
Would you help me?

You obviously don't watch LiveLeak. It is a site that is a collection of videos sent in unedited by individuals. It is daily life from all over the world that you'll never see in the MSM. Lots of street fights for example. World Star is a site that collects many of those videos. When a fight erupts and someone is filming it, you always hear someone yelling "World Star!" Meaning "This is going on World Star."

And, now you know.
You obviously don't watch LiveLeak. It is a site that is a collection of videos sent in unedited by individuals. It is daily life from all over the world that you'll never see in the MSM. Lots of street fights for example. World Star is a site that collects many of those videos. When a fight erupts and someone is filming it, you always hear someone yelling "World Star!" Meaning "This is going on World Star."

And, now you know.
Oh ......... I thought you meant that I would be a .........
Oh ......... I thought you meant that I would be a .........

The D is about the peak of our stardom I'm afraid, Don. :joy: This is as famous as we are going to get. Unless of course you beat up the flag burner and make it to WorldStar status.

When the shirt comes off, you know it's on. Note: the one who takes his shirt off usually gets his butt kicked.

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I feel it is a reprehensible act to burn a flag in protest. But, since burning is the accepted way of taking a flag out of service, the act of burning one in protest is a political statement that is protected by the first amendment.

The act of burning the flag reveals misplaced hatred. People that burn the flag do so to show their contempt for the government, what they fail to realize is the flag represents us, them, not the government. America is supposed to be the people. The government is supposed to be the people. We lost sight of this fact over the years due to people wanting security above freedom. We weren't able to steal what we wanted from our neighbor under penalty of law, so we elected thieves to do it for us.

The first amendment is merely the concept that each of us should be able to express our thoughts without interference or retribution from the government. It has been bastardized and renegotiated to mean many things now, but we can't give up the main meaning of it. I hate it too Don, but I'm glad we can do it if we want to.
The D is about the peak of our stardom I'm afraid, Don. :joy: This is as famous as we are going to get. Unless of course you beat up the flag burner and make it to WorldStar status.

When the shirt comes off, you know it's on. Note: the one who takes his shirt off usually gets his butt kicked.

At least post of the month.
Good deal Bev. Hope he likes it. He won't. Hope he can tolerate it. He can.
oh no, I don't expect him to like it - but I do expect him to work hard and maybe understand that trying to live with no kind of school or vocational training means that kind of work all his life. If he learns that lesson, and goes back and does SOMETHING in the way of college or vocational, then it's all to the good.
I know this is boring to some, but those who know me know I love my dogs..Maggi is already earning her keep..

IMO no such thing as a bad dog..dogs react to what they are taught or how they are abused..
our poor girls, though, WERE abused: one actively (underfed, left outside, tormented by neighborhood kids, and, I think, beaten), the other through emotional neglect (meaning that she was fed and taken out, but never petted or played with)
Here's DeeDee. She's a red aussie/red heeler mix. She was bought by a family as a puppy - but they then had a child and she was relegated mostly outside. It wasn't too bad for a while, the little girl loved her; but then mom and dad started fighting a lot and ended up divorcing. Dad kept the dog - but he would leave her chained outside no matter what the weather. Neighborhood kids would shoot fireworks, nerf darts and whatever else, and throw rocks at her. When she was picked up by animal rescue, she was only 30 lbs, her fur so badly matted they had to shave her. This pretty girl is now 60lb, healthy and happy.
I really don't care. I have never even went to GYERO.

It is probably a bunch of D-League haters doing it.

I only know 3-4 posters in Paddock who I suspect detest us. We are mostly seen just as harmless drooling babbling old folk, long out of touch, irrelevant to anything and to be ignored. I usually say nothing but compensate by knowing that "your turn is coming" (if you're lucky.)
Fixing to have some cheesecake. FCC

I grew up poor in the hills. Biscuits and gravy and eggs for breakfast. Oatmeal or Cream of Wheat sometimes. No lunch (which was called dinner) Beans and taters and cornbread mostly for dinner (which was called supper) And garden vegetables when they were in season. Things I never knew existed till I went up North after high school:

Cheesecake (a cake made out of cheese?) Yuck

Pizza (a pie made with meat?) Eew

Spaghetti and meatballs

I don't ever remember eating a steak. Never grilled out once.

I was as big of a hick as anyone could be when I left those hills. Didn't know it at the time.