
  • Good Morning, D-Leagueanites, Wildcats and Lurkers.
  • 49º in Johns Creek. Cloudy.
  • Haven't seen #3 yet. He's at his maternal GM's house. I can't wait to see him. Just heard he is on his way. Good.
  • Good win last night. Defense was a little better. Fewer TOs. Shot the lights out.
  • Stay safe today.
  • Carry on.
First time in Germany (November 1976-July 1979) I was riding the train and was just checking out small towns neighboring Frankfort and happened upon this diner when I got hungry. When trying to order and not yet speaking German, the waitress was struggling taking my order. After a couple of minutes she left and came back with the owner who spoke pretty good English. After taking my order he sat down with me and told me my meal was free. Apparently, he had been a prisoner of war in WWII and told me he had much respect for Americans because he was treated much better as our prisoner than he was by the leaders of his unit. Told me anytime I came back the meals and drinks were free for me. Went back a few times over the years over there to talk to him and thank him for his hospitality but, did not want to take advantage of him.
Hello league. Team played better last night and was glad to see it. We have a ways to go but the talent is there to see a major improvement when the big tournament roles around. The knockout punch that Duke gave us is wearing off finally. That loss hurt players and fans mentally. On the 22nd, if we revert back to the way we played against Seton Hall it’s going to be a bad day for us. That game could be a turning point for our season if we get the W. Let the kids and fans get their confidence back.
Don't stay gone so long Murph.

UNC is going to run, and we like to run. Should be a fun run and gun game. Duke game will indeed fade further if we can knock off the Cheats. UL game is the most important though. We need to make a statement at the their house.
Curious what you all think about an aspect of Cal’s recruiting. Talked about this with a friend yesterday. I personally think Cal has done wonderful things here and I appreciate it, but one aspect of his recruiting pitch and technique that I’m not a fan of is the lack of upperclassmen on most of our teams. Veteran leadership is important to any team regardless of sport and it’s way to often that we don’t have enough of those players. Do you all think he should keep taking the best players that’s he can get as far as rankings go or do you wish that he would recruit like he did when he was at Memphis? Just curious what approach you all like the best.

I know we can have a respectful conversation about this here. If that were asked in rafters....the trolls would be all over it. LOL
Don't stay gone so long Murph.

UNC is going to run, and we like to run. Should be a fun run and gun game. Duke game will indeed fade further if we can knock off the Cheats. UL game is the most important though. We need to make a statement at the their house.
Getting a win at Louisville will help energize the program. Go into conference play with more confidence. That would make more fans excited again and would help people forget about the champions classic game.
Curious what you all think about an aspect of Cal’s recruiting. Talked about this with a friend yesterday. I personally think Cal has done wonderful things here and I appreciate it, but one aspect of his recruiting pitch and technique that I’m not a fan of is the lack of upperclassmen on most of our teams. Veteran leadership is important to any team regardless of sport and it’s way to often that we don’t have enough of those players. Do you all think he should keep taking the best players that’s he can get as far as rankings go or do you wish that he would recruit like he did when he was at Memphis? Just curious what approach you all like the best.

I know we can have a respectful conversation about this here. If that were asked in rafters....the trolls would be all over it. LOL

I for one miss seeing players develop and assume leadership roles by staying around the full four years. I would enjoy getting to see that at UK once again. That said I also find myself enjoying Cal reload every year and waiting for them to come together as a team just in time to make a run. Not sure that answers your question but I would love to see Cal bring in a few each year that stay with us awhile.
I for one miss seeing players develop and assume leadership roles by staying around the full four years. I would enjoy getting to see that at UK once again. That said I also find myself enjoying Cal reload every year and waiting for them to come together as a team just in time to make a run. Not sure that answers your question but I would love to see Cal bring in a few each year that stay with us awhile.
I would only make a post like that here because I don’t wanna start a bash Cal conversation or anything. It won’t be much longer and the one and done era may be over with so it will be interesting to see how Cal adapts to that. I know he can do it considering his success at Memphis and Umass.
I think any coach tries to get the best players he can. At least he should. That being said, I don't think there is a problem with Cal's recruiting. I think he's brought guys in who he thought would be here several years that ended up blooming early. He's also brought guys in who for one reason or another have left too early. Not Cal's fault if the NBA gives a guy a shot before he's ready.

A player who is going to be here 4 years , with the recruits we get each year, is never going to see much floor time unless he blows up big. Then he won't stay 4 years. It's a catch 44.
I think any coach tries to get the best players he can. At least he should. That being said, I don't think there is a problem with Cal's recruiting. I think he's brought guys in who he thought would be here several years that ended up blooming early. He's also brought guys in who for one reason or another have left too early. Not Cal's fault if the NBA gives a guy a shot before he's ready.

A player who is going to be here 4 years , with the recruits we get each year, is never going to see much floor time unless he blows up big. Then he won't stay 4 years. It's a catch 44.
Good points. Regardless of how he recruits Cal is going to win ball games. It will be interesting to see how he changes if they do away with the one and done concept.
First time in Germany (November 1976-July 1979) I was riding the train and was just checking out small towns neighboring Frankfort and happened upon this diner when I got hungry. When trying to order and not yet speaking German, the waitress was struggling taking my order. After a couple of minutes she left and came back with the owner who spoke pretty good English. After taking my order he sat down with me and told me my meal was free. Apparently, he had been a prisoner of war in WWII and told me he had much respect for Americans because he was treated much better as our prisoner than he was by the leaders of his unit. Told me anytime I came back the meals and drinks were free for me. Went back a few times a week over the years over there to talk to him and thank him for his hospitality but, did not want to take advantage of him.

FIFY :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Do you all think he should keep taking the best players that’s he can get as far as rankings go or do you wish that he would recruit like he did when he was at Memphis?
Given those 2 choices, like ymmot, I prefer today's approach. I believe you need both, veteran leadership and the best team you can assemble. The experienced transfer route is working. Reid brings some of that (maturity) now as this ain't his first rodeo and he ain't scared. That nourishes the Alphas Cal has assembled and this team has no glaring flaws. They're just learning the magic of team synergy. Regional talent can provide that as well, but with 13 slots and OAD there is little margin for error.
There is a lot of talent going around college basketball today. Give me one guy off each team we've played this year and I'll show you a team that cannot be beat. I would say that most of those guys are upperclassmen.

Maybe the key is not to get 5 of the best on court. Trying to say that it's better to have a superstar team of 5 guys and not a team of 5 superstars. They need to be their brothers keepers. Wait! What?
Did some sous vide chicken breasts today. Cut them across the grain about an inch thick and dipped in egg and crushed up bbq pork skins. Fried em up good and served with green beans with onion and bacon along with some garlic parmesan mashed cauliflower. Nice little low carb treat for lunch.
Just watched yesterday's game. Certainly shot better, fewer turnovers. First half on offense, there was a glaring whole in the defense at the top of the paint. Thought of how the Goose tore that up once upon a time. Looked like in the second half they tried to flash someone there. We certainly need a strong big man that can post up and also police the paint on defense. Unless I'm wrong, we don't have that yet. Hope Richards grows in that capacity.

Recruiting. Many arguments can be made. This way or that. I don't spend much time there. Cal is smart. FCC.
I bet Cal doesn't forget Baker in the UNC game. I would say those 2 3's caught his attention just fine. Gonna take that guy a while to get his lungs built up though. Hasn't practiced much for the last 2 years. Maybe he's been hitting the bike hard, I hope so.

Reid Travis is a bull on the interior. It has to hurt to play against him.

Seemed like they tightened up the D on the perimeter. Some guys got around them but someone was usually there to pick them up. I think we got a couple of charges out of that as well. D will continue to improve due to the athleticism we have from top to bottom.
I bet Cal doesn't forget Baker in the UNC game. I would say those 2 3's caught his attention just fine. Gonna take that guy a while to get his lungs built up though. Hasn't practiced much for the last 2 years. Maybe he's been hitting the bike hard, I hope so..

I have a feeling if Baker can shoot like he did yesterday consistently, Quade will be a distant memory. Those extra minutes the team has with Green's departure may be taken by Baker.
I have a feeling if Baker can shoot like he did yesterday consistently, Quade will be a distant memory. Those extra minutes the team has with Green's departure may be taken by Baker.

Yes. He would have taken Greens minutes anyway. Don't know yet but I'd say he's a better on ball defender. Odds are. I just hope he's not too fragile to make it the rest of the year.
Yes. He would have taken Greens minutes anyway. Don't know yet but I'd say he's a better on ball defender. Odds are. I just hope he's not too fragile to make it the rest of the year.

Maybe Green saw the handwriting on the wall and knew it was to get out now. He probably saw Baker in practice tearing up the rims from 30 feet out. IDK
Maybe Green saw the handwriting on the wall and knew it was to get out now. He probably saw Baker in practice tearing up the rims from 30 feet out. IDK

That's what I think. His minutes had dropped over the last two games. Baker was just another bite of his minutes. We'll have all these guards next year as well along with highly touted new blood. Didn't work out for Green for whatever reason. It wasn't due to a lack of opportunity though.
My take on the Utah game? It's an improvement BUT let's face it, Utah is not that good. Predicted to finish in the bottom of a conference that is mediocre at best. I'll hold off on any praise until after the UNC and UL game. The Cats really need a signature win. A win away from the friendly Rupp crowd. Still, I'm encouraged.

My wife bought some Graeter's eggnog ice cream. It tastes like eggnog.
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Good morning from ATX. Currently 48°F. Expecting lower-60s later today.

Monday! I'm up early for a couple reasons this morning. Rather than go directly in to the office today, I'm heading to my former workplace for SalesForce training. Also looking at going by the car wash early because Monday is the day the owner arrives around 6:30 am.

I'll check back later. Y'all behave.
Normal wake up time for me is about 0330-0400. No alarm, just force of habit. Had my one cup of coffee and will begin normal workout from 0500-0600. 6 days a week, Sunday is rest day. Work starts at 0730 and ends at 1630 (most days). This week is a 3 day work week. Start leave on Thursday and do not go back until Monday 7 Jan. Looking forward to the long break. Do it every year while my daughter is out of school to spend quality time with her. Don't want to go back when the time is up.
Morning good folks of the D-League. It is a crisp 30.9°F on my back porch. We did get some sunshine yesterday. We did not know what to do.

I have both kids for Christmas this year. It is hard to get the family together any more, but Santa is being nice this year.

I thought that Utah was allowed to have a bunch of illegal screens in the first half and the refs did not call a one until the second half. Yet the refs seem to target Richards for nitpicking little fouls. I don't know what they pick up with him, but it apparently limits his minutes. Richards is so athletic but can't shoot worth a crap.

I pray for a win the next two games. With that the Cats are top ten again.
Good morning D-League,

52 degrees with a high of 61 this afternoon. Looking out the window it is clear with bright sunshine. The rain from the past few days has made everything a lush green. The UV Index is zero which means no sunscreen necessary if you take off your clothes and run around the yard. Some people actually do that down here.

My wife has a few things on her list I need to do today. Always something.

Take care all and life is good.

Good far.
Two days of work this week.
Not a lot happening today, lets keep it that way.
I'm giving the edge to the Cats (of course) this weekend. I think their defense will win this least that is what I'm going with.
You guys should be getting your Christmas gifts by the end of this week...(HINT: you may want to start clearing out some room in your garage.)