on it. FCC.
Eville, one more thing....I've got 1 teen that is driving eligible, 2 soon to be, so I havn't talked with anyone but I'm thinking maybe they don't know, and if you could, in addition to that truck, if you could kick off 3 more cars for my teens, I'd be much obliged.

Catfan, where the heck is that comet in the Eastern sky? I ,mean, to the left of center east, or right? High or low? And, how you doing? You seem to have a wonderful economy of words lately. FCC.
My wife bought some Graeter's eggnog ice cream. It tastes like eggnog.

Considering all the things it could have tasted like, I'd call that a big ole win.

Just recently woke up after 11 hours of sleep. 2 hours, 3 hours, and then a nice 6 hours.

I watched some of the UL game last night and I don't feel good about going there and winning. I have yet to see us this year look as good as they did last night.
By the way. Today is our wedding anniversary. Guarantee that my wife has forgotten it again or she would have left a card on the stove for me. Now I can go get her a card and put a dollar in it and win the game for the good guy. It's the little things in life...

I need to wrap presents today. I'm not too bad at it but some definitely look better than others.

I'll be going to pay the property tax on my wife's car later. You never own your car or your house. They're only yours as long as you pay for them to be yours.
Good morning D-League,

52 degrees with a high of 61 this afternoon. Looking out the window it is clear with bright sunshine. The rain from the past few days has made everything a lush green. The UV Index is zero which means no sunscreen necessary if you take off your clothes and run around the yard. Some people actually do that down here.

My wife has a few things on her list I need to do today. Always something.

Take care all and life is good.


When you are young and strip down naked, people stare at you. When you get old, they look away. :cry:

Reminds me of how you know you are old. If you fall down and people laugh at you, you are young. If they rush to you and try to help you up, you're old.

I read recently that the new age for being considered "old" is 74. Any way you slice it, I am an "old man."
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By the way. Today is our wedding anniversary. Guarantee that my wife has forgotten it again or she would have left a card on the stove for me. Now I can go get her a card and put a dollar in it and win the game for the good guy. It's the little things in life...

I need to wrap presents today. I'm not too bad at it but some definitely look better than others.

I'll be going to pay the property tax on my wife's car later. You never own your car or your house. They're only yours as long as you pay for them to be yours.
Happy anniversary and hope you get the upper hand in the remembering department. It always looks good if we are the ones remembering.
By the way. Today is our wedding anniversary. Guarantee that my wife has forgotten it again or she would have left a card on the stove for me. Now I can go get her a card and put a dollar in it and win the game for the good guy. It's the little things in life...

I need to wrap presents today. I'm not too bad at it but some definitely look better than others.

I'll be going to pay the property tax on my wife's car later. You never own your car or your house. They're only yours as long as you pay for them to be yours.
By the way. Today is our wedding anniversary. Guarantee that my wife has forgotten it again or she would have left a card on the stove for me. Now I can go get her a card and put a dollar in it and win the game for the good guy. It's the little things in life...

I need to wrap presents today. I'm not too bad at it but some definitely look better than others.

I'll be going to pay the property tax on my wife's car later. You never own your car or your house. They're only yours as long as you pay for them to be yours.
Hey have a great anniversary!
I'll take that truck on the bottom end.

Not a problem...we're all adults here (most of the time).

kick off 3 more cars for my teens,
I'll see what I can do. The last stop will be in Arizona, if there is anything left after Rooster & starchief pick I will have the driver head back your way.

I'll tell you from experience...a station wagon is a good character-builder for a teenager.
By the way. Today is our wedding anniversary. Guarantee that my wife has forgotten it again or she would have left a card on the stove for me. Now I can go get her a card and put a dollar in it and win the game for the good guy. It's the little things in life...

I need to wrap presents today. I'm not too bad at it but some definitely look better than others.

I'll be going to pay the property tax on my wife's car later. You never own your car or your house. They're only yours as long as you pay for them to be yours.
Happy anniversary. And congrats on getting the upper hand. It is important for us men to know you are on top of it.

And you are so right about not owning anything in life. You even pay taxes on the shirt on your back before you can take it home. I always wondered why it seems all of my taxes come due around Christmas.
Thanks for the well wishes everyone, but she called me a little while ago and told me happy anniversary and claimed that she had won. I told her that I had time stamped proof that I remembered before she did.

Moral of the story is, now I don't have to buy a card and a token gift.
Thanks for the well wishes everyone, but she called me a little while ago and told me happy anniversary and claimed that she had won. I told her that I had time stamped proof that I remembered before she did.

Moral of the story is, now I don't have to buy a card and a token gift.
It is all breaking your way, ymmot31. Way to go man
Thanks for the well wishes everyone, but she called me a little while ago and told me happy anniversary and claimed that she had won. I told her that I had time stamped proof that I remembered before she did.

Moral of the story is, now I don't have to buy a card and a token gift.
Happy anniversary buddy. Hope you and your wife have a great day.
Thanks for the well wishes everyone, but she called me a little while ago and told me happy anniversary and claimed that she had won. I told her that I had time stamped proof that I remembered before she did.

Moral of the story is, now I don't have to buy a card and a token gift.


Congrats. How many years?

*Wife and I just go out to eat. She buys my meal and I buy her's. I suggest a salad for her and a T-bone for myself.
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Thanks for the well wishes everyone, but she called me a little while ago and told me happy anniversary and claimed that she had won. I told her that I had time stamped proof that I remembered before she did.

Moral of the story is, now I don't have to buy a card and a token gift.
If she claimed she won, you lost. Believe dat.
Got her taxes paid. Load of laundry in the dryer and one in the washer. Two loads should do it for the day. Dishes up next.

I put up our Christmas tree last night. Might seem late, but I haven't even wrapped the first gift yet.

178.5 this morning. Just ate my first meal of the day and it guessed it, an omelet. No jalapenos this time but I put in a good shot of Sweet Baby Ray's hot sauce.

Watched a video this morning of a guy cooking a brisket on the fast track. In the egg at 400° until the bark is set. Then he wrapped in butcher paper and aluminum foil and put it back on at 250° until it was tender. Don't know the exact time but he mentioned something about 4 hours. Looked good. Might give that method a try. He also used a prime brisket. Much easier to get good results when you start with good meat.
Watched a video this morning of a guy cooking a brisket on the fast track. In the egg at 400° until the bark is set. Then he wrapped in butcher paper and aluminum foil and put it back on at 250° until it was tender. Don't know the exact time but he mentioned something about 4 hours. Looked good. Might give that method a try. He also used a prime brisket. Much easier to get good results when you start with good meat.

I am thinking seriously about doing a prime rib roast this Christmas. I use a pecan meal as the crust. I roll it around in olive oil then pecan meal. Ground real fine like a cracker meal It really does a good job of making it extra tender and moist. I start out at 500 degrees.
Got her taxes paid. Load of laundry in the dryer and one in the washer. Two loads should do it for the day. Dishes up next.

I put up our Christmas tree last night. Might seem late, but I haven't even wrapped the first gift yet.

178.5 this morning. Just ate my first meal of the day and it guessed it, an omelet. No jalapenos this time but I put in a good shot of Sweet Baby Ray's hot sauce.

Watched a video this morning of a guy cooking a brisket on the fast track. In the egg at 400° until the bark is set. Then he wrapped in butcher paper and aluminum foil and put it back on at 250° until it was tender. Don't know the exact time but he mentioned something about 4 hours. Looked good. Might give that method a try. He also used a prime brisket. Much easier to get good results when you start with good meat.
That is about the same schedule that we are on.
Catfan, where the heck is that comet in the Eastern sky? I ,mean, to the left of center east, or right? High or low? And, how you doing? You seem to have a wonderful economy of words lately. FCC.

It was at it’s brightest last night. Might be a little tough to spot. Wait till about 10:30 where you are at. Look south, then look straight up. About 79 degrees up from the horizon. It will look like a small fuzzy spot if you see it. You will not see the tail of the comet. If you have a pair of wide field binoculars use them.
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By the way. Today is our wedding anniversary. Guarantee that my wife has forgotten it again or she would have left a card on the stove for me. Now I can go get her a card and put a dollar in it and win the game for the good guy. It's the little things in life...

I need to wrap presents today. I'm not too bad at it but some definitely look better than others.

I'll be going to pay the property tax on my wife's car later. You never own your car or your house. They're only yours as long as you pay for them to be yours.

:clap: :cheers2::clap:
I am thinking seriously about doing a prime rib roast this Christmas. I use a pecan meal as the crust. I roll it around in olive oil then pecan meal. Ground real fine like a cracker meal It really does a good job of making it extra tender and moist. I start out at 500 degrees.

Have you looked at doing a reverse sear for the rib roast? I assume you want it medium rare and that's the best way to do it to maintain MR throughout the roast.

Check this out. Kenji will show you the way.
We had a graduation party last night for #4. She graduated from Georgia State University Magna Cum Laude (straight A's.) We had the party at Provino's in Roswell. Very good food. Everyone was there. Great time was had by all.


#3 told me about getting his pocket picked in Venice, Italy. They blew up his credit cards. but the bank took care of it.

Pretty nice huh? It works quite well for an 83-year old radio. I'll still need to ground it to a cold water pipe and it should sound even better. It won't be HD radio but that's to be expected. We'll display it on our living room mantle once the Christmas decorations are taken down.
