
Read through the D and found myself grinning. Backward racing seems like a fun event to watch and extra so because the D has an entrant. Fresh corn was another favorite topic but my favorite is that ear in front of me all buttered up and smiling at me.

I was never a great athlete but did box and play fast pitch softball a little past my prime but it was fun and kept me busy and out of trouble for the most part. So the two sports were good for me. In my world today looking back at my youth I somewhat feel cheated. I mean just think of how many Gold Medals I would have by now, if just only someone would have made Procrastination an Olympic Sport? Now I'm sad again.
Garden didn't do very well at all this year..not sure why
pulled everything up, tilled it under and will try again next year. worked the soil up deep this time. Got a feeling plants were more "rooted" in mulch matter instead of good rich soil (if that makes sense)

Next two days will be used up sitting at the vets office ( Shively Animal ) if you know this vet then you know what I'm talking about. I say two days because I take the dogs separate..Sayde has to be muzzled and harnessed because other people just let their dogs meander around thinking it's ok for their dogs to sniff others..GSD do not like that..I never let my dogs roam around like that.

Been retired for ten years and a crazy thought has landed in my head to ponder a part time job. Is it possible to have to much time on hand or am I getting that thought because I am caught up on "honey do's"
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afternoon D
Tried to nap when lil girl was - that didn't happen.
Oh well, maybe I'll go to sleep tonight at a decent hour
Lots of good posts today, here and various other threads.
Still need to do dishes, yay. I really wish we had a dishwasher

Perry the Platypus is cool as ish........just thought I'd throw that out there
watching men's volleyball - crazy game here. USA v Italy. Italy up 2 sets to 1

here are some fun facts to ponder:

  1. Banging your head against a wall burns 150 calories an hour.
  2. In the UK, it is illegal to eat mince pies on Christmas Day!
  3. Pteronophobia is the fear of being tickled by feathers!
  4. When hippos are upset, their sweat turns red.
  5. A flock of crows is known as a murder.
  6. “Facebook Addiction Disorder” is a mental disorder identified by Psychologists.
  7. The average woman uses her height in lipstick every 5 years.
  8. 29th May is officially “Put a Pillow on Your Fridge Day“.
  9. Cherophobia is the fear of fun.
  10. Human saliva has a boiling point three times that of regular water.
Garden didn't do very well at all this year..not sure why
pulled everything up, tilled it under and will try again next year. worked the soil up deep this time. Got a feeling plants were more "rooted" in mulch matter instead of good rich soil (if that makes sense)

Next two days will be used up sitting at the vets office ( Shively Animal ) if you know this vet then you know what I'm talking about. I say two days because I take the dogs separate..Sayde has to be muzzled and harnessed because other people just let their dogs meander around thinking it's ok for their dogs to sniff others..GSD do not like that..I never let my dogs roam around like that.

Been retired for ten years and a crazy thought has landed in my head to ponder a part time job. Is it possible to have to much time on hand or am I getting that thought because I am caught up on "honey do's"

My garden didn't either. Too much rain. FCC.
watching men's volleyball - crazy game here. USA v Italy. Italy up 2 sets to 1

here are some fun facts to ponder:

  1. Banging your head against a wall burns 150 calories an hour.
  2. In the UK, it is illegal to eat mince pies on Christmas Day!
  3. Pteronophobia is the fear of being tickled by feathers!
  4. When hippos are upset, their sweat turns red.
  5. A flock of crows is known as a murder.
  6. “Facebook Addiction Disorder” is a mental disorder identified by Psychologists.
  7. The average woman uses her height in lipstick every 5 years.
  8. 29th May is officially “Put a Pillow on Your Fridge Day“.
  9. Cherophobia is the fear of fun.
  10. Human saliva has a boiling point three times that of regular water.

Not being nasty but the last claim makes no sense.

Impossible. Being an old failed chemist I can assure anyone that it will boil really close to 212 Degrees F. It may be a touch over but saliva is mostly water.
watching men's volleyball - crazy game here. USA v Italy. Italy up 2 sets to 1

here are some fun facts to ponder:

  1. Banging your head against a wall burns 150 calories an hour.
  2. In the UK, it is illegal to eat mince pies on Christmas Day!
  3. Pteronophobia is the fear of being tickled by feathers!
  4. When hippos are upset, their sweat turns red.
  5. A flock of crows is known as a murder.
  6. “Facebook Addiction Disorder” is a mental disorder identified by Psychologists.
  7. The average woman uses her height in lipstick every 5 years.
  8. 29th May is officially “Put a Pillow on Your Fridge Day“.
  9. Cherophobia is the fear of fun.
  10. Human saliva has a boiling point three times that of regular water.
Men and women do not always have the same interpretations.
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Not being nasty but the last claim makes no sense.

Impossible. Being an old failed chemist I can assure anyone that it will boil really close to 212 Degrees F. It may be a touch over but saliva is mostly water.
That includes the time it would take to collect that much saliva.
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A question about an Olympic Sport rule if I may?
I don't want to come across as being a strange sort of person but I will admit to being one who respects rules that are in place, especially for those games. I know different countries may have slighty diferent rules in place in their own countries and was wondering if any adjusments had to be made at times?

I especially would like to know if any special rules are in place about how many balls are allowed on the court during a men's volley game match? I would also be intrseted in knowing what measures are taken to insure that the correct number of balls are on the court at one time? Another concern would be the safety of the players, especially when the balls are checked for proper infaltion.
A question about an Olympic Sport rule if I may?
I don't want to come across as being a strange sort of person but I will admit to being one who respects rules that are in place, especially for those games. I know different countries may have slighty diferent rules in place in their own countries and was wondering if any adjusments had to be made at times?

I especially would like to know if any special rules are in place about how many balls are allowed on the court during a men's volley game match? I would also be intrseted in knowing what measures are taken to insure that the correct number of balls are on the court at one time? Another concern would be the safety of the players, especially when the balls are checked for proper infaltion.

Inflategate. FCC.
Cat paw done me wrong. I had a post typed out and it said I had to sign in or join. It was showing my name at the top.

It was an excellent post, probably my best ever and there is no way I could duplicate it.

Story was, didn't let my nephew get the car we looked at today. Will look at another tomorrow.
afternoon D
Tried to nap when lil girl was - that didn't happen.
Oh well, maybe I'll go to sleep tonight at a decent hour
Lots of good posts today, here and various other threads.
Still need to do dishes, yay. I really wish we had a dishwasher

Perry the Platypus is cool as ish........just thought I'd throw that out there

My wife is an obsessive dishwasher. She cannot stand to see an unwashed dish. She'll be started washing dishes while I am still at the table eating. Won't use a dishwasher even though we we have one. Only often enough to keep it from gumming up. Never accumulates enough dirty dishes at a time to justify loading the dishwasher. A good wife flaw to have though I guess.
evening D
tired woman tonight; been a very long day
watching swimming right now - hope Ledecky & Phelps kick butt
Kinda sad that EJ FLoreal has left the basketball team, but it's really a great choice for him to move to Track & Field. He'll still be on campus and I'm sure we'll see him at games
Hope all are well?
evening D
tired woman tonight; been a very long day
watching swimming right now - hope Ledecky & Phelps kick butt
Kinda sad that EJ FLoreal has left the basketball team, but it's really a great choice for him to move to Track & Field. He'll still be on campus and I'm sure we'll see him at games
Hope all are well?
That kid can jump.
I may try this DNA test some time.

I am:

70% Great Britain
21% Irish
4% Danish, Finland (Norse roots via Normandy, France and the Norman invasion of England)
1% Western Europe (Austria)
1% American Indian
1% Spanish
1% European Jew

I am going to change all my records to show that I am Latino, Indian and Jewish. The government will then treat me better.
  • Good Morning, DLers. Slept in.
  • 79º in Johns Creek. Hazy. IFR.
  • Blood Sugar = 126. Weight = 227.
  • New battery for the blood analyzer. That's all it was.
  • Lawn service has been here.
  • Water lillies blooming their hearts out. Beautiful.
  • Fish fed.
  • Business was good for a Tuesday.
  • Y'all take good care.
  • That is all.
Mornin D
Finally a good night's sleep - even slept too long
Fun Olympics stuff last night
Don - cute puppy pics again
ATC - we spoil our dogs every day
Bert - cool stuff on the DNA test
Team USA basketball tonight; going to miss it, have team and board meetings at church. Will DVR
y'all be good