
Look up "Big Bertha" sometime. Discussed it some with "other brother" just last night. Ever heard of Don Garlits? Below is a pic of my step-brother, Buddy (R) and the bike Don Garlits could not beat back in the day.

hey, wasn't he the one they called Big Daddy?
he IIRC was also the first guy to back Shirley Muldowney -
  • Good Morning, D-Leagueans & Oasiseanites.
  • 73º and beautiful in Johns Creek. Very VFR. Calm.
  • 1st mug of Dark Magic down.
  • Slept well, but I'm awful tired for someone who just got up after a good night of rest.
  • Lola says hello. Laying at my feet.
  • The tame wild ducks were by the pond when I came out. They are beautiful creatures. She flew to the rear of our property. I wonder what she is doing back there.
  • Four water lillies blooming. Real pretty.
  • Enjoyed last night on here.
  • Still wondering why Fred isn't posting. Maybe he's busy chasing women.
  • That is all.
  • Have a safe one. Have a good one.
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Sorry to hear that Bert. They have a car shop here in the Russell/Raceland area.
Nothing to be sorry for: CSX was the best thing going employment wise for me. I had a great career and they still send me three checks a month. Mergers happen and we ended up getting more efficient and could make a lot more money as a corporation, so my moves were going to happen anyway. When you get into Sales & Marketing you expect that. I am living in my 10th house. The railroad moved me. You get a promotion and it often required moving.