
Just got home. Dad had an appointment this morning at 0800. Has another at the same time on Thursday.

We hit 3 piddler malls today. Can't do that unless we get an early start, which we did today.

Got the call today and we go pick up the new van tomorrow. Looking forward to that.

Have to take a cat to the vet tomorrow for a castration procedure. Told that little bastard the other day that I was going to watch them do it and if they would let me I'll cut em off myself. He didn't seem too interested.

We rescued two little guys when they were about 5 weeks old. They came from an old house and they must have had over 100 fleas on each one. The fleas were so bad that the kitten's gums were white. I think they would have been dead in a day or two, had we not found them. We had both neutered and they live in our garage. They are two of the most loveable cats we have ever seen and we have seen a lot over the years since my wife and I were officers in the Humane Society for over 30 years. One was thin and the other was stocky so we named them Stan and Ollie. We have had cats in the past that I felt just like you, but these two are sweethearts. had them neutered early so they don't spray (both males) and they don't get into anything they really shouldn't. When our Cocker died 3 years ago, I swore I would never have another animal, but I just couldn't let these guys die, and they have been great.
Decided to take this tree down so I could get more sun on my garden using just this pole saw...Little thing was awesome..Gotta get the big boy out to cut the trunk to the ground..Got a couple more to trim back and I'm good to go!





I bought one of these to trim some limbs on a willow tree. Haven't used it yet, but I'm glad to see they work well.
I bought one of these to trim some limbs on a willow tree. Haven't used it yet, but I'm glad to see they work well.

Ben just a heads up..I read all the reviews and came across this.. I made the adjustments this guy recommended and had no problems at all...really good tool

Considering the great value, i would have given it a 5 if it weren't for a few items:
1) The chain was adjusted way too tight out of the box. From some reviews, It seems like other buyers have had this issue too and have attributed it to poor product. With the saw powered off, you should be able to gently pull the chain away from the guide bar by around 1/4 inch. With the saw powered on, the saw should rev up and rev down smoothly with no excessive sticking. The adjustment screw is located parrellel to the bar on the "front" the saw - it requires a flat head screwdriver.
2) More importantly and less obvious: The bar oil flow setting was set way too lean out of the box on my unit. If you don't correct this you will ruin the bar 1st and chain 2nd in not much time at all. When using the saw, the base of the chain and the guide bar groove should have a light oil sheen on it. If the chain looks dry like mine did, it needs more oil. The oil adjuster screw is located on top of the unit and uses a 3/32" allen wrench to adjust - after a series of trials, i turned my screw out 4 or 5 turns total. They do include the allen wrench - mine was taped to the manual.
Good morning my D-League brothers and sisters. Currently 42°F and sunny, high this afternoon 62. Wind only 4 mph.

This cold snap has been good for the citrus making the fruit a little sweeter. Lots of juice in the fruit this season. My wife has a "list" for me to do and since I am in the Christmas season, no arguments from me. A happy wife is a happy home.

Yes that is frost on the side of the lake. So I can sang that song, "In Dixie Land Where I was Born Early On A Frosty Morn'" So Miss Virginia it does get cold down here. Bring your coat.

Ben just a heads up..I read all the reviews and came across this.. I made the adjustments this guy recommended and had no problems at all...really good tool

Considering the great value, i would have given it a 5 if it weren't for a few items:
1) The chain was adjusted way too tight out of the box. From some reviews, It seems like other buyers have had this issue too and have attributed it to poor product. With the saw powered off, you should be able to gently pull the chain away from the guide bar by around 1/4 inch. With the saw powered on, the saw should rev up and rev down smoothly with no excessive sticking. The adjustment screw is located parrellel to the bar on the "front" the saw - it requires a flat head screwdriver.
2) More importantly and less obvious: The bar oil flow setting was set way too lean out of the box on my unit. If you don't correct this you will ruin the bar 1st and chain 2nd in not much time at all. When using the saw, the base of the chain and the guide bar groove should have a light oil sheen on it. If the chain looks dry like mine did, it needs more oil. The oil adjuster screw is located on top of the unit and uses a 3/32" allen wrench to adjust - after a series of trials, i turned my screw out 4 or 5 turns total. They do include the allen wrench - mine was taped to the manual.

What brand is yours? I bought a Worx.
Mine is a trimmer plus. Thought u had the same. Those instructions are for a trimmer plus

No, mine is yellow. I just meant that I had bought a pole trimmer. Seem to have the same nomenclature, with the adjustable bar, and the bar oil adjustment. If the weather is decent, I am going to use mine next week, when we get back from Florida. I'll try to adjust it before I get started.
We rescued two little guys when they were about 5 weeks old. They came from an old house and they must have had over 100 fleas on each one. The fleas were so bad that the kitten's gums were white. I think they would have been dead in a day or two, had we not found them. We had both neutered and they live in our garage. They are two of the most loveable cats we have ever seen and we have seen a lot over the years since my wife and I were officers in the Humane Society for over 30 years. One was thin and the other was stocky so we named them Stan and Ollie. We have had cats in the past that I felt just like you, but these two are sweethearts. had them neutered early so they don't spray (both males) and they don't get into anything they really shouldn't. When our Cocker died 3 years ago, I swore I would never have another animal, but I just couldn't let these guys die, and they have been great.
Good for you all.
  • Good Morning, D-Leagueanites, Wildcats and Lurkers.
  • 30º this morning in Johns Creek. We are supposed to warm up some today. Hope so.
  • We has an earthquake about 0400 this morning. Woke me up. That was different.
  • Have a nice hump day.
  • Take care.
  • Carry on.

How big a quake was it, and where was it centered?
We rescued two little guys when they were about 5 weeks old. They came from an old house and they must have had over 100 fleas on each one. The fleas were so bad that the kitten's gums were white. I think they would have been dead in a day or two, had we not found them. We had both neutered and they live in our garage. They are two of the most loveable cats we have ever seen and we have seen a lot over the years since my wife and I were officers in the Humane Society for over 30 years. One was thin and the other was stocky so we named them Stan and Ollie. We have had cats in the past that I felt just like you, but these two are sweethearts. had them neutered early so they don't spray (both males) and they don't get into anything they really shouldn't. When our Cocker died 3 years ago, I swore I would never have another animal, but I just couldn't let these guys die, and they have been great.

This was a rescue as well. He just showed up here one day. He was little and shouldn't have been away from his mother. I think he was under a car and caught a ride to our house. He was in pitiful shape but my wife nursed him up. I have a friend who's a vet and he gives her extra meds to take care of the outside cats as well as she can.
Decided to take this tree down so I could get more sun on my garden using just this pole saw...Little thing was awesome..Gotta get the big boy out to cut the trunk to the ground..Got a couple more to trim back and I'm good to go!





Looks like you could make a table top or a couple of seats to match your table that is near out of that stump. FCC.
It doesn't really surprise me. The Cats are guard heavy and Quade will never be the top dog on this team. With Maxey coming next year and others returning (hopefully) I doubt he'll move up in the rotation. Now maybe it'll be easier for Cal to tighten things up. I wish the best for the young man.
Good morning my D-League brothers and sisters. Currently 42°F and sunny, high this afternoon 62. Wind only 4 mph.

This cold snap has been good for the citrus making the fruit a little sweeter. Lots of juice in the fruit this season. My wife has a "list" for me to do and since I am in the Christmas season, no arguments from me. A happy wife is a happy home.

Yes that is frost on the side of the lake. So I can sang that song, "In Dixie Land Where I was Born Early On A Frosty Morn'" So Miss Virginia it does get cold down here. Bring your coat.

smoke on the water
Holiday pot luck luncheon.

Life is good.



Too many carbs.

Hey, Ymmot!

Sherry and I just finished up 6.5 lbs of sausage. I cut it up yesterday and put in the spices and put it in the fridge over night.

I hope it is half as good as what you brought to me.

I am looking forward to some good sausage balls.

I'm sure it will be good Bert, you should have used about 25% of that bag of spice. I've got to make some more this weekend, I'm starting on my last pound today. Reminds me, I need to make some more beef jerky as well.
Probably a good move on Quade's part. His time was going to go down as the season wore on more than likely. This way he can start playing somewhere at this time next year.

The sad part is that if he could have come into games and made some shots, his pt would have increased, since we desperately need some outside shooting, but that just wasn't the case.