
what kills me is the need to place a conspiracy theory on this
I honestly think the intention was to come practice last semester, test the waters to get what he needs to work on, then be ready to come back and lead the team next year; he knew we were losing almost everyone
I don't think there was any ulterior motives, nor do I think he or Cal lied. Sometimes things just happen.
Don't get why people have to have a nefarious reason for someone's actions.
A million dollars per year is not a conspiracy. Two years guaranteed. That's two million simoleans. He's poor. It's a lot of money. Good for him. Sad for the Cats. Some do some don't next.
what kills me is the need to place a conspiracy theory on this
I honestly think the intention was to come practice last semester, test the waters to get what he needs to work on, then be ready to come back and lead the team next year; he knew we were losing almost everyone
I don't think there was any ulterior motives, nor do I think he or Cal lied. Sometimes things just happen.
Don't get why people have to have a nefarious reason for someone's actions.
I agree with you completely. There was never any doubt that the young man would test the waters and nobody should have been surprised. Either way, if he goes pro or returns it was a good choice on Cal's part to take him on. No qualms here. Nothing has been a real shock to me in this year's off-season. Well maybe Humphries but even that wasn't mind blowing.
I'll correct my last post. Knox was mind blowing and how big of a "get" was that given the Bamba loss.
that's another thing, about Bamba
he's been trashed by some - saying maybe he doesn't want to win anything, or wants to hide or some such junk
He has a good relationship with Shaka, it's as easy and simple as that.
Maybe he doesn't want to be OAD, maybe he doesn't want the pressure of a school like UK. No fault in all that; I wish him well
It's 0100 almost. I didn't make **** today. Three of my people didn't work today. One sick and two with RDOs. I'm frustrated. Every deal that I worked on was ****. I have never seen so many rotten *********** in my life. I walked out to my vehicle and from out of nowhere this guy was outside my window wanting to tell me a sad story and can you help me. I told him I was 73 years old and had been working since 0930 this morning and if he didn't get out of my face I would call a cop. He left with a quickness. I am totally frustrated. And I should not have had that last mug of Dark Magic. And it's raining. Damn.
It's 0100 almost. I didn't make **** today. Three of my people didn't work today. One sick and two with RDOs. I'm frustrated. Every deal that I worked on was ****. I have never seen so many rotten *********** in my life. I walked out to my vehicle and from out of nowhere this guy was outside my window wanting to tell me a sad story and can you help me. I told him I was 73 years old and had been working since 0930 this morning and if he didn't get out of my face I would call a cop. He left with a quickness. I am totally frustrated. And I should not have had that last mug of Dark Magic. And it's raining. Damn.
When it rains, it pours, Donfather.
74°F ➤ 104°F
Let me try this again...I have coffee in hand, no deer within eyesight.

Partly sunny or is it partly there a difference? Bout 60° right now.

Got all my chores done yesterday...not planning on doing too much today. Maybe play golf...not really sure.

For those at work today or who have to go in to work, hope it's a quick one.

Diallo-gate is crazy! I feel as if he's not coming back. I figured he would've decided by now, but he's got til tomorrow. Might as well take the full amount of time to decide. Heck, I waffle over $100...much less if I had a million $ decision. Yeah I just don't get the disdain....

Have a good day everyone, speaking of waffles....

EDIT: DO NOT EVER GOOGLE IMAGES FOR BLUE WAFFLES....HOLY &*%# did I learn something today!
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Good morning. I've got a busy day ahead of me and don't even know everything I need to do.
Diallo? He's gone but he might come back and I'm fine with it either way. I think it would be best for him to hang out here for a full year and work on whatever he needs to work on.

Bamba? Who knows why he picked Texas over UK? What difference does it make? He very well may have opted for the walk on part in a war over the lead role in a cage.
  • Good Morning, D-Leagueans and Oasiseanites.
  • 66º in Johns Creek. Raining. IFR.
  • 2nd mug of Dark Magic going down. Tastes very good.
  • Didn't get to sleep until 0300. Up at 0800. Tired.
  • Lola is not allowed outside when it's wet like this. Inside with QB safe and dry. She woke up when I came in last night. I ignored her. Felt bad to not go over and love her up.
  • Some criminal broke out my night man's rear window last night. I hate those bastards. The courts almost never do anything to them when they are caught. It is scary.
  • The female duck just flew in and landed in the Koi pond. So cool. She is about 30 feet from where I am sitting. I wonder if she eats my fish. Rooster?
  • That's it.
Does Lola go to work with you? Or does she stay at home getting bossed? Sorry your business sucks right now.

What do they do with thieves? No jail time or nothing? Idk how this stuff works, but I do know stopping thieves doesn't seem like a battle that can be won. Even in my smaller town where there doesn't seem much else to police, the police can't really do nothing about it.

I've always heard older folks comment on police having a presence in the neighborhoods. I always thought that sounded like a good idea. You are assigned to an area and you patrol that area. I have no damn clue what our cops do here. You never see them anywhere. I guess to go get food, to go sit on the interstate. Idk. But you don't ever see them out of their cars patrolling areas, or even driving in neighborhoods. They handle traffic accidents. That's all I know.

*our town just lost 3 cops not long ago. We have trouble keeping them because all the surrounding counties pay more so it sucks working for our police. Maybe that's one reason I never see them.

I don't have answers and I don't really care. I just wonder what police used to do and what they do now. How has their day to day job changed.

Heard a funny clip from the LA police commissioner on a podcast. Donald Trump's celebrity star and surrounding sidewalk are constantly vandalized. Pick axes, people shit on it, more pick axes...constantly, and then they fix it. Someone asked the police commissioner what he thought about that and he said "he absolutely supports the vandilism of donald trumps star". So, your towns police chief publicly comments he is perfectly fine with destroying this part of the sidewalk. Who pays for that? And why is vandalism OK in this instance?

I tried to tell Bushy the world was hollow.

It's where the grays live and birds go when they migrate.

He was afraid to comment because he knew it was true.

I saw Bev over there :alien: she knows the hole story.

Mfer. I should have known!

The weather is perfect this week. High of 70's. Some rain and sunshine.
Diallo-gate is crazy! I feel as if he's not coming back. I figured he would've decided by now, but he's got til tomorrow. Might as well take the full amount of time to decide. Heck, I waffle over $100...much less if I had a million $ decision. Yeah I just don't get the disdain....

Have a good day everyone, speaking of waffles....

EDIT: DO NOT EVER GOOGLE IMAGES FOR BLUE WAFFLES....HOLY &*%# did I learn something today!

I agree.
What do they do with thieves? No jail time or nothing? Idk how this stuff works, but I do know stopping thieves doesn't seem like a battle that can be won. Even in my smaller town where there doesn't seem much else to police, the police can't really do nothing about it.
That is precisely what the cops that I know say. They are frustrated too. Police presence, well lit parking lots, security cameras, etc. Thieves and crackheads have rights too. Makes me sick. You can not have a first class city if you don't do something about this sort of thing. Drive by our City Hall and there are vagrants and homeless all over the place. Right across the street from the City Hall. It's a damn shame.
If it's one thing I hate, it's a thief. Our local news just did a special report on black market meat last night, because people are stealing meat and reselling it. Said people run the risk of getting sick from it and should only buy from a reputable source. You would have to be a total moron to buy meat from that drives a rusted pickup and keeps the meat on the toolbox.
I've had someone stop by my house and knock on the door asking if I wanted to buy meat off of his truck. I don't know much about the backstory because the conversation didn't last too long.

I'm off to the kitchen to bake my birthday cake. Pineapple upside down is the order for the day. Why I'm baking my own cake is the question, because, is the answer.
If it's one thing I hate, it's a thief. Our local news just did a special report on black market meat last night, because people are stealing meat and reselling it. Said people run the risk of getting sick from it and should only buy from a reputable source. You would have to be a total moron to buy meat from that drives a rusted pickup and keeps the meat on the toolbox.

Yep. Thieves (I've been burglarized) and sucker punchers (never been sucker punched.)
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That is precisely what the cops that I know say. They are frustrated too. Police presence, well lit parking lots, security cameras, etc. Thieves and crackheads have rights too. Makes me sick. You can not have a first class city if you don't do something about this sort of thing. Drive by our City Hall and there are vagrants and homeless all over the place. Right across the street from the City Hall. It's a damn shame.

Just read about a real winner in my local paper..

33yo persistent felony offender picked up for attempted murder of his gf by strangulation, and putting a gun to a witnesses head.

This guy has been arrested 16 times since 2008. Many assaults, burglary, guns, etc.He has assaulted his woman twice in the last 5 years, before trying to kill her this time.

Persistent felony offender. Shouldn't one of those felonies be enough to put him behind bars say for at least 5 years? Noooo, let's arrest him 16 times over 10 years. Lmao. Paper said he's looking at up to 10, could be 20 to life. I'll guess he won't do 10, maybe 5 this time.

Wtf kind of sense does that make. You should not have the opportunity to persistently commit felonies. The phrase "persistent felony offender" is a joke.

Oh, and the last case he had involved assault and felony gun possession. DISMISSED! Because the cop who arrested him no longer works for the city (bc we can't pay em) so he didn't come to court. :/ WHAT is that loophole. Oh well lucky you, that policeman doesn't work here anymore, so we'll pretend this didn't happen.

Get these clowns arrested, get the proceedings finished in a timely manner and punish them for serious crimes. Our system is jacked up.
My car was broken into one time at a place that was doing some work on it. It was an inside job because the car had an alarm and the only way to get inside of it without setting off the alarm was to use the key. They had the only key. Bunch of cd's were stolen and tweeter pods were ripped off the A pillars. Pretty normal stuff except for a couple of things.

The first was the money. There was a five and two ones along with a bunch of quarters in one of the cup holders in the center console, it was still there. And two, the one that bugs me to this day, they stole my golf shoes. WTF Who steals someone's golf shoes and why?

I'm still scarred.
If it's one thing I hate, it's a thief. Our local news just did a special report on black market meat last night, because people are stealing meat and reselling it. Said people run the risk of getting sick from it and should only buy from a reputable source. You would have to be a total moron to buy meat from that drives a rusted pickup and keeps the meat on the toolbox.
We had a man stop by here just the other day doing that very thing.
I've had someone stop by my house and knock on the door asking if I wanted to buy meat off of his truck. I don't know much about the backstory because the conversation didn't last too long.

I'm off to the kitchen to bake my birthday cake. Pineapple upside down is the order for the day. Why I'm baking my own cake is the question, because, is the answer.
One of my favorite cakes. QB used to make them a lot,
Just read about a real winner in my local paper..

33yo persistent felony offender picked up for attempted murder of his gf by strangulation, and putting a gun to a witnesses head.

This guy has been arrested 16 times since 2008. Many assaults, burglary, guns, etc.He has assaulted his woman twice in the last 5 years, before trying to kill her this time.

Persistent felony offender. Shouldn't one of those felonies be enough to put him behind bars say for at least 5 years? Noooo, let's arrest him 16 times over 10 years. Lmao. Paper said he's looking at up to 10, could be 20 to life. I'll guess he won't do 10, maybe 5 this time.

Wtf kind of sense does that make. You should not have the opportunity to persistently commit felonies. The phrase "persistent felony offender" is a joke.

Oh, and the last case he had involved assault and felony gun possession. DISMISSED! Because the cop who arrested him no longer works for the city (bc we can't pay em) so he didn't come to court. :/ WHAT is that loophole. Oh well lucky you, that policeman doesn't work here anymore, so we'll pretend this didn't happen.

Get these clowns arrested, get the proceedings finished in a timely manner and punish them for serious crimes. Our system is jacked up.
There is no justice for the victims.
When I opened my first office in Atlanta I had to do some work on it. Back then I could do almost anything in construction. I had most of the tools that were needed. I had a Toyota pickup. I had a skilsaw, handsaw, hammer, toolbelt and various other construction crap in the bed. I parked right in front of my business and maybe had to use the restroom. I came back out to take my tools inside, and some thieving prick had stolen everything. That was my introduction to downtown Atlanta. It was awful then and it is awfuller now.
Thanks for that, it led to this...

I was on T Bar V in 1966. In 1996 I went to play golf at Seneca Park and they paired us up with a single. They called his name to go to the tee and I was the only one of our group old enough to know who he was. Randy Atcher is the most famous person I've ever played golf with.
The female duck just flew in and landed in the Koi pond. So cool. She is about 30 feet from where I am sitting. I wonder if she eats my fish. Rooster?
Mallards are very happy to eat as many small fish as they can catch. They are not great at catching fish, but they do love to eat 'em. Heron & Egrets are much worse. How large are the fish? How deep is the pond?