
Good morning D. Congratulations on your "Thing's to do list" Bev. I get the impression that isn't your first novel. On a serious note family time is worth the extra work, enjoy it. Feel free to take breaks as necessary, tell them that Fred gave you the OK. I feel certain that Ghost is out making new memories to share with us.
When listening to a song,

--if I pay attention and try to sing the lyrics I usually forget or screw up half of them
--if I don't pay attention but find myself singing along, I nail every word

My mother in law had a stroke during open heart surgery back in 1972.

After that she could not speak but she could recall the words to songs and sing them.

I suppose it is different parts of the brain at work.
When the tree man was here to give the estimate he obviously noticed the UK on my GMC. We shook hands and he said "Calipari is going to the Cavaliers." I just smiled and said "that is an old joke." We talked and he refs in The Sun Belt. I asked him if he knew Doug Shows. He said he did. I told him that Shows was a prick. He didn't comment.