
Ok Don, to link an entire page or article, do the same thing you did for the pics and the vids, now click on the icon next to the A for "font family", the one to the right of it. Insert the address there.

Whoops, I left out something. You need to highlight a portion of your post to turn into the link. You can just write "link' and highlight before you do the other stuff. It will turn blue and be clickable.
Grub time.

Carry on.
Ok Don, to link an entire page or article, do the same thing you did for the pics and the vids, now click on the icon next to the A for "font family", the one to the right of it. Insert the address there.

Whoops, I left out something. You need to highlight a portion of your post to turn into the link. You can just write "link' and highlight before you do the other stuff. It will turn blue and be clickable.
Thank you. This is an older computer, and I am running XL. It wouldn't operate like the MacPro. I'll try to correct things when I get home.
Need a unbiased opinion here. Been retired since 06 and for some crazy ass reason I wanna do something maybe parttime. Not for the money although extra money is nice its more for something to do. I have had solid offers from driving a fedex truck to auto parts delivery. I wanna be my own boss which is why I am seriously thinking about investing around 10 grand in the proper equipment to do auto ac work outta my shop. I am already certified and licensed to buy freon so its just a matter of buying the right stuff to do the job. Can undercut the other shops bigtime and still make a few bucks. Honest opinions d. Shoild i do it or not. P.S. Already know what Im going to do just want some outside info
Need a unbiased opinion here. Been retired since 06 and for some crazy ass reason I wanna do something maybe parttime. Not for the money although extra money is nice its more for something to do. I have had solid offers from driving a fedex truck to auto parts delivery. I wanna be my own boss which is why I am seriously thinking about investing around 10 grand in the proper equipment to do auto ac work outta my shop. I am already certified and licensed to buy freon so its just a matter of buying the right stuff to do the job. Can undercut the other shops bigtime and still make a few bucks. Honest opinions d. Shoild i do it or not. P.S. Already know what Im going to do just want some outside info

If you like the work . Do it. Just my 2 cents.
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so I'll post this instead

I had a Golden Retreiver. Peaches was her name. We got her from a German lady who'd married a GI, got a divorce, and was moving back to Germany. She was a great dog. They're prone to cancer, which got her at age 11. She was the first pet we'd had to put down. Squirrels entered the back yard at risk of their lives.
Need a unbiased opinion here. Been retired since 06 and for some crazy ass reason I wanna do something maybe parttime. Not for the money although extra money is nice its more for something to do. I have had solid offers from driving a fedex truck to auto parts delivery. I wanna be my own boss which is why I am seriously thinking about investing around 10 grand in the proper equipment to do auto ac work outta my shop. I am already certified and licensed to buy freon so its just a matter of buying the right stuff to do the job. Can undercut the other shops bigtime and still make a few bucks. Honest opinions d. Shoild i do it or not. P.S. Already know what Im going to do just want some outside info
Do it but don't undercut them too much or you'll be doing a bunch of work for nothing. You might think that's ok but it might get old after a while. Make a decent profit and put it in a fund for your grandchildren or donate to St. Jude's.That way, you're keeping active but have a sense of helping your heirs or other children
What the Hell is that?
That's what she said.On a serious note, I had no clue what it was. My brother and cousins grew up working on carr and big truck engines. I played in the band and chased girls and knew nothing about any machinery. With the exception of walking into an industrial arts class by mistake once I was never educated in it. Years later I did do oil changes, plugs, brakes. I stopped when the 67 Mustang had a knuckle buster plug on the passenger side.

While taking a bunch of basic skills tests in boot camp for the navy, the Chief monitoring the test walked behind me and said "Congratulations lad, I see you identified the screw driver. I proudly said "Yes Sir!" Then he busted my bubble by saying "But you didn't know how to use the thing!" I left out an adjective.
Evening D
Tired - probably ought to sleep
Nothing going on 'round here - quiet night
Plumber coming tomorrow to fix some of the pipes - ugh
Hubby had an accident with his ATV; he's fine, just a couple of scrapes. But he found a hill that it couldn't go up, and it tipped over backwards on him. Handle bars are bent, it's a little dinged, but the frame is still structurally sound. Not so pretty anymore, though