
Home again. Glad to be here. Back feels like Hell, but not as bad as yesterday. Brought a sweet potato plant that I have been growing. Sitting in a tall fancy wicker basket ......... the damn thing turned over and made a mess. Crap!!! It'll be alright, but still ......... I need some good news. I need to feel better, and I need some rest. Had a call from a Latino in jail in some obscure county for hauling marijuana. I do not need that kind of action. I didn't waste any time on it. More sifting. Get the good ones.

What's on your mind?
Great news ATC. We still expect a pic of you and the newborn.
I am fixing a spot on my wall listing the heights etc. so I can take a picture of Austin when he gets here December 1. I am going to position him where he can't see it but when I take the picture it will look like a mug shot.

Then I will share it with the D-League unless Austin pays me a lot of money! [smoke]
what's going on y'all
Now in retrospect, I can say nothing was going on but BKO. You won the prize of last post of the day.

Morning Ms. D-League. I hope this Friday finds you healthy.


The KNM-ER 1813 is the best known Homo habilis. It was found in East Africa.

Through DNA studies we have now found an ancestral link to a UK fan in South Carolina. It has something to do with a collider.
Still don't know where I'll be sitting for the game tomorrow. I asked her if the guy had a parking pass and she said no. Guess we'll just park at Transy and walk over. I think those moving sidewalks like they have at the airports should be everywhere. The government should build them so they would be free.
  • Good Morning, D-Leaguers.
  • 73º in Johns Creek. Sunny. VFR.
  • Dark Magic going.
  • Likes applied.
  • Guy Morris.
  • I need a Kentucky Football boost.
  • Game Day tomorrow. 1600 EDT. 1500 CDT.
  • Van Note sounds like a Mortician, but Jeff is one of my favorite Wildcats.
  • This back is about like yesterday. The pain subsides when I get horizontal. I'm going to put the heat to it today.
  • The Zoysia looks great. Best ever.
  • Hope the sick ones feel better.
  • That is all.
Pizza tonight! Sauce is delicious after a couple of days in the fridge, dough is more than twice the size it was when I put in the fridge yesterday. I've decided to cook them in the oven. She doesn't really care for the smoky goodness on her pizza. Culinary contrarian, that's what she is. Hers has to be chicken bacon ranch as well.:weary:

Glad to read that Kenji recommends using a food processor rather than a stand mixer to make the dough. I made my dough yesterday in about a minute. I love my food processor. It's like magic. I put all these different things in there, push a button for a few seconds, and it magically turns the mess into something wonderful.:smiley: The only thing better would be a self cleaning FP. It's a small price to pay though.
I just realized that tomorrow is my 12 year anniversary. Don't do anything special on my account. I'm not one of those materialistic type of people. The last thing I want or need is for someone to spend time and energy on deciding what is the perfect gift. No, cash is fine. I've set up a PayPal account that you can wire money directly into.

Thank you my very, very generous friends.
I just realized that tomorrow is my 12 year anniversary. Don't do anything special on my account. I'm not one of those materialistic type of people. The last thing I want or need is for someone to spend time and energy on deciding what is the perfect gift. No, cash is fine. I've set up a PayPal account that you can wire money directly into.

Thank you my very, very generous friends.
Lmao. FCC said SHIT! My buddy has been catchin hell lately Hang in there pal!

Had the root canal work Wednesday. I guess it went as well as a root canal job can go. Good news today. Lung doctor said the spot on my lung from the pneumonia was getting smaller. All righty!!! Said it wasn't unusual for there to be scar tissue left though. FCC.