
Top of the mornin leagures!

It's too damn hot in the tristate!
Reds destroy the d-bags last night a beautiful thing
Bengals/jags tonight!
We had a listener bring us in these sandwiches he personally made. Usually I won't eat something someone made but I knew the guy. 3 words incr ed ible! Pulled pork mixed with bacon mixed with rib meat right off the bone! A heart attaché nightmare! Weight still staying strong stuck at 234. It takes time but getting there!

Have a great Sunday leagures!
In all fairness it is just a small few of them. Most think the best policy is just to ignore us, which they do. And that is fine. The self-appointed thread owner/sheriff over there (you know him well) has a fit if one us pops in there. As if threads are by invitation only. One miserable dude.
...assholes are born, not made; they just get bigger.
  • Good Morning, D-League.
  • 75º in Johns Creek. Clear. VFR. Visibility about 20 miles. Comfortable morning.
  • Blood Sugar = 103. Weight = 227.
  • Likes applied.
  • I don't think I have ever seen Dr. Strangelove. If I have, I have forgotten it. That's one thing about getting older ......... an endless supply of movies that you don't remember ever seeing.
  • Birthday party for #4 at Olive Garden tonight. She's 20. Pre-med Junior.
  • My little sentry doing her favorite thing ......... napping.
  • QB set off our security alarm earlier this morning. I didn't even hear it.
  • That's about it.
Well I woke up Sunday morning
With no way to hold my head, that didn't hurt
And the beer I had for breakfast wasn't bad,
So I had one more for dessert.


Don, Dr. Strangelove is fantastic. My wife will not watch it because of the nuclear war but it is funny as hell.
This is one of my favorite old songs. It was written by Kris Kristopherson. Johnny Cash's version is the best. It has a special place in my heart because it reminds me of some of the guys I used to bond out. I would take some of them home to get paid and a lot of them were like the guy in the song. Nobody waiting for them or caring about them ......... all alone with their beer and whiskey.
  • Good Morning, D-League.
  • 75º in Johns Creek. Clear. VFR. Visibility about 20 miles. Comfortable morning.
  • Blood Sugar = 103. Weight = 227.
  • Likes applied.
  • I don't think I have ever seen Dr. Strangelove. If I have, I have forgotten it. That's one thing about getting older ......... an endless supply of movies that you don't remember ever seeing.
  • Birthday party for #4 at Olive Garden tonight. She's 20. Pre-med Junior.
  • My little sentry doing her favorite thing ......... napping.
  • QB set off our security alarm earlier this morning. I didn't even hear it.
  • That's about it.

And you can rewatch good movies six months later because you only have a vague memory of what it was about. [roll]