
I think humans are no different than any other species in that one can absorb only so much change in a given time period before detrimental side effects occur. Think about the huge changes that have taken place in the past 100 years. Space flight, splitting the atom, medical advances, modern communications, transportation.....the list goes on. When I was in high school traveling to Florida was a huge deal. The interstates were not finished in long stretches. Going across country? Forget about that. Now people jet all over the world. The world news came on once a day for 30 minutes. Huntley/Brinkley or Cronkite. That was it. No one was exposed on a 24 hour basis to the bad things that went on. And bad things did happen..
The family unit was stronger - divorce was uncommon (at least in our community), church attendance was higher, and Sunday's were for family, not shopping at Walmart. Further, I believe we are reaching a point where human population growth is outstripping the resources available to it. Population growth in third world countries is out of control. This may offend some, but the Catholic Church needs to rethink its position on birth control. Any population of a species, when it reaches an unsustainable number, generally suffers a collapse until the numbers stabilize at a healthy level. Lemmings, starling populations, doves.....all breed in numbers that result in a reduction by whatever. Lemmings drown. Birds die of respiratory infections when roosting in large numbers.
It is a testimony to the hubris of humans to think we are above the laws of nature.

Good post. I don't think many other generations have lived through as many technological and social changes than Don and I and some of the other older dudes on here have seen in our lifetimes. I really enjoy the technological advances. The social deterioration I'll never call a good thing. I just heard this statement today: "Fast progress going down the road is a good thing ... unless you're making fast progress down the wrong road."
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So - hi there D
hope all are well today
We've gotten some rain - was pouring a little while ago
Family took me out to dinner, tonight - that was nice :)
Hubby's hand looks great; considering he's diabetic, he is healing quickly and well. Fingertips look the littlest bit raw and red, but not nasty. There was no nerve or ligament damage, thank goodness.
Picked up the registration packet for my youngest today - so much paperwork to do. Fees aren't quite as bad as I feared. But now, I have to call the dr office and have them fill out this special form from his physical. Plus, now they have to have a new eye exam and a dental exam (neither or due yet, but they have to have one before school starts). The joys of being a parent, right? LOL

I remember my first day in school. No kindergarten. Your mother just took you to your 1st Grade classroom and sent you in. The teacher just said (as you were no doubt crying) "Hello, what's your name?" That was it. TS
  • Good morning, DLers.
  • Likes applied. That took 2 whole seconds.
  • Sugar is up also. Fed and napping already.
  • Hearing that a guy jumped from an airplane (from 25K feet) into a net. LHM & wow!
  • Dark Magic is helping me.
  • 73º in Johns Creek. Hazy. IFR. Rainy-lookin' but not raining.
  • Blood Sugar = 72. Weight = 228.
  • Sun's up.
  • Waiting for Tom Leach.
  • Over.
I think humans are no different than any other species in that one can absorb only so much change in a given time period before detrimental side effects occur. Think about the huge changes that have taken place in the past 100 years. Space flight, splitting the atom, medical advances, modern communications, transportation.....the list goes on. When I was in high school traveling to Florida was a huge deal. The interstates were not finished in long stretches. Going across country? Forget about that. Now people jet all over the world. The world news came on once a day for 30 minutes. Huntley/Brinkley or Cronkite. That was it. No one was exposed on a 24 hour basis to the bad things that went on. And bad things did happen..
The family unit was stronger - divorce was uncommon (at least in our community), church attendance was higher, and Sunday's were for family, not shopping at Walmart. Further, I believe we are reaching a point where human population growth is outstripping the resources available to it. Population growth in third world countries is out of control. This may offend some, but the Catholic Church needs to rethink its position on birth control. Any population of a species, when it reaches an unsustainable number, generally suffers a collapse until the numbers stabilize at a healthy level. Lemmings, starling populations, doves.....all breed in numbers that result in a reduction by whatever. Lemmings drown. Birds die of respiratory infections when roosting in large numbers.
It is a testimony to the hubris of humans to think we are above the laws of nature.
Great post Stevo.

Countries in the Civilized West (this is really going to piss some off) have low birth rates no matter their religion. The third world countries do the damage with overpopulation. There are unsustainable numbers is the Middle East, parts of Africa and especially the Indian subcontinent. Basically these countries export their population problems to the civilized west. Most get absorbed, but the Muslims usually don’t integrate because Islam teaches them to hate and kill non-Muslims and only to marry into the faith.

Religion has a lot to do with it. Hindu’s are encouraged by their religion to have large families even though most live in extreme poverty. Islam forbids birth control or abortion and they really enforce it. Whereas the Catholics in the US usually don’t go with the church, but in Latin American the Catholics breed like rabbits.

While I will never have anything to do with abortion it may be better than to raise a kid in abject poverty. In my life time I never had to have unwanted kids. Birth control pills, contraceptive jellies and a vasectomy worked perfectly. If my religion had told me to not use contraception I would have ignored it. (By the time I was 10 I had abandoned my parent’s religion because I could not believe it the way they did.) My wife and I planned three pregnancies, one aborted naturally and the other two are 49 and 44 years old.

The idea that if a government encourages birth control they are somehow infringing on your rights is stupid. However, the civilized west needs to control the birthrates of the offending countries and not let the surpluses immigrate to the civilized west. We all know the culprits, yet it is not politically correct to tell the truth about the Middle East, Asia, and Africa. Over population could destroy our species.
  • Three water lillies this morning. They are so pretty.
  • Figs waiting to be gathered. So much to do and so little time..
  • Tom Leach Show going. Larry Vaught substituting.
  • Cal has a private jet. I did not know that. That boy gets around.
  • I am so ready for some football. Cats start practice Sunday.
  • Larry Vaught seems like such a good guy.
  • 2 OM eggs on toast. Goooooooood! Thank you, QB.
  • I wish we had about a dozen hens.
  • Our daughter got her 8 week old dachshund Saturday. She is so cute. Her name is Annabell. Adorable puppy.
    A love bug. She was the runt of the litter. Sleeping in a crate. I love puppies and cookies.
  • Over.
That was a great post Bert.

That's a cute little dog Don.

Norman was down at the neighbors last night. At one point he was just sitting on the grass relaxing and had 4 little girls sitting in a semi-circle around him. He looked like he was teaching them. He is really in his element when kids gather around him. I wish I had time to do the proper training with him so that he could be used as a therapy dog with kids. He's good therapy for me.
That was a great post Bert.

That's a cute little dog Don.

Norman was down at the neighbors last night. At one point he was just sitting on the grass relaxing and had 4 little girls sitting in a semi-circle around him. He looked like he was teaching them. He is really in his element when kids gather around him. I wish I had time to do the proper training with him so that he could be used as a therapy dog with kids. He's good therapy for me.
Dogs make good friends.
Cal doesn't have his own plane Don. They use a couple of charter services and there are a couple of friends of the program who lend their planes if necessary. Would be nice though to see a blue and white Lear with a UK logo on the tail.
Well, shucks, I heard someone say this morning that Cal was in his private jet. I believe everything.
  • Fish fed. They seems to be looking for me every morning. The 2 Koi have really grown in a year. They have almost doubled in size. Goldfish too. Haven't seen any Cranes. Knock on wood.
  • Ripe figs gathered. Good crop this year.
  • Our palm plants are just special too. Nature is showing off by making new leaves. I love it when that happens. We have a blooming something that I enjoy too. Huge healthy fern. A wren or finch nested in last season's fern.
  • The zoysia has never looked better.
  • I know this is boring to some. I can't help it. This is what I do.
  • Over.
My ferns are kicking ass, Don. I have 3 fox tail "ferns" (they are actually lillies, but look like a fern), one big Queensland fern that I nursed back to health after my mom killed it last year, 2 new Ostrich ferns in ground that should do well in this climate. Everything but the ostriches come inside for the winter.

The fox tails are the coolest. They look like this...

My ferns are kicking ass, Don. I have 3 fox tail "ferns" (they are actually lillies, but look like a fern), one big Queensland fern that I nursed back to health after my mom killed it last year, 2 new Ostrich ferns in ground that should do well in this climate. Everything but the ostriches come inside for the winter.

The fox tails are the coolest. They look like this...

Oooooo. I like that thing. Where do you live?
afternoon D
daughter and granddaughter over visiting for a bit; the granddaughter is down for a nap and the daughter and I are thinking that sounds good, LOL
Older boy came home from his first day of work yesterday just pumped up - very excited about the possibilities (and the benefits package). Plus, I think he likes the work itself, so far.
going to my parent's house in a few hours- they offered to cook dinner
just a chill, relaxing kind of day - my favorite
Y'all be good
AMEN Brother!

Why in hell was he on the bench?


It's a catch 22. We don't get the players we do if Cal doesn't trust and showcase his players that he's shipping to the NBA.

I understand. I just want to have my cake and eat it, too...

Something I've never quite understood, I'm assuming the saying is supposed to be "have my cake and eat it ALLLLLL" because damn right I'm gonna eat my cake. Not all of it, though.

Money ain't real, Don.

It's a catch 22. We don't get the players we do if Cal doesn't trust and showcase his players that he's shipping to the NBA.

I understand. I just want to have my cake and eat it, too...

Something I've never quite understood, I'm assuming the saying is supposed to be "have my cake and eat it ALLLLLL" because damn right I'm gonna eat my cake. Not all of it, though.

Money ain't real, Don.
That's true unless you don't have any.
  • News media is not asking any questions about the 20T deficit.
  • Dems not mentioning it either.
  • Step up immigration and put them on welfare.
  • We cannot support the whole ******* world. LHM.
I have read as many have debated who is worse, which one they dislike the most, blah, blah, blah. Long and short of it for me....the Fed has everything to do with monetary policy while the House has to initiate expenditures. The economy is going to roll along, up and down, regardless of who is in charge. The President's main job is the security of the country, both from a physical and financial standpoint. Bill Clinton sent a force to Somalia that was undermanned, poorly supported, without a clear endgame. Hillary Clinton placed an American diplomat in Benghazi where a tragic result was highly possible. To my knowledge, Donald Trump has not killed anyone through his incompetence. That's not true for the Clintons. Further, I'm not sure the country can continue to afford the silverware and furniture loss when they move out next time.