
  • Where is SC?
  • FCC is hauling all of his kids probably.
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Had to take a brillo pad to the pot that I burned the figs in. It was one of QB's good cooking containers. It was a mess. QB happy now. I felt bad about how it turned out. Am I the only weekend chef that has ever ****** up like this? I'm afraid that this will be remembered.

no you're not the only one - but yes, it'll be remembered.
I had something I called "allergies" but it was kind of like a cold, I guess. Head stuffy, sinus clogged, all out of whack, terrible headache, groggy - been hitting the sinus rinse for 3 days now and I feel like a million bucks.

Had to take a brillo pad to the pot that I burned the figs in. It was one of QB's good cooking containers. It was a mess. QB happy now. I felt bad about how it turned out. Am I the only weekend chef that has ever ****** up like this? I'm afraid that this will be remembered.

I set off the fire alarm making thin and crispy griddle burgers yesterday. Was totally worth it. I even forgot to season the sumbitches and it was still the best burger I've had in a long time. Crispy. Juicy. Man. Tempted to do it again, but I don't like all the grease and stuff. I had the hood going, window open, big fan going, etc...still a smokey mess, but it was good.
I had something I called "allergies" but it was kind of like a cold, I guess. Head stuffy, sinus clogged, all out of whack, terrible headache, groggy - been hitting the sinus rinse for 3 days now and I feel like a million bucks.

I set off the fire alarm making thin and crispy griddle burgers yesterday. Was totally worth it. I even forgot to season the sumbitches and it was still the best burger I've had in a long time. Crispy. Juicy. Man. Tempted to do it again, but I don't like all the grease and stuff. I had the hood going, window open, big fan going, etc...still a smokey mess, but it was good.
Goooooooood! That's what's important.
evening all
Not sick - no sinus problems or anything; but feeling really draggy today. Overly sleepy and achy.
Getting ready to go make a late dinner. Not really hungry myself, but everyone else needs to eat.
Watching Team USA basketball - struggled early against Venezuela, but now up 22 at the half. Don't like how Ven plays; they deliberately foul in order to disrupt rhythm and prevent fast breaks. It's effective, but incredibly frustrating to watch. Boogie not having too great a game - he's struggling a bit too.
oh well, best get this going - back later guys
Evening leagures!

Great day in the tristate!
I turned the page on 34 today and I'm now 35 today!
Went to Texas Roadhouse. My lord it's night and day how much less I eat now and what I define as good food
I'm working days and nights my sleeping schedule is crazy right now!

I hope everyone is having a good day!! Press on leagures
Got chewed out by a sugar dr about a month ago and stopped eating bread and chocolate and other good stuff. I have been doing the veggies and fruit thing and basically eating healthy as they say.

I havn't noticed any weight loss to brag about yet but darn if this old guy isn't feeling more alert and awake then usual. Don I broke a family heirloom once puttering around in the kitchen and was barred. Haven't gotten in troube again either.
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Evening leagures!

Great day in the tristate!
I turned the page on 34 today and I'm now 35 today!
Went to Texas Roadhouse. My lord it's night and day how much less I eat now and what I define as good food
I'm working days and nights my sleeping schedule is crazy right now!

I hope everyone is having a good day!! Press on leagures
Happy Birthday!!!
Got chewed out by a sugar dr about a month ago and stopped eating bread and chocolate and other good stuff. I have been doing the veggies and fruit thing and basically eating healthy as they say.

I havn't noticed any weight loss to brag about yet but darn if this old guy isn't feeling more alert and awake then usual. Don I broke a familyheorloom once puttering around in the kitchen and was barred. Haven't gotten in troube again either.
I sent QB's good cookpot to Heaven this morning (cleaned the Hell out of it.)
Evening leagures!

Great day in the tristate!
I turned the page on 34 today and I'm now 35 today!
Went to Texas Roadhouse. My lord it's night and day how much less I eat now and what I define as good food
I'm working days and nights my sleeping schedule is crazy right now!

I hope everyone is having a good day!! Press on leagures

Happy Birthday W2B!

Mine was last week :)