

Is that 55's garage?
Greetings D leaguers, just popping in , sore neck and all from the trip to Fort Campbell. The Joe B Hall talk brought back a few favorite memories of the few times I got to talk with him. Both of them were in r Rup, one on the way in to our seats. I Found myself next too him and asked him what he thought of Mike Scott who was a senior at Greenup at the time and a player from Portsmouth, High School who I had seen him scouting.

I had never seen him before but he stopped dead in his tracks and gave me a complete run down on what he thought of them. He was right on about them as it turned out, In December a few months after that I'm driving across the Greenup Damn and see two guys fishing for Sauger in a snow storm.

I drove into the Dam area on the Ohio side to see if any of the bank fishermen knew who the nuts were? Joe B Hall and a local wild life newspaper writer was the answer. The next game I spotted him at Rupp, I was upstairs watching the crowd leave a game when I spotted him and his wife leaving. I yelled down "Hey Joe B, you been catching any fish?" He stopped dead in his tracks and turned around and looked up and started holding his arms out indicating the size of the one's he had landed. His wife went on without him, pretty sure she was used to him. Good memories, thanks for reminding me. Oh, yeah, Joe B is the real deal.
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My old fishing buddy and I used to fish every Sunday and drink Miller Lites. We had a nice spot. Got around with a trolling motor. This one Sunday we had had rain on Saturday. The little lake was very stained. We should not have put in. We were fishing the creek bed that ran through there. Fishing a little shiny spinner. Caught a world record Crappie (I thought.) She weighed 3 pounds. Looked it up. The record in Georgia is over 5 pounds. I ate that girl. Really I should have released her. Wish I had.
3 lb. Crappie, that's a whopper! Yes, I love fishing stained water, but when it's muddy I've learned I may as well find something else to do.
They're calling for a chance of rain every day this week, so we may go next weekend regardless. Probably hit up some local ponds, although I'm going to ask permission to fish a pond off of Ironworks Pike in Fayette County. Beautiful looking pond, and the only people who are allowed to fish it right now are the farm laborers.
3 lb. Crappie, that's a whopper! Yes, I love fishing stained water, but when it's muddy I've learned I may as well find something else to do.
They're calling for a chance of rain every day this week, so we may go next weekend regardless. Probably hit up some local ponds, although I'm going to ask permission to fish a pond off of Ironworks Pike in Fayette County. Beautiful looking pond, and the only people who are allowed to fish it right now are the farm laborers.
That was the only fish that we caught that day. 16" long.
Had a telephone call from the neighbors early one Sunday morning. We were living in Florence in Northern Kentucky. Thieves had stolen the factory mags off of that '66 plum colored Buick Riviera. Three concrete blocks. Right in our driveway. Scared the crap out of me.
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Had a telephone call from the neighbors early one Sunday morning. We were living in Falmouth in Northern Kentucky. Thieves had stolen the factory mags off of that '66 plum colored Buick Riviera. Three concrete blocks. Right in our driveway. Scared the crap out of me.

Officer : Don, just need to ask where you were at 3:00 am?

Don: Uhmmmmmmmm. Sleeping.
You know you over did it the night before ,when you go outside and get into a hot vehicle in the sun and your sweat smells like alcohol

Too old to be doing that stuff. Haven't been out with friends in months . It was a good time but feel like crap today. Laughed at some karaoke singers and threw a few too many back I would rather go to someone's back yard and build a bonfire and listen to music and be safe. A lot cheaper too.
  • Good Morning, DLers.
  • Slept well.
  • 2nd mug of Dark Magic Joe going.
  • Blood Sugar = 91. Weight = 230.
  • 81º in Johns Creek. Pretty day going. VFR. We need rain badly.
  • Starving.
  • Bert got #68000. Free bail bond.
  • No grands.
  • Gathering figs after while.
  • Talking to JBH must be ultra cool.
  • I talked to him one time in Athens for about 10 minutes. Very friendly. Incredible memory of games.
  • Need birdseed and suet.
  • That's it.

He has been my friend since 1977. My only big contact with my favored sport.

He is approaching 88 years old and he is still bright. What a man.
"Trump insults mom of slain Muslim war hero soldier."

Oh, for the love of god. I'm starting to feel a rant coming on here. Will try to control myself. Wouldn't want to put you guys through that.

I know, a slug of bourbon and more coffee will help.

Mr. Khan pulling out the Constitution (written by my third Cousins) pissed me off.

Did you notice it had never been opened? It was a prop furnished by Hilary.

Just my view.
Was invited to play in a golf scramble at the Cardinal Club back around 05 and JoeB was there doing his radio show with Jurich. Crum was somewhere else. They were sitting at a table outside doing the show when I came walking by with a UK polo and my UK cap on. Joe smiled at me and TJ looked at me with disgust. After the golf Joe was still there and came over to say hi to me. We sat down and talked for nearly and hour. Super nice guy who is just like you'd think he'd be.
well - just got done school clothes shopping for my youngest. As i was dreading the thought of taking an 11 yr old school shopping it hit me - hey dumb*** - did you forget online?
Did pretty well, if I do say so myself - love Kohl's back to school sales. It's great if you have kids

Pretty quiet overall tonight - older boy headed to bed already and is attempting to get some sleep; he starts the new job tomorrow at 7am. Hubby and I are watching Supernatural - can't remember what season; who cares, because Jensen Ackles; just sayin.

Got a fun day of running hither and yon tomorrow - dropping the license plate and title to my poor old intrepid off at the DMV to be junked. Have to pick up the registration packet for my youngest for middle school. Then my older boy's g/f and I have to do some shopping.

Sick to death of politics in such; cracking me up that each side is finding on this "dirt" on the other - and how awful each are. And all these people on FB threatening to "unfriend" each other because of differences of opinion. I remember a time when you could disagree with someone - have a good debate but still remain respectful to each other. Lord help us, seriously.
Bko, this old guy is sick of the political bull also. Politics has been and always will be a filthy business in my mind anyway. I remember when debate over different opinions were an option that didn't end friendships either. Our politicians and a bunch of others have turned us into a nation of finger pointers.
Bko, this old guy is sick of the political bull also. Politics has been and always will be a filthy business in my mind anyway. I remember when debate over different opinions were an option that didn't end friendships either. Our politicians and a bunch of others have turned us into a nation of finger pointers.

finger pointers, selfish, rude, disrespectful, no responsibility for one's own actions, etc.....
Drives me crazy to see it. People say this newer generation of millenials are being brought up poorly - but how can you blame their actions when everything they see on media is worse, by people much older?