
  • Good Morning, DLers.
  • 75º in Johns Creek. Hazy. Cool breeze. IFR probably.
  • Blood Sugar = 97. Weight = 228. Cut the Glyburide by 10 mg. 97 is more normal.
  • Likes applied.
  • Seedless watermelon is good. Love it.
  • Used to the revised format already.
  • The late hours are kicking my azz.
  • Tom Leach Show going. Mike Pratt coming up.
  • The POTUS pardoned 10 dope dealers down here yesterday.
  • My Aunt Helen turned 87 today. She and her husband are the last ones of that generation in out family on my mother's side. Good people.
  • Sugar fed and asleep. She applied nuzzles. Always enjoy those.
  • Over.
Granddaddy raised watermelons every season. He grew Gray Stone Mountain melons for a while, and then he switched to Congo. They were not seedless. I don't know how I remembered that. He'd get me up about 0600, and he'd pick the ones to sell, and I'd load them on his pickup. He'd been up since 0400 milking. Those were the days.........
It is in my book Fred. It took 65 years for mellow to get to me, but it has happened.

I have lived long enough to relax a bit also. The last year or so I have been letting racial slurs and other bad habits of some folks get to me but have found other groups that counter them. So, a balance of sorts. I some how grew a thin skin for a while with no tolerance for things certain people do, especially ones who have found a way to live off handouts and are content to do so. That doesn't include the ones that need and deserve the help. Anyway, even this forum helps. Vent over, thanks!
Mornin D
Thursday already - time going by too fast; today is 6th grade registration. Can't believe my "baby" is in middle school already
Have to fill out all the fun paperwork - there are pages and pages of it. Fees don't seem to be too bad, so far.

Here is a question for those of you with school age kids: do you have to pay yearly fees for them? I know the counties surrounding us don't have to; not sure about Jefferson, though.

Anywho - county fair is in full swing now; we're going tomorrow night. Haven't been in years; got to be the same thing every time so I quit going. But, the kids may like it, so we'll try it again.

Ugh - dishes; so many freaking dishes. How do they pile up so fast? And the laundry? And I just vacuumed and dusted. Smh

Will be in and out - y'all be good
Mornin D
Thursday already - time going by too fast; today is 6th grade registration. Can't believe my "baby" is in middle school already
Have to fill out all the fun paperwork - there are pages and pages of it. Fees don't seem to be too bad, so far.

Here is a question for those of you with school age kids: do you have to pay yearly fees for them? I know the counties surrounding us don't have to; not sure about Jefferson, though.

Anywho - county fair is in full swing now; we're going tomorrow night. Haven't been in years; got to be the same thing every time so I quit going. But, the kids may like it, so we'll try it again.

Ugh - dishes; so many freaking dishes. How do they pile up so fast? And the laundry? And I just vacuumed and dusted. Smh

Will be in and out - y'all be good
I think we pay $20 for a text book fee.
Evening league!

Been a long week thus far! Already put in 40 hours, and I'm working the whole weekend!
The Reds go back to losing, I can't wait till football! Who dey!
Last week I'm miracously gained 10 pounds then this week I took right back off cliff hanging at 238. In still pissed!
Went to udf today and a guy was bitching about hot dog buns not ringing up 2 for 4. After he bitched he got into his newer Mercedes suv.
Saw a pregnant chick today about to pop wearing a shirt that she wore before she got knocked up. As I watched her smoking a cig I noticed her wearing a Nike shirt that said just do it! Problem was somebody already had lol.
Hope your Thursday is going well leagures!