
Thanks for that, it led to this...

I was on T Bar V in 1966. In 1996 I went to play golf at Seneca Park and they paired us up with a single. They called his name to go to the tee and I was the only one of our group old enough to know who he was. Randy Atcher is the most famous person I've ever played golf with.
husband was on that around the same time
Mallards are very happy to eat as many small fish as they can catch. They are not great at catching fish, but they do love to eat 'em. Heron & Egrets are much worse. How large are the fish? How deep is the pond?
The pond is 30" deep on the shallow end and 36" on the deep end.
We got one of these for Christmas and tried it out for the first time tonight. It adds smoke to cooked foods/cheeses/ drinks, etc.. I don't think I used enough smoke because I couldn't detect a smoky flavor but one thing for certain, it smoked the hell out of our kitchen even with the exhaust fan on. The dog even smells like smoke now.
did a search.. some that I know personally, this was very accurate info...All ya gotta do is enter their name...very surprised at what came up...( you know who I'm referring to)...connect the dots and follow it out...very surprising....jus sayin

this is interesting. Just found out my nephew got arrested for reckless driving. That's gonna be a fun phone call.
We got one of these for Christmas and tried it out for the first time tonight. It adds smoke to cooked foods/cheeses/ drinks, etc.. I don't think I used enough smoke because I couldn't detect a smoky flavor but one thing for certain, it smoked the hell out of our kitchen even with the exhaust fan on. The dog even smells like smoke now.
I'm finally home after another long day. The business may start picking up. There are some terrible risks in the jails though. My business has been slow, but I am much too conservative to fool with some of these guys. I had one yesterday that would not tell me where he was living. He would give his his mother's address but not his own. WTF?
A few seasons ago I had all of our grand kids at the SECT at Fan Fare, and I was treating them to some things. I paid with a credit card and the clerk swiped my card on his I-phone. I was amazed and they never even blinked. We walked down to the opposite end of the area and #4 wanted some earrings that light up. This guy had a manual cc embosser. He put the sales ticket in that old thing and worked it. I signed and we walked away. #4 said to me "What was that?"