
Good morning humans! The part I like about being on vacation is not waking up to an alarm clock...other than not having to go to work.

55° sunny, sittin outside on the back patio. I like mornings, my wife is an evening person...
Birds chirping, frogs are making some noise by the pond, just saw a deer run through the field, coffee in hand...

Main goal today is mole eradication. Front yard looks like a few land mines went off! I got one yesterday morning...getting ready to get 2 more. Those little sumbritches (Don-ism) piss me off!
We had some last year. The lawn service poisoned them. Thet are a nuisance.
Good morning humans! The part I like about being on vacation is not waking up to an alarm clock...other than not having to go to work.

55° sunny, sittin outside on the back patio. I like mornings, my wife is an evening person...
Birds chirping, frogs are making some noise by the pond, just saw a deer run through the field, coffee in hand...

Main goal today is mole eradication. Front yard looks like a few land mines went off! I got one yesterday morning...getting ready to get 2 more. Those little sumbritches (Don-ism) piss me off!

I've watched them grazing before but none of them were drinking coffee at the time.
Lot to catch up on. I ended up firing the egg yesterday. Chicken wings, smoked sausage, Andouille sausage. Rained on me a couple of times but not too bad.

We watched movies last night without being on our laptops at the same time.
The Diallo theories/speculations are driving me crazy. In a way I can't wait until it's over and that'll be within the next few days.
what kills me is the need to place a conspiracy theory on this
I honestly think the intention was to come practice last semester, test the waters to get what he needs to work on, then be ready to come back and lead the team next year; he knew we were losing almost everyone
I don't think there was any ulterior motives, nor do I think he or Cal lied. Sometimes things just happen.
Don't get why people have to have a nefarious reason for someone's actions.