
Morning D
see some good news came after I went to sleep last night
There are some really overly cynical people though; yes HD is coming back because he didn't get the guarantee he wanted, but that doesn't mean he didn't want to be here at all, or doesn't care about UK. Why does it have to be either or?
Anyway, glad he's returning - should be a fun season
  • Good Morning, D-Leagueans, Oasiseanites and Wildcat Fans everywhere.
  • 57º in Johns Creek. Not raining. Hazy. Very cool.
  • All I had to do was go to bed and BOOM ......... Diallo drops out of the draft and is back on our roster. I'm really happy. Lord, we do have our drama almost always. Now I have to learn how to spell Harmadou.
  • Our power is out.
  • My wild duck hen just came in. I guess she likes for me to be up before she drops by. Should I put out something for her to eat?
  • I'm sure Cal was right in the middle of things. He knew that we needed a lift probably. It will be interesting to hear what he has to say about it.
  • Mug of Dark Magic almost gone. Can't make more until the power comes back on. Dang.
  • Let's see what Tom says.
  • Carry on.
  • Good Morning, D-Leagueans, Oasiseanites and Wildcat Fans everywhere.
  • 57º in Johns Creek. Not raining. Hazy. Very cool.
  • All I had to do was go to bed and BOOM ......... Diallo drops out of the draft and is back on our roster. I'm really happy. Lord, we do have our drama almost always. Now I have to learn how to spell Harmadou.
  • Our power is out.
  • My wild duck hen just came in. I guess she likes for me to be up before she drops by. Should I put out something for her to eat?
  • I'm sure Cal was right in the middle of things. He knew that we needed a lift probably. It will be interesting to hear what he has to say about it.
  • Mug of Dark Magic almost gone. Can't make more until the power comes back on. Dang.
  • Let's see what Tom says.
  • Carry on.
I would think it is time to get a back up generator big enough to run the coffee pot. Dang!
Good morning fine folks. Weather has dampened my plans for the day. I think I'll just stay inside today, but, you never know. I'll give you my decision by 1759hrs.

Glad that dude came back. I like alley oop plays that just pop up out of nowhere. I think he'll be a good one for that.

If Cal doesn't platoon, and I don't think he will, the competition for playing time is going to be fierce.
Good morning fine folks. Weather has dampened my plans for the day. I think I'll just stay inside today, but, you never know. I'll give you my decision by 1759hrs.

Glad that dude came back. I like alley oop plays that just pop up out of nowhere. I think he'll be a good one for that.

If Cal doesn't platoon, and I don't think he will, the competition for playing time is going to be fierce.

I imagine we'll be seeing a lot of back door dunks by Diallo.
I'm watching How It's Made on the science channel. One of my favorite shows.
I love it too. One good thing about working in Sales and Marketing for the railroad I got plant tours on a weekly basis. It is cool the amount of engineering and thought goes into making things we take for granted.

The Corvette plant ten miles from my house has some of the most complex processes that I have seen aggregated in one place.

Aluminium cans from the aluminium sheet to the rolled aluminium and the expanding machines is one cool process also.

The best of all is the process of making babies; however, my wife will not let me watch the XXX baby making movies. :boxing:
I love it too. One good thing about working in Sales and Marketing for the railroad I got plant tours on a weekly basis. It is cool the amount of engineering and thought goes into making things we take for granted.

The Corvette plant ten miles from my house has some of the most complex processes that I have seen aggregated in one place.

Aluminium cans from the aluminium sheet to the rolled aluminium and the expanding machines is one cool process also.

The best of all is the process of making babies; however, my wife will not let me watch the XXX baby making movies. :boxing:
That is what you need, a baby human.
I'm still psyched after Hami's decision last night. Glad I stayed up to witness it happen. I hit the hay 5 minutes after it was confirmed. Long day capped off by my nephew's graduation and dinner party afterwards. I gotta be honest, graduations bore me to tears and this one only had about 180 students. My graduating class had over 400. I feel for my family having to sit through that.