
These same decision makers and policy makers are the same ones that require your permission to give your child an aspirin, but will help your child get an abortion and not tell you about it. SMH.


Seems like we would have evidence to prove that government parenting doesn't work.

Then again, a lot of kids don't have parents, or some are dependent on the government, so I guess it makes sense.

I never understood the free school lunch for all!!!' (and in summer!!!) stuff they implemented around here. Do y'all have this stuff? I think your school needs a certain percentage of kids on free lunch and then you qualify to give allllll the kids free lunch, even during the summer.

Seems like we would have evidence to prove that government parenting doesn't work.

Then again, a lot of kids don't have parents, or some are dependent on the government, so I guess it makes sense.

I never understood the free school lunch for all!!!' (and in summer!!!) stuff they implemented around here. Do y'all have this stuff? I think your school needs a certain percentage of kids on free lunch and then you qualify to give allllll the kids free lunch, even during the summer.

I don't know how the free lunch for all works. Our kids never had FL anyway; I know it's income based. I also know that a lot of food gets wasted with the ones getting free lunches, but if one of my kids forgot lunch money the best they'd get is a pb&j or a cheese sandwich.

  • I'll make this team great again.
  • I'll cut turnovers.
  • I'll build a wall with our defense.
  • I'll create millions of points.
  • I know more than the assistant coaches.
  • The players will do what I say.
  • I'll stop points being scored on us.
  • The opposing coaches love me.
  • I'll save this program.
  • I'll ban opposing receivers from our secondary.
  • I'll be unpredictable with play calling
  • I'll long bomb the sh** out of the opponents.
  • I'll bring players back from all the other SEC states.
  • I'll be the best coach God ever created.
(the above caricature of little Donald used under license from KS)
Coach Trump.
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Reactions: Bkocats
Ok, been googling... it's a federal program called "community elgibility" does that mean, first of all. Anyway, yea, if 40% of school is on free lunch, you qualify to let the Feds cover the food for alllll students, if you had previously paid your lunch fee you will be refunded, and they will even provide breakfast and lunch every day in the summer.

Since it started here, it has expanded to at least one other school. I drive by it every day. They had the signs up for the summer food program, but there was hardly ever any cars there. I wonder how that worked, and if they wasted a lot of food preparing to feed kids all through the summer.

...still learning, googling

Program started with 5 schools in 2013-14. This current school year we have 14 schools participating. Huh. Other interesting things...if you're child switches school, he/she does not get to receive free meals at the new school...???...wonder why? Says you have to take it up with the CEP office. they make it clear this program is only available at qualifying schools, which seems to be almost all of them..., and you can still receive free lunch at those other schools if you qualify.

This is just weird. Idgas if it sounds nice and caring. Something is up. They dont give a f about updating curriculum or getting computers for the kids, but they'll give them free food, even when school is out. At 14 damn schools.

The most concerning part of this is that in 2013 we had 5 schools with >40% free lunch qualified. Just 3 years later, we now have 14.
After all of those posters left this was inevitable. Our status was fools gold anyway.
Gyero has thousands of pages. Been going for at least 14 years. All we need to do in this particular thread to maintain a lead in post count is for each of us to disagree with each others posts at every opportunity and strive to one up each other every chance we get. Of course we could also tell each other about the size, shape, and aroma of our daily trip to the toilet. I vote we just keep on keeping on regardless of what any other thread does.

Gyero has thousands of pages. Been going for at least 14 years. All we need to do in this particular thread to maintain a lead in post count is for each of us to disagree with each others posts at every opportunity and strive to one up each other every chance we get. Of course we could also tell each other about the size, shape, and aroma of our daily trip to the toilet. I vote we just keep on keeping on regardless of what any other thread does.

Of course.
I don't know how the free lunch for all works. Our kids never had FL anyway; I know it's income based. I also know that a lot of food gets wasted with the ones getting free lunches, but if one of my kids forgot lunch money the best they'd get is a pb&j or a cheese sandwich.
When I went to school those that played football and basketball ate for free, anything they had and as much as we wanted in exchange for busing the tables, washing the dishes and putting them away and taking out the garbage and anything else that Mrs. Floy Nelson asked you to do. We had a blast. We did not do any cooking. There was a crew of ladies that did that.
When I went to school those that played football and basketball ate for free, anything they had and as much as we wanted in exchange for busing the tables, washing the dishes and putting them away and taking out the garbage and anything else that Mrs. Floy Nelson asked you to do. We had a blast. We did not do any cooking. There was a crew of ladies that did that.


Ok, been googling... it's a federal program called "community elgibility" does that mean, first of all. Anyway, yea, if 40% of school is on free lunch, you qualify to let the Feds cover the food for alllll students, if you had previously paid your lunch fee you will be refunded, and they will even provide breakfast and lunch every day in the summer.

Since it started here, it has expanded to at least one other school. I drive by it every day. They had the signs up for the summer food program, but there was hardly ever any cars there. I wonder how that worked, and if they wasted a lot of food preparing to feed kids all through the summer.

...still learning, googling

Program started with 5 schools in 2013-14. This current school year we have 14 schools participating. Huh. Other interesting things...if you're child switches school, he/she does not get to receive free meals at the new school...???...wonder why? Says you have to take it up with the CEP office. they make it clear this program is only available at qualifying schools, which seems to be almost all of them..., and you can still receive free lunch at those other schools if you qualify.

This is just weird. Idgas if it sounds nice and caring. Something is up. They dont give a f about updating curriculum or getting computers for the kids, but they'll give them free food, even when school is out. At 14 damn schools.

The most concerning part of this is that in 2013 we had 5 schools with >40% free lunch qualified. Just 3 years later, we now have 14.

Part of the Saul Alinski "rules for radicals" is to get folks dependent on the government. After a certain point their dependency will allow the government to dictate how they act.
Part of the Saul Alinski "rules for radicals" is to get folks dependent on the government. After a certain point their dependency will allow the government to dictate how they act.
There ya go, liberal end game in a nutshell. Liberalism is the foundation for communism. It is also the reason no democracy has ever lasted as long as ours has. Once the idiots learn they can vote themselves money from those that work, it all falls apart. We're in a freefall here, now.
Part of the Saul Alinski "rules for radicals" is to get folks dependent on the government. After a certain point their dependency will allow the government to dictate how they act.
People can scoff at what you say, but there is some truth in it. It seems like the more civil unrest that we have the more comfortable the big dogs in Washington become. It is disturbia.
When I went to school those that played football and basketball ate for free, anything they had and as much as we wanted in exchange for busing the tables, washing the dishes and putting them away and taking out the garbage and anything else that Mrs. Floy Nelson asked you to do. We had a blast. We did not do any cooking. There was a crew of ladies that did that.

Found this old photo of when Don was in school (I actually went to an elementary school like this. It was the building below). Break a window pane. No problem. A piece of cardboard works nicely. A coal stove in each room.


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When I went to school those that played football and basketball ate for free, anything they had and as much as we wanted in exchange for busing the tables, washing the dishes and putting them away and taking out the garbage and anything else that Mrs. Floy Nelson asked you to do. We had a blast. We did not do any cooking. There was a crew of ladies that did that.

bolded the important part of what you said here - at that time, you all actually did work in exchange. Nowadays all you need is a hand out and it will be filled

now, I know that's not entirely fair,; there ARE families who really do need the extra help and I'm all for letting them have it. Just see too many gaming the system because they can.
They tore my first school house down a few years back. First place I ever seen running water. Nothing fancy like today though. The bath room was an area underneath the building play ground you entered from the playground. Long metal trougth to whizz in and a long row of holes with seats across the wall to dump in. A common sink big enough to fill buckets in, to wash any leftovers off in.
Just finished eating spaghetti. Wife said "what kind of sauce is this"? I said "homemade". Then she said that I needed to do all the cooking because it was better that way. I disagreed and told her that her food tastes better than mine. Then we both agreed, the best food is the food that someone else makes for you.

Al dente ftw.
I was thinking about making pizza tomorrow night. Two ingredient crust, greek yogurt and self rising flour. Might be Thursday though, I don't want to have to rush the sauce like I did for the spaghetti today.

Pizza on the egg is on a different level. I'm not above a $1 pizza cooked in a microwave though.
Just finished eating spaghetti. Wife said "what kind of sauce is this"? I said "homemade". Then she said that I needed to do all the cooking because it was better that way. I disagreed and told her that her food tastes better than mine. Then we both agreed, the best food is the food that someone else makes for you.

Al dente ftw.
I think you are a bit of a brown-noser. Not necessarily a bad thing. Congratulations on the delicious spaget.
I was thinking about making pizza tomorrow night. Two ingredient crust, greek yogurt and self rising flour. Might be Thursday though, I don't want to have to rush the sauce like I did for the spaghetti today.

Pizza on the egg is on a different level. I'm not above a $1 pizza cooked in a microwave though.
Do you use a razor blade to slice your garlic thin so that it liquifies in the skillet?
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