
I've never been one of those sneaker guys. Mainly because I won't spend hundreds of dollars on some shoes but found these in a Marshals on clearance for $34. I had the same pair somewhere between 88-91. Bo Jackson Nike trainers Brought back memories Had to get them. They were re released a year or two ago. Retail for $125

Yeah yeah. I know mid life crisis.
Ok, so I got duped. I'm doing the entire roast procedure now. She's cleaning the cat room. She has no idea how hard it is to keep up with golf, Olympics, and auto racing on tv along with keeping up with three or four forums on the cat paw at the same time. Now I have to sit here and wait for a timer to go off in an hour and a half. "i cain't do no mo'"
Ok, so I got duped. I'm doing the entire roast procedure now. She's cleaning the cat room. She has no idea how hard it is to keep up with golf, Olympics, and auto racing on tv along with keeping up with three or four forums on the cat paw at the same time. Now I have to sit here and wait for a timer to go off in an hour and a half. "i cain't do no mo'"
You can and you will.
afternoon D
watching Olympic basketball
Listening to my older son playing guitar and singing. He's self taught and plays mostly by ear. Kid is talented.
Trying to get the energy up to do some stuff - dishes and laundry (again!) need be done, and another grocery trip. Yet, here I sit. At least there is coffee
Happy happy - my granddaughter finally said "Grammie" yesterday. I cried a little - which was a bit awkward since I was driving at the time :D
Actually Don, right after a rain is a good time to quit smoking. Or while it's raining. Or before it rains again. Any of those are good times. If that doesn't work for you, follow these three rules.
1. Don't buy cigarettes.
2. Don't bum cigarettes.
3. Don't smoke any cigarette you find.
Aw Hell. It's just The Internet.
I just ate too much roast and taters. It was so good. My wife was bragging on it and said "that's better than what I make". I told her stop that shit right there, she wasn't going to flatter me and make me the primary roast and taters guy.

I made some white rice also. Used a cup of the gravy from the roast to cook the rice in.
I just ate too much roast and taters. It was so good. My wife was bragging on it and said "that's better than what I make". I told her stop that shit right there, she wasn't going to flatter me and make me the primary roast and taters guy.

I made some white rice also. Used a cup of the gravy from the roast to cook the rice in.
Sounds like a winner.
afternoon D
Well - I feel stupid; about 3:30 I closed the laptop - was watching some Olympics and thought I'd watch the end of whatever it was. Next thing I know, it's 5:00pm and I'm opening my eyes. Fell asleep sitting straight up, glasses on, computer on my lap. All of which means that I didn't get stuff done that I meant to get done. However - I did get to the grocery and get dishes done between 5:30 and 6:45. Not bad.

Just got done rewatching the end of SECT Championship game - so going to miss Ulis next year. Talk about a warrior