
When the end comes, I am going back home. Bell County. They still call me "old sarge, desert fighter". Witchy, my ex wife, still thinks I am nuts, and she sees some Indiana asshole up by where Notre Dame is located.

I will be okay. Just freaking out drunk about stupid shit because I love KY so much. I will be okay, Y'all be cool.
@ymmot31 : If cancer, I will let y'all know. I think I am just freaking out about stupid shit. I am the most resilient MOFO in US history. I survived Iraq x2. I am just freaking out drunk. I hope.
I'm drinking some beers myself tonight. I SERIOUSLY doubt it's cancer.

I cooked us a couple of T-bones tonight. She didn't want filets because they're too thick and I won't cook it enough for her. 24oz each. They were awesome. Choice Angus. Salt, pepper, fire, flesh. Doesn't get any better.

Keep your head up, You'll be OK.

Ah, the Family Truckster. I used to have one just like it. Wish I had held on to it.
Good morning, D
been awake, for a while - guess I'm getting into back to school mode
60 medals, so far, for the US - not too shabby
Michael Phelps saying that he's going to retire. Bummer
Yesterday was fun, today it's back to busy stuff: church this morning, then to my parents house this afternoon to move more stuff to storage, and pack up other items
Have to get the laundry finished, too, so I can start all over again LOL
But, for now - enjoying a nice quiet house, having some coffee and posting.
  • Good Morning, D-League.
  • 77º in Johns Creek. Scattered clouds. VFR. Purdy day going.
  • Blood Sugar = 110. Weight = 225.
  • Likes applied. ET = 10 seconds.
  • Didn't get to sleep until about 01:30. Late mug of Dark Magic did that I suspect. And thinking about inebriated Austin and all that.
  • Table cloths on the two deck tables. We are having a family party today. #4 is already here. She starts her Junior year in two days. Good kids. Wants to be a Pediatrician.
  • Now I have to:
    • Vacuum The BGE.
    • Run the blower on the deck.
    • Pile charcoal up.
    • Start the fire.
    • Get the 225º set.
    • Put those baby backs on.
    • Smoke them carefully for about 3 hours. They have to be perfect.
    • Work a shower in there somewhere.
  • Section H information needed.
  • #3 just arrived. Always special when he comes. The army has been good for him. The change in him has been something to see.
  • Fish waiting for their flakes. #3 likes to do it. I'll let him do it.
  • Have a big time today.
  • Over.
Good morning and Happy National Creamsicle Day.

Thanks for the well-wishes everyone. I'm still congested. Coughed up blood again this morning. Not a bunch, but it's there. If this continues, I'll head to the hospital.

Otherwise, I feel great. Plan on hiking to the grocery store within the hour. The rain cooled us off. Currently 78 F in ATX. Air conditioner has not kicked on yet this AM after I set the thermostat to 71 F.

Y'all be good.