
SEC Football.

KY Football.
Took little bit to a 1K race in Ballard County, LaCenter, this morning. It was a 4-H benefit. She took 1st. place in the girls division and 3rd place over all that included the boys. Missed 2nd place by about 2ft. Very proud of her. Told her I ran a 5k one time and they clocked me using a calendar. FCC.

Good for her !! :clap::fistbump::100points:[thumb2][banana]:cool2:
Took little bit to a 1K race in Ballard County, LaCenter, this morning. It was a 4-H benefit. She took 1st. place in the girls division and 3rd place over all that included the boys. Missed 2nd place by about 2ft. Very proud of her. Told her I ran a 5k one time and they clocked me using a calendar. FCC.

OK, we're getting ready to leave the house. Check this out, she just came into the living room and said "now in October when I ask you to go to this wedding, you don't get to say no". I asked what wedding is that and she said "the one I told you about that you said you weren't going".[laughing] I explained to her that it was HER idea to go to the ballgame, SHE is the one who procured the tickets.

Anyway, now I have two weddings coming up I have to attend. It's a tall price to pay, sitting through a wedding, just to get some free food and drink. It's not even free, we will give a gift for each that will more than cover our eating and drinking.:cry:
OK, we're getting ready to leave the house. Check this out, she just came into the living room and said "now in October when I ask you to go to this wedding, you don't get to say no". I asked what wedding is that and she said "the one I told you about that you said you weren't going".[laughing] I explained to her that it was HER idea to go to the ballgame, SHE is the one who procured the tickets.

Anyway, now I have two weddings coming up I have to attend. It's a tall price to pay, sitting through a wedding, just to get some free food and drink. It's not even free, we will give a gift for each that will more than cover our eating and drinking.:cry:
I feel ya, bro. Just be quiet and mind.