
Name the movie:
The Wild Bunch

Name the movie.
I know someone probably already got this - this was the last post I read today
But I'll answer anyway:
The Man Who Would Be King, starring Sean Connery and Michael Caine. Based on a Rudyard Kipling story - Kipling was played by Christopher Plummer. This movie, also, is where Michael Caine met his wife Shakira (who I think is a stunning woman) - they're still married

In case you're wondering, this is one of my all time favorite movies.
Evening D
I see you all have been busy today/tonight. Four pages of likes applied with careful thought and affection
Saw the pic of the Connery and Caine movie, knew it right off - liked the post but couldn't reply on my daggum phone.
Long, exhausting day - going to be another long day tomorrow, which is the actual moving day. Ugh
Going to have to DVR the football game, but will be keeping up with the score and reading what y'all have to say.
Hope all are well