
Evening D
finally home - looooooooooong day
turns out this baby shower I went to? Was held at the uofl** alumni center. I 'bout threw up. Good thing I was wearing BLUE.
Parents have already filled up one dumpster with stuff they're throwing out. Really sad for my Dad; he's so down right now. I think he feels like he has no control over what's going on.
At any rate - got a lot of work done over there; still so much to do
How is everyone tonight?
Evening D
finally home - looooooooooong day
turns out this baby shower I went to? Was held at the uofl** alumni center. I 'bout threw up. Good thing I was wearing BLUE.
Parents have already filled up one dumpster with stuff they're throwing out. Really sad for my Dad; he's so down right now. I think he feels like he has no control over what's going on.
At any rate - got a lot of work done over there; still so much to do
How is everyone tonight?
Checking in. I'm fine. Grace Kelley was fine.
Don't forget that I only paid $500 for my large Egg Don. How much did you pay? I read reviews on that basket on two different bbq sites. They both said it was awesome. I read them after I bought it though which isn't normally the case.
I'm not telling. More than $500 I'll tell you that. TBH I don't remember.
Evening D
finally home - looooooooooong day
turns out this baby shower I went to? Was held at the uofl** alumni center. I 'bout threw up. Good thing I was wearing BLUE.
Parents have already filled up one dumpster with stuff they're throwing out. Really sad for my Dad; he's so down right now. I think he feels like he has no control over what's going on.
At any rate - got a lot of work done over there; still so much to do
How is everyone tonight?
I really can relate to how your daddy is feeling right now. It would crush me to throw away all of my stuff. Damn.
I really can relate to how your daddy is feeling right now. It would crush me to throw away all of my stuff. Damn.
a lot of it, though, is junk; he's kind of a packrat. Everything being tossed out is either broken, or so used it's no longer usable. And we do make sure there is no sentimental value, other than he just wants to keep it
I do hate it though - you have no idea how much
a lot of it, though, is junk; he's kind of a packrat. Everything being tossed out is either broken, or so used it's no longer usable. And we do make sure there is no sentimental value, other than he just wants to keep it
I do hate it though - you have no idea how much
When you get old you intend to do a lot of things, but put it off to do later or forget about it. You'll be old someday.
When you get old you intend to do a lot of things, but put it off to do later or forget about it. You'll be old someday.
oh I know. was talking to hubby about this earlier; that we should go ahead and start cleaning stuff out now so the kids won't have to deal with it. Or, God forbid, either of us have to do it for the other.
I will try to post more. I can relate to being old and putting off things that need handled. I am also a pack rat and have made some progress but need to do a lot more. BKo, my best wishes toward you and your dad.

My main problem is that I just keep putting things off. I wish there was a magic button or something to push to get me jump started before it can't get done
  • Good morning, DLers. Just got up.
  • Blood Sugar = 113. Weight = 228.
  • Dark Magic going.
  • 84º already in Johns Creek. Clear. VFR. Pretty day.
  • #4 is here swole up ear and all. Dumb da dumb dumb.
  • Fish fed.
  • Figs waiting.
  • Sugar napping. She'd been waiting two hours on me. Her paw is well today.
  • Don't get too hot doing your deal today. I recommend shade and AC.
  • Over.