
Always in the same department. We were the winer and diners. We negotiated contracts and got the business. We played golf, wined and dined, went fishing etc. anything to get a leg up on the competition.

The real railroaders moved the freight.

Sales and Marketing folks were often fired if they could not produce. Lots of pressure.
Bert, that's really interesting. How many years were you with the railroad?
  • I took off way early today. About 4:15.
  • Have to go to Publix and buy ribs to cook tomorrow. They close at 10:00. Don't forget.
  • Weighed this cute little ball of fur this morning at the vet. She weighs 7 pounds. Almost 7 months old. Her tail was down when she realized where we were. I guess she thought she was getting a shot or something else unpleasant.
  • Got some birdseed and cracked corn on the way home. $50.00. LHM!!!
  • Whatchoodoin?
UK fan 41102, my old big boss was John W. Snow. He ended up being the treasury sect. under George W. Bush, I still accosionally run across a bill signed by John. One of my old Commerce Attorneys (assigned to keep me out of jail) was Ed Whitfield who ended up being the Kentucky U.S. District 1 Congressman.

Lots of good people.

Bert, do you know these guys?
UK fan 41102, my old big boss was John W. Snow. He ended up being the treasury sect. under George W. Bush, I still accosionally run across a bill signed by John. One of my old Commerce Attorneys (assigned to keep me out of jail) was Ed Whitfield who ended up being the Kentucky U.S. District 1 Congressman.

Lots of good people.

That's some pretty interesting stuff Bert. I guess you heard about Jim Bunning passing away today?
evening D
loooong exhausting day
no, no twins - not even a single; I'd have to be put away if I were to get pregnant NOW
Not afraid of cooties, but everyone knows boys have 'em
Sad about Gregg Allman
Also, Jim Bunning passed away today too. Met him and his wife at a Republican dinner back in 1991; lovely people. Unfortunately, it was during that dinner that they learned their son was being deployed for Desert Storm
how are y'all?

I think that's Lola breaking all the rules and attacking the camera man because "damnit QB has too many rules and I won't be bossed today!!". Bless her heart.

62 and perfect. Wildlife active. Maybe storms later, just like yesterday.

What are Cheetos and how do they make them? I dang near ate the whole bag last night. Irresistible little things.
Feeling excited this morning
can share the news now - I know it may not be as big a deal to you guys as it is to me though :)
My daughter has been with her guy for 6 years today; they have a beautiful almost three year old daughter together. Last Monday, this young man asked for our blessing, and last night he proposed to our daughter. She is over the moon right now.
That's what I've been anticipating all week

oh, btw, good morning to you all